rebar_core: consistently order args and simplify code

* Fix arg order:
  The order of arguments got inconsistent over time. To fix that, use
  the same consistent order in all functions.

* Avoid one erlang:'++'/2 call in process_dir/6.

* Avoid lists:prefix/2 and atom_to_list/1 calls:
  We can easily avoid 2 lists:prefix/2 calls and one atom_to_list/1 call
  in execute/5 by passing in whether the command is a hook or not. The
  resulting code is simpler and easier to read.
This commit is contained in:
Tuncer Ayaz 2014-04-19 22:01:09 +02:00
parent 8edaa08ba6
commit b037f6c076

View file

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ process_commands([Command | Rest], ParentConfig) ->
%% path from inside a subdirectory.
true = rebar_utils:expand_code_path(),
{ParentConfig2, _DirSet} = process_dir(rebar_utils:get_cwd(),
ParentConfig1, Command,
Command, ParentConfig1,
case get_operations(ParentConfig2) of
Operations ->
@ -117,17 +117,17 @@ process_commands([Command | Rest], ParentConfig) ->
process_commands(Rest, ParentConfig4).
process_dir(Dir, ParentConfig, Command, DirSet) ->
process_dir(Dir, Command, ParentConfig, DirSet) ->
case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of
false ->
?WARN("Skipping non-existent sub-dir: ~p\n", [Dir]),
{ParentConfig, DirSet};
true ->
maybe_process_dir(Dir, ParentConfig, Command, DirSet)
maybe_process_dir(Dir, Command, ParentConfig, DirSet)
maybe_process_dir(Dir, ParentConfig, Command, DirSet) ->
case should_cd_into_dir(Dir, ParentConfig, Command) of
maybe_process_dir(Dir, Command, ParentConfig, DirSet) ->
case should_cd_into_dir(Dir, Command, ParentConfig) of
true ->
ok = file:set_cwd(Dir),
Config = maybe_load_local_config(Dir, ParentConfig),
@ -143,21 +143,21 @@ maybe_process_dir(Dir, ParentConfig, Command, DirSet) ->
%% set of modules to process this dir.
{ok, AvailModuleSets} = application:get_env(rebar, modules),
ModuleSet = choose_module_set(AvailModuleSets, Dir),
skip_or_process_dir(ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
Dir, Command, DirSet);
skip_or_process_dir(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
false ->
{ParentConfig, DirSet}
should_cd_into_dir(Dir, Config, Command) ->
should_cd_into_dir(Dir, Command, Config) ->
rebar_utils:processing_base_dir(Config, Dir) orelse
rebar_config:is_recursive(Config) orelse
is_recursive_command(Config, Command) orelse
is_recursive_command(Command, Config) orelse
is_generate_in_rel_dir(Command, Dir).
%% Check whether the command is part of the built-in (or extended via
%% rebar.config) list of default-recursive commands.
is_recursive_command(Config, Command) ->
is_recursive_command(Command, Config) ->
{ok, AppCmds} = application:get_env(rebar, recursive_cmds),
ConfCmds = rebar_config:get_local(Config, recursive_cmds, []),
RecursiveCmds = AppCmds ++ ConfCmds,
@ -180,45 +180,43 @@ is_generate_in_rel_dir(generate, Dir) ->
is_generate_in_rel_dir(_, _) ->
skip_or_process_dir({[], undefined}=ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
Dir, Command, DirSet) ->
process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet);
skip_or_process_dir({_, ModuleSetFile}=ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
Dir, Command, DirSet) ->
case lists:suffix(".app.src", ModuleSetFile)
orelse lists:suffix(".app", ModuleSetFile) of
skip_or_process_dir(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
{[], undefined}=ModuleSet) ->
process_dir1(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet);
skip_or_process_dir(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
{_, File}=ModuleSet) ->
case lists:suffix(".app.src", File)
orelse lists:suffix(".app", File) of
true ->
%% .app or .app.src file, check if is_skipped_app
skip_or_process_dir1(ModuleSetFile, ModuleSet,
Config, CurrentCodePath, Dir,
Command, DirSet);
skip_or_process_dir1(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
ModuleSet, File);
false ->
%% not an app dir, no need to consider apps=/skip_apps=
process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config,
CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet)
process_dir1(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
skip_or_process_dir1(AppFile, ModuleSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
Dir, Command, DirSet) ->
skip_or_process_dir1(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet,
AppFile) ->
case rebar_app_utils:is_skipped_app(Config, AppFile) of
{Config1, {true, _SkippedApp}} when Command == 'update-deps' ->
%% update-deps does its own app skipping. Unfortunately there's no
%% way to signal this to rebar_core, so we have to explicitly do it
%% here... Otherwise if you use app=, it'll skip the toplevel
%% directory and nothing will be updated.
process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config1,
CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet);
process_dir1(Dir, Command, Config1, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
{Config1, {true, SkippedApp}} ->
?DEBUG("Skipping app: ~p~n", [SkippedApp]),
Config2 = increment_operations(Config1),
{Config2, DirSet};
{increment_operations(Config1), DirSet};
{Config1, false} ->
process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config1,
