%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 4;indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- %% ex: ts=4 sw=4 et %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% rebar: Erlang Build Tools %% %% Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Dave Smith (dizzyd@dizzyd.com) %% %% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy %% of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal %% in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights %% to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell %% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is %% furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %% %% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in %% all copies or substantial portions of the Software. %% %% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR %% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER %% LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, %% OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN %% THE SOFTWARE. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% @author Chris Bernard %% @doc This tests functionality provided by the rebar command 'eunit'. %% @copyright 2009, 2010 Dave Smith %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(rebar_eunit_tests). -compile(export_all). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). %% Assuming this test is run inside the rebar 'eunit' %% command, the current working directory will be '.eunit' -define(REBAR_SCRIPT, "../rebar"). -define(TMP_DIR, "tmp_eunit/"). %% ==================================================================== %% Rebar EUnit and Cover Tests %% ==================================================================== eunit_test_() -> {"Ensure EUnit runs with tests in a 'test' dir and no defined suite", setup, fun() -> setup_basic_project(), rebar("-v eunit") end, fun teardown/1, fun(RebarOut) -> [{"Tests in 'test' directory are found and run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod_tests:") =/= 0)}, {"Tests in 'src' directory are found and run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod:") =/= 0)}, {"Tests are only run once", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "All 2 tests passed") =/= 0)}] end}. eunit_with_suites_and_tests_test_() -> [{"Ensure EUnit runs selected suites", setup, fun() -> setup_project_with_multiple_modules(), rebar("-v eunit suites=myapp_mymod2") end, fun teardown/1, fun(RebarOut) -> [{"Selected suite tests in 'test' directory are found and run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2_tests:") =/= 0)}, {"Selected suite tests in 'src' directory are found and run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2:") =/= 0)}, {"Unselected suite tests in 'test' directory are not run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod_tests:") =:= 0)}, {"Unselected suite tests in 'src' directory are not run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod:") =:= 0)}, {"Selected suite tests are only run once", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "All 4 tests passed") =/= 0)}] end}, {"Ensure EUnit runs selected _tests suites", setup, fun() -> setup_project_with_multiple_modules(), rebar("-v eunit suites=myapp_mymod2_tests") end, fun teardown/1, fun(RebarOut) -> [{"Selected suite tests in 'test' directory are found and run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2_tests:") =/= 0)}, {"Selected suite tests in 'src' directory are not run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2:") =:= 0)}, {"Unselected suite tests in 'test' directory are not run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod_tests:") =:= 0)}, {"Unselected suite tests in 'src' directory are not run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod:") =:= 0)}, {"Selected suite tests are only run once", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "All 2 tests passed") =/= 0)}] end}, {"Ensure EUnit runs a specific test defined in a selected suite", setup, fun() -> setup_project_with_multiple_modules(), rebar("-v eunit suites=myapp_mymod2 tests=myprivate2") end, fun teardown/1, fun(RebarOut) -> [{"Selected suite tests are found and run", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2:myprivate2_test/0") =/= 0)}, {"Selected suite tests is run once", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "Test passed") =/= 0)}] end}, {"Ensure EUnit runs specific tests defined in selected suites", setup, fun() -> setup_project_with_multiple_modules(), rebar("-v eunit suites=myapp_mymod,myapp_mymod2" " tests=myprivate,myfunc2") end, fun teardown/1, fun(RebarOut) -> [{"Selected suite tests are found and run", [?