@rem Do not use "echo off" to not affect any child calls. @setlocal @set node_name={{nodeid}} @rem Get the abolute path to the parent directory, which is assumed to be the node root. @for /F "delims=" %%I in ("%~dp0..") do @set node_root=%%~fI @set releases_dir=%node_root%\releases @rem parse ERTS version and release version from start_erl.dat @for /F "tokens=1,2" %%I in (%releases_dir%\start_erl.data) do @( @call :set_trim erts_version %%I @call :set_trim release_version %%J ) @set erts_bin=%node_root%\erts-%erts_version%\bin @set service_name=%node_name%_%release_version% @if "%1"=="install" @goto install @if "%1"=="uninstall" @goto uninstall @if "%1"=="start" @goto start @if "%1"=="stop" @goto stop @if "%1"=="restart" @call :stop && @goto start @rem @if "%1"=="attach" @goto attach @rem TODO: ping, restart and reboot? :usage @echo Usage: %0 {install|uninstall|start|stop|restart} @goto :EOF :install @%erts_bin%\erlsrv.exe add %service_name% -c "Erlang node %node_name% in %node_root%" -w %node_root% -m %node_root%\bin\start_erl.cmd -args " ++ %node_name% ++ %node_root%" -stopaction "init:stop()." @goto :EOF :uninstall @%erts_bin%\erlsrv.exe remove %service_name% @%erts_bin%\epmd.exe -kill @goto :EOF :start @%erts_bin%\erlsrv.exe start %service_name% @goto :EOF :stop @%erts_bin%\erlsrv.exe stop %service_name% @goto :EOF @rem this relies on a system install of Erlang to be on the PATH. @rem also, node-naming issues make this difficult to automate @rem :attach @rem @werl.exe -remsh %node_name%@localhost -setcookie %COOKIE% -sname console @rem @goto quit :set_trim @set %1=%2 @goto :EOF