CurrentCodePath, ModuleSet)
process_dir1(Dir, Command, Config1, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
{DirModules, ModuleSetFile}) ->
process_dir1(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet, CurrentCodePath,
{DirModules, File}) ->
Config0 = rebar_config:set_xconf(Config, current_command, Command),
%% Get the list of modules for "any dir". This is a catch-all list
%% of modules that are processed in addition to modules associated
@ -230,8 +228,7 @@ process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
%% Invoke 'preprocess' on the modules -- this yields a list of other
%% directories that should be processed _before_ the current one.
{Config1, Predirs} = acc_modules(Modules, preprocess, Config0,
{Config1, Predirs} = acc_modules(Modules, preprocess, Config0, File),
%% Remember associated pre-dirs (used for plugin lookup)
PredirsAssoc = remember_cwd_predirs(Dir, Predirs),
@ -239,15 +236,16 @@ process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
%% Get the list of plug-in modules from rebar.config. These
%% modules may participate in preprocess and postprocess.
{ok, PluginModules} = plugin_modules(Config1, PredirsAssoc),
AllModules = Modules ++ PluginModules,
{Config2, PluginPredirs} = acc_modules(PluginModules, preprocess,
Config1, ModuleSetFile),
{Config2, PluginPredirs} = acc_modules(PluginModules, preprocess, Config1,
AllPredirs = Predirs ++ PluginPredirs,
?DEBUG("Predirs: ~p\n", [AllPredirs]),
{Config3, DirSet2} = process_each(AllPredirs, Command, Config2,
ModuleSetFile, DirSet),
{Config3, DirSet2} = process_each(AllPredirs, Command, Config2, DirSet,
%% Make sure the CWD is reset properly; processing the dirs may have
%% caused it to change
@ -266,16 +264,15 @@ process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
{Config4, Env} = setup_envs(Config3, Modules),
%% Execute any before_command plugins on this directory
Config5 = execute_pre(Command, PluginModules,
Config4, ModuleSetFile, Env),
Config5 = execute_pre(Command, PluginModules, Config4,
File, Env),
%% Execute the current command on this directory
Config6 = execute(Command, Modules ++ PluginModules,
Config5, ModuleSetFile, Env),
Config6 = execute(Command, AllModules, Config5, File,
%% Execute any after_command plugins on this directory
execute_post(Command, PluginModules,
Config6, ModuleSetFile, Env)
execute_post(Command, PluginModules, Config6, File, Env)
%% Mark the current directory as processed
@ -283,11 +280,9 @@ process_dir1(Dir, Command, DirSet, Config, CurrentCodePath,
%% Invoke 'postprocess' on the modules. This yields a list of other
%% directories that should be processed _after_ the current one.
{Config8, Postdirs} = acc_modules(Modules ++ PluginModules, postprocess,
Config7, ModuleSetFile),
{Config8, Postdirs} = acc_modules(AllModules, postprocess, Config7, File),
?DEBUG("Postdirs: ~p\n", [Postdirs]),
Res = process_each(Postdirs, Command, Config8,
ModuleSetFile, DirSet3),
Res = process_each(Postdirs, Command, Config8, DirSet3, File),
%% Make sure the CWD is reset properly; processing the dirs may have
%% caused it to change
@ -330,21 +325,21 @@ maybe_load_local_config(Dir, ParentConfig) ->
%% Given a list of directories and a set of previously processed directories,
%% process each one we haven't seen yet
process_each([], _Command, Config, _ModuleSetFile, DirSet) ->
process_each([], _Command, Config, DirSet, _File) ->
%% reset cached (setup_env) envs
Config1 = rebar_config:reset_envs(Config),
{Config1, DirSet};
process_each([Dir | Rest], Command, Config, ModuleSetFile, DirSet) ->
process_each([Dir | Rest], Command, Config, DirSet, File) ->
case sets:is_element(Dir, DirSet) of
true ->
?DEBUG("Skipping ~s; already processed!\n", [Dir]),
process_each(Rest, Command, Config, ModuleSetFile, DirSet);
process_each(Rest, Command, Config, DirSet, File);
false ->
{Config1, DirSet2} = process_dir(Dir, Config, Command, DirSet),
{Config1, DirSet2} = process_dir(Dir, Command, Config, DirSet),
Config2 = rebar_config:clean_config(Config, Config1),
%% reset cached (setup_env) envs
Config3 = rebar_config:reset_envs(Config2),
process_each(Rest, Command, Config3, ModuleSetFile, DirSet2)
process_each(Rest, Command, Config3, DirSet2, File)
@ -378,20 +373,21 @@ execute_post(Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) ->
execute_plugin_hook(Hook, Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) ->
HookFunction = list_to_atom(Hook ++ atom_to_list(Command)),
execute(HookFunction, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env).
execute(HookFunction, hook, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env).
%% Execute a command across all applicable modules
execute(Command, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) ->
execute(Command, not_a_hook, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env).
execute(Command, Type, Modules, Config, ModuleFile, Env) ->
case select_modules(Modules, Command, []) of
[] ->
Cmd = atom_to_list(Command),
case lists:prefix("pre_", Cmd)
orelse lists:prefix("post_", Cmd) of
true ->
case Type of
hook ->
false ->
not_a_hook ->
?WARN("'~p' command does not apply to directory ~s\n",
[Command, rebar_utils:get_cwd()])