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod:myprivate_test/0") =/= 0), ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2:myprivate2_test/0") =/= 0), ?_assert( string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2_tests:myfunc2_test/0") =/= 0)]}, {"Selected suite tests are run once", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "All 3 tests passed") =/= 0)}] end}, {"Ensure EUnit runs specific test in a _tests suite", setup, fun() -> setup_project_with_multiple_modules(), rebar("-v eunit suites=myapp_mymod2_tests tests=common_name_test") end, fun teardown/1, fun(RebarOut) -> [{"Only selected suite tests are found and run", [?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2:common_name_test/0") =:= 0), ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2_tests:common_name_test/0") =/= 0)]}, {"Selected suite tests is run once", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "Test passed") =/= 0)}] end}, {"Ensure EUnit runs a specific test without a specified suite", setup, fun() -> setup_project_with_multiple_modules(), rebar("-v eunit tests=myprivate") end, fun teardown/1, fun(RebarOut) -> [{"Only selected suite tests are found and run", [?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod:myprivate_test/0") =/= 0), ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "myapp_mymod2:myprivate2_test/0") =/= 0)]}, {"Selected suite tests is run once", ?_assert(string:str(RebarOut, "All 2 tests passed") =/= 0)}] end}]. cover_test_() -> {"Ensure Cover runs with tests in a test dir and no defined suite", setup, fun() -> setup_cover_project(), rebar("-v eunit") end, fun teardown/1, [{"All cover reports are generated", assert_files_in("the temporary eunit directory", expected_cover_generated_files())}, {"Only production modules get coverage reports", assert_files_not_in("the temporary eunit directory", [".eunit/myapp_mymod_tests.COVER.html"])}]}. cover_with_suite_test_() -> {"Ensure Cover runs with Tests in a test dir and a test suite", setup, fun() -> setup_cover_project_with_suite(), rebar("-v eunit suites=mysuite") end, fun teardown/1, [{"Cover reports are generated for module", assert_files_in("the temporary eunit directory", [".eunit/index.html", ".eunit/mysuite.COVER.html"])}, {"Only production modules get coverage reports", assert_files_not_in("the temporary eunit directory", [".eunit/myapp_app.COVER.html", ".eunit/myapp_mymod.COVER.html", ".eunit/myapp_sup.COVER.html", ".eunit/myapp_mymod_tests.COVER.html"])}]}. expected_cover_generated_files() -> [".eunit/index.html", ".eunit/myapp_app.COVER.html", ".eunit/myapp_mymod.COVER.html", ".eunit/myapp_sup.COVER.html"]. cover_coverage_test_() -> {"Coverage is accurately calculated", setup, fun() -> setup_cover_project(), rebar("-v eunit") end, fun teardown/1, [{"Modules that include the EUnit header can still have 100% coverage", %% cover notices the implicit EUnit test/0 func that never gets %% called during eunit:test(TestRepresentation), so NotCounted %% needs to be decremented in this case. assert_full_coverage("myapp_mymod")}]}. %% ==================================================================== %% Environment and Setup Tests %% ==================================================================== environment_test_() -> {"Sanity check the testing environment", setup, fun make_tmp_dir/0, fun remove_tmp_dir/1, [{"Ensure a test project can be created", ?_assert(filelib:is_dir(?TMP_DIR))}, {"Ensure the rebar script can be found, copied, and run", [?