mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 11:09:55 +00:00
Use toposort of erlcinfo to decide the order of compilation
The precise algorithm is now following: - Decide which files need to be compiled first (ErlFirstFiles). - Split AllErlFiles which are not in ErlFirstFiles into two groups, one consisting of files some other file depends on (DepErls) and the rest (OtherErls). - Final FirstErls are obtained as ErlFirstFiles (in original order) plus toposorted DepErls. OtherErls are left as is since they can be compiled in any (random) order. Also create the erlcinfo graph as acyclic, since otherwise the toposort could not work and we don't want to have cycles among dependencies anyway.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 18 additions and 79 deletions
@ -292,61 +292,28 @@ doterl_compile(Config, OutDir) ->
doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, [], ErlOpts).
doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, MoreSources, ErlOpts) ->
ErlFirstFilesConf = rebar_config:get_list(Config, erl_first_files, []),
?DEBUG("erl_opts ~p~n", [ErlOpts]),
%% Support the src_dirs option allowing multiple directories to
%% contain erlang source. This might be used, for example, should
%% eunit tests be separated from the core application source.
SrcDirs = rebar_utils:src_dirs(proplists:append_values(src_dirs, ErlOpts)),
AllErlFiles = gather_src(SrcDirs, []) ++ MoreSources,
%% NOTE: If and when erl_first_files is not inherited anymore
%% (rebar_config:get_local instead of rebar_config:get_list), consider
%% logging a warning message for any file listed in erl_first_files which
%% wasn't found via gather_src.
RestErls = [File || File <- AllErlFiles,
not lists:member(File, ErlFirstFilesConf)],
%% NOTE: order of files in ErlFirstFiles is important!
ErlFirstFiles = [File || File <- ErlFirstFilesConf,
lists:member(File, AllErlFiles)],
%% Make sure that ebin/ exists and is on the path
ok = filelib:ensure_dir(filename:join("ebin", "dummy.beam")),
CurrPath = code:get_path(),
true = code:add_path(filename:absname("ebin")),
OutDir1 = proplists:get_value(outdir, ErlOpts, OutDir),
G = init_erlcinfo(proplists:get_all_values(i, ErlOpts), AllErlFiles),
%% Split RestErls so that files which are depended on are treated
%% like erl_first_files.
{OtherFirstErls, OtherErls} =
fun(F) ->
Children = get_children(G, F),
log_files(?FMT("Files dependent on ~s", [F]), Children),
case erls(Children) of
[] ->
%% There are no files dependent on this file.
_ ->
%% There are some files dependent on the file.
%% Thus the file has higher priority
%% and should be compiled in the first place.
end, RestErls),
%% Dependencies of OtherFirstErls that must be compiled first.
OtherFirstErlsDeps = lists:flatmap(
fun(Erl) -> erls(get_parents(G, Erl)) end,
%% NOTE: In case the way we retrieve OtherFirstErlsDeps or merge
%% it with OtherFirstErls does not result in the correct compile
%% priorities, or the method in use proves to be too slow for
%% certain projects, consider using a more elaborate method (maybe
%% digraph_utils) or alternatively getting and compiling the .erl
%% parents of an individual Source in internal_erl_compile. By not
%% handling this in internal_erl_compile, we also avoid extra
%% needs_compile/2 calls.
FirstErls = ErlFirstFiles ++ uo_merge(OtherFirstErlsDeps, OtherFirstErls),
G = init_erlcinfo(proplists:get_all_values(i, ErlOpts), AllErlFiles),
ErlFirstFiles = erl_first_files(Config, AllErlFiles),
{DepErls, OtherErls} = lists:partition(
fun(Source) -> digraph:in_degree(G, Source) > 0 end,
[File || File <- AllErlFiles, not lists:member(File, ErlFirstFiles)]),
DepErlsOrdered = digraph_utils:topsort(digraph_utils:subgraph(G, DepErls)),
FirstErls = ErlFirstFiles ++ lists:reverse(DepErlsOrdered),
?DEBUG("Files to compile first: ~p~n", [FirstErls]),
Config, FirstErls, OtherErls,
fun(S, C) ->
@ -355,37 +322,14 @@ doterl_compile(Config, OutDir, MoreSources, ErlOpts) ->
true = rebar_utils:cleanup_code_path(CurrPath),
%% Return all .erl files from a list of files
erls(Files) ->
[Erl || Erl <- Files, filename:extension(Erl) =:= ".erl"].
%% Return a list without duplicates while preserving order
ulist(L) ->
ulist(L, []).
ulist([H|T], Acc) ->
case lists:member(H, T) of
true ->
ulist(T, Acc);
false ->
ulist(T, [H|Acc])
ulist([], Acc) ->
%% Merge two lists without duplicates while preserving order
uo_merge(L1, L2) ->
lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> u_add_element(E, Acc) end, ulist(L1), L2).
u_add_element(Elem, [Elem|_]=Set) -> Set;
u_add_element(Elem, [E1|Set]) -> [E1|u_add_element(Elem, Set)];
u_add_element(Elem, []) -> [Elem].
erl_first_files(Config, AllErlFiles) ->
ErlFirstFilesConf = rebar_config:get_list(Config, erl_first_files, []),
%% NOTE: If and when erl_first_files is not inherited anymore
%% (rebar_config:get_local instead of rebar_config:get_list), consider
%% logging a warning message for any file listed in erl_first_files which
%% is not in AllErlFiles.
%% NOTE: order of files in ErlFirstFiles is important!
[File || File <- ErlFirstFilesConf, lists:member(File, AllErlFiles)].
-spec needs_compile(file:filename(), file:filename(),
[string()]) -> boolean().
@ -404,7 +348,7 @@ erlcinfo_file() ->
%% recompile a file, since when the file itself doesn't change we don't check its
%% dependencies which might change.
init_erlcinfo(InclDirs, Erls) ->
G = digraph:new(),
G = digraph:new([acyclic]),
try restore_erlcinfo(G, InclDirs)
_:_ ->
@ -525,11 +469,6 @@ get_parents(G, Source) ->
%% Return all files which the Source depends upon.
digraph_utils:reachable_neighbours([Source], G).
-spec get_children(rebar_digraph(), file:filename()) -> [file:filename()].
get_children(G, Source) ->
%% Return all files dependent on the Source.
digraph_utils:reaching_neighbours([Source], G).
-spec internal_erl_compile(rebar_config:config(), file:filename(),
file:filename(), list(),
rebar_digraph()) -> 'ok' | 'skipped'.
Reference in a new issue