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synced 2025-03-06 12:25:16 -10:00
This patch allows users to specify the directory in which common_test source files can be found. Most common_test suites are integration, rather than unit tests and keeping the sources apart from test sources for other frameworks such as eunit and PropEr is a useful feature.
28 lines
609 B
28 lines
609 B
files() ->
[{create, "ebin/a1.app", app(a1)},
{copy, "../../rebar", "rebar"},
{copy, "rebar.config", "rebar.config"},
{copy, "test_SUITE.erl", "itest/test_SUITE.erl"}].
run(_Dir) ->
{ok, _} = retest:sh("./rebar compile ct"),
%% Generate the contents of a simple .app file
app(Name) ->
App = {application, Name,
[{description, atom_to_list(Name)},
{vsn, "1"},
{modules, []},
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]},
io_lib:format("~p.\n", [App]).