_assert(filelib:is_regular(?REBAR_SCRIPT)), fun assert_rebar_runs/0]}]}. assert_rebar_runs() -> prepare_rebar_script(), ?assert(string:str(os:cmd(filename:nativename("./" ++ ?TMP_DIR ++ "rebar")), "No command to run specified!") =/= 0). basic_setup_test_() -> {"Create a simple project with a 'test' directory, a test, and a module", setup, fun setup_basic_project/0, fun teardown/1, %% Test the setup function assert_dirs_in("Basic Project", ["src", "ebin", "test"]) ++ assert_files_in("Basic Project", ["test/myapp_mymod_tests.erl", "src/myapp_mymod.erl"])}. %% ==================================================================== %% Setup and Teardown %% ==================================================================== -define(myapp_mymod, ["-module(myapp_mymod).\n", "-export([myfunc/0]).\n", "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n", "myfunc() -> ok.\n", "myprivate_test() -> ?assert(true).\n"]). -define(myapp_mymod_tests, ["-module(myapp_mymod_tests).\n", "-compile([export_all]).\n", "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n", "myfunc_test() -> ?assertMatch(ok, myapp_mymod:myfunc()).\n"]). -define(myapp_mymod2, ["-module(myapp_mymod2).\n", "-export([myfunc2/0]).\n", "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n", "myfunc2() -> ok.\n", "myprivate2_test() -> ?assert(true).\n", "common_name_test() -> ?assert(true).\n"]). -define(myapp_mymod2_tests, ["-module(myapp_mymod2_tests).\n", "-compile([export_all]).\n", "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n", "myfunc2_test() -> ?assertMatch(ok, myapp_mymod2:myfunc2()).\n", "common_name_test() -> ?assert(true).\n"]). -define(mysuite, ["-module(mysuite).\n", "-export([all_test_/0]).\n", "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n", "all_test_() -> [myapp_mymod_defined_in_mysuite_tests].\n"]). -define(myapp_mymod_defined_in_mysuite_tests, ["-module(myapp_mymod_defined_in_mysuite_tests).\n", "-compile([export_all]).\n", "-include_lib(\"eunit/include/eunit.hrl\").\n", "myfunc_test() -> ?assertMatch(ok, myapp_mymod:myfunc()).\n"]). make_tmp_dir() -> ok = file:make_dir(?TMP_DIR). setup_environment() -> ok = make_tmp_dir(), prepare_rebar_script(), ok = file:set_cwd(?TMP_DIR). setup_basic_project() -> setup_environment(), rebar("create-app appid=myapp"), ok = file:make_dir("ebin"), ok = file:make_dir("test"), ok = file:write_file("test/myapp_mymod_tests.erl", ?myapp_mymod_tests), ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_mymod.erl", ?myapp_mymod). setup_project_with_multiple_modules() -> setup_basic_project(), ok = file:write_file("test/myapp_mymod2_tests.erl", ?myapp_mymod2_tests), ok = file:write_file("src/myapp_mymod2.erl", ?myapp_mymod2). setup_cover_project() -> setup_basic_project(), ok = file:write_file("rebar.config", "{cover_enabled, true}.\n"). setup_cover_project_with_suite() -> setup_cover_project(), ok = file:write_file("test/mysuite.erl", ?mysuite), ok = file:write_file("test/myapp_mymod_defined_in_mysuite_tests.erl", ?myapp_mymod_defined_in_mysuite_tests). teardown(_) -> ok = file:set_cwd(".."), ok = remove_tmp_dir(). remove_tmp_dir() -> remove_tmp_dir(arg_for_eunit). remove_tmp_dir(_) -> ok = rebar_file_utils:rm_rf(?TMP_DIR). %% ==================================================================== %% Helper Functions %% ==================================================================== prepare_rebar_script() -> Rebar = ?TMP_DIR ++ "rebar", {ok, _} = file:copy(?REBAR_SCRIPT, Rebar), case os:type() of {unix, _} -> [] = os:cmd("chmod u+x " ++ Rebar); {win32, _} -> {ok, _} = file:copy(?REBAR_SCRIPT ++ ".bat", ?TMP_DIR ++ "rebar.bat") end. rebar() -> rebar([]). rebar(Args) when is_list(Args) -> Out = os:cmd(filename:nativename("./rebar") ++ " " ++ Args), %% ?debugMsg("**** Begin"), ?debugMsg(Out), ?debugMsg("**** End"), Out. assert_dirs_in(Name, [Dir|T]) -> [{Name ++ " has directory: " ++ Dir, ?_assert(filelib:is_dir(Dir))} | assert_dirs_in(Name, T)]; assert_dirs_in(_, []) -> []. assert_files_in(Name, [File|T]) -> [{Name ++ " has file: " ++ File, ?_assert(filelib:is_regular(File))} | assert_files_in(Name, T)]; assert_files_in(_, []) -> []. assert_files_not_in(Name, [File|T]) -> [{Name ++ " does not have file: " ++ File, ?_assertNot(filelib:is_regular(File))} | assert_files_not_in(Name, T)]; assert_files_not_in(_, []) -> []. assert_full_coverage(Mod) -> fun() -> {ok, F} = file:read_file(".eunit/index.html"), Result = [X || X <- string:tokens(binary_to_list(F), "\n"), string:str(X, Mod) =/= 0, string:str(X, "100%") =/= 0], ?assert(length(Result) =:= 1) end.