If running e.g. rebar generate using an OTP development build,
rebar will complain that reltool has the version "", which is
less than the required "0.5.2". This is because rebar_reltool
simply checks the path returned by code:which(reltool), which
doesn't yield version information if used in a development build.
This patch substitutes a more robust method (load reltool and
fetch the info from application:loaded_applications()).
As it happens, this will not be enough to make things work,
but now Reltool will explain that it cannot generate a spec
from a system that is not installed, giving a better hint
as to what needs to be done.
For now, this is just a proof of concept; would make sense to add a lot
of things, such as quick access to invoking rebar itself (with approproate
code reloading), as well as an eunit-aware version so that tests could be
run interactively.
By default, executables in paths such as /bin and /usr/local/bin have
the mode saying they can be executed by all.
The current version of escriptize only sets u+x, which creates problems
when copied directly in repositories and requiring other programs to
interact with them.
This change makes rebar follow the standard of linuxes and unixes by
setting the permission flag to a+x, allowing users, the group and others
to execute it.
'Erlang' projects that do not contain any erlang files (Joxa, LFE,
Elixir, etc) break the eunit task. It attempts to copy an empty list
of source files to the .eunit directory. This change makes copying an
empty list a simple no-op.
Make sure files from erl_opts->src_dirs are copied to .eunit for cover
Without this patch cover failed to find source files which were in
src_dirs, and threw the following exception:
ERROR: eunit failed while processing
Now all source files are copied to .eunit.
Since you can't really do math with regexps and it's a pain to
repeatedly update the config for each new version or erlang, I wanted
to add support for minium OTP versions. This is a fix for
Not every system under test can be run with long names, and this makes
rebar's common_test support useless in those environments, as it
currently uses long names (test@hostname.domain) by default, without
recourse to change them.
This patch adds support for a {ct_use_short_names, boolean()} config
variable, which allows the user to specify whether short or long names
are required.
The custom queries are configured in rebar.config via the tuple
{xref_queries, [{query(), query_result()},...]}. The implementation
passes the query() string to xref:q and compares the return value with
query_result(). It will result in an error if they do not match.
The following configuration, for example, is the same as running the
xref check undefined_function_calls. It additionally filters
ejabberd_logger:*_msg/4 from the result as these functions are generated
on execution by ejabberd and not available at compile time.
{xref_queries, [{"(XC - UC) || (XU - X - B -
This patch also modifies the build process of this package by running a
custom query instead of doing a diff against a static xref_warning file.
The latest version of erlydtl requires that custom tag modules be in
the path when templates are compiled. Without this change rebar silently
exits when using the custom_tags_modules option.
Before copying the .erl files to the .eunit directory ensure that they
are deleted if they already exist. This prevents EACCES errors to happen
when trying to re-copy .erl files that are read-only.
a) make_symlink throws "not supported" on OS < Vista (e.g. 2003)
b) tarball creation stores windows symlinks as absolute paths
instead of relative, causing service to fail to start after upgrade
is made permanent.
Avoid error reports like this one:
prompt$ rebar eunit
==> dummy (eunit)
Test passed.
=ERROR REPORT==== 29-Dec-2011::23:22:11 ===
** Generic server inet_gethost_native_sup terminating
** Last message in was {'EXIT',<0.62.0>,killed}
** When Server state == {state,inet_gethost_native,undefined,<0.62.0>,
** Reason for termination ==
** killed
Previously, it could happen if an eunit test did something that
required a name lookup, like in this example:
x_test() ->
{ok, _Hostent} = inet:gethostbyname(localhost).
The inet_gethost_native is a process, started on demand, under a
supervisor_bridge under the kernel_sup, but it is not a gen_server
process or the like, so it has nothing in '$ancestors' in its process
dictionary to indicate it is part of kernel.
This patch allows users to specify the directory in which common_test
source files can be found. Most common_test suites are integration,
rather than unit tests and keeping the sources apart from test sources
for other frameworks such as eunit and PropEr is a useful feature.