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synced 2025-03-18 17:00:12 -09:00
Always-on recursive application of all rebar commands causes too many issues. Recursive application is required for: 1. dealing with dependencies: get-deps, update-deps, and compile of deps right after get-deps or update-deps 2. projects with a riak-like apps/ project structure and dev process The vast majority of projects are not structured like riak. Therefore, moving forward it's best to (by default) restrict recursive behavior to dealing with deps. This commit does that and also adds command line and rebar.config options for controlling or configuring recursion. Also, we introduce two meta commands: prepare-deps (equivalent to rebar -r get-deps compile) and refresh-deps (equivalent to rebar -r update-deps compile). riak-like projects can extend the list of recursive commands (to include 'eunit' and 'compile') by adding {recursive_cmds, [eunit, compile]} to rebar.config.
148 lines
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148 lines
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%% Exercises update deps, with recursive dependency updates.
%% Initially:
%% A(v0.5) -> B(v0.2.3) -> C(v1.0)
%% But after updating A to 0.6:
%% A(v0.6) -> B(v0.2.4) -> C(v1.1)
%% -> D(v0.7)
%% And after updating A to 0.7:
%% A(v0.7) -> B(v0.2.5) -> C(v1.2) -> E(v2.0)
%% -> D(v0.7)
%% And after updating A to 0.8:
%% A(v0.8) -> B(v0.2.6) -> C(v1.3) -> E(v2.1)
%% -> D(v0.7)
%% -> F(v0.1) -> E(v2.1)
files() ->
%% A1 application
{create, "apps/a1/ebin/a1.app", app(a1, [a1], "0.5")},
{copy, "a.rebar.config", "apps/a1/rebar.config"},
{template, "a.erl", "apps/a1/src/a1.erl", dict:from_list([{module, a1}])},
{copy, "root.rebar.config", "rebar.config"},
{copy, "../../rebar", "rebar"},
%% B application
{create, "repo/b/ebin/b.app", app(b, [], "0.2.3")},
{create, "b2.app", app(b, [], "0.2.4")},
{create, "b3.app", app(b, [], "0.2.5")},
{create, "b4.app", app(b, [], "0.2.6")},
{copy, "b.rebar.config", "repo/b/rebar.config"},
{copy, "b.hrl", "repo/b/include/b.hrl"},
%% C application
{create, "repo/c/ebin/c.app", app(c, [], "1.0")},
{create, "c2.app", app(c, [], "1.1")},
{create, "c3.app", app(c, [], "1.2")},
{create, "c4.app", app(c, [], "1.3")},
{copy, "c.hrl", "repo/c/include/c.hrl"},
%% D application
{create, "repo/d/ebin/d.app", app(d, [], "0.7")},
{copy, "d.hrl", "repo/d/include/d.hrl"},
%% E application
{create, "repo/e/ebin/e.app", app(e, [], "2.0")},
{create, "e2.app", app(e, [], "2.1")},
%% F application
{create, "repo/f/ebin/f.app", app(f, [], "0.1")},
%% update files
{copy, "a2.rebar.config", "a2.rebar.config"},
{copy, "a3.rebar.config", "a3.rebar.config"},
{copy, "a4.rebar.config", "a4.rebar.config"},
{copy, "b2.rebar.config", "b2.rebar.config"},
{copy, "b3.rebar.config", "b3.rebar.config"},
{copy, "b4.rebar.config", "b4.rebar.config"},
{copy, "c2.hrl", "c2.hrl"},
{copy, "c.rebar.config", "c.rebar.config"},
{copy, "c2.rebar.config", "c2.rebar.config"},
{copy, "c3.rebar.config", "c3.rebar.config"}
apply_cmds([], _Params) ->
apply_cmds([Cmd | Rest], Params) ->
io:format("Running: ~s (~p)\n", [Cmd, Params]),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run(Cmd, Params),
apply_cmds(Rest, Params).
run(_Dir) ->
%% Initialize the b/c/d apps as git repos so that dependencies pull
%% properly
GitCmds = ["git init",
"git add -A",
"git config user.email 'tdeps@example.com'",
"git config user.name 'tdeps'",
"git commit -a -m 'Initial Commit'"],
BCmds = ["git tag 0.2.3",
"cp ../../b2.rebar.config rebar.config",
"cp ../../b2.app ebin/b.app",
"git commit -a -m 'update to 0.2.4'",
"git tag 0.2.4",
"cp ../../b3.rebar.config rebar.config",
"cp ../../b3.app ebin/b.app",
"git commit -a -m 'update to 0.2.5'",
"git tag 0.2.5",
"cp ../../b4.rebar.config rebar.config",
"cp ../../b4.app ebin/b.app",
"git commit -a -m 'update to 0.2.6'",
"git tag 0.2.6"],
%"git checkout 0.2.3"],
CCmds = ["git tag 1.0",
"cp ../../c2.hrl include/c.hrl",
"cp ../../c2.app ebin/c.app",
"cp ../../c.rebar.config rebar.config",
"git add rebar.config",
"git commit -a -m 'update to 1.1'",
"git tag 1.1",
"cp ../../c3.app ebin/c.app",
"cp ../../c2.rebar.config rebar.config",
"git commit -a -m 'update to 1.2'",
"git tag 1.2",
"cp ../../c4.app ebin/c.app",
"cp ../../c3.rebar.config rebar.config",
"git commit -a -m 'update to 1.3'",
"git tag 1.3"],
%"git checkout 1.0"],
DCmds = ["git tag 0.7"],
ECmds = ["git tag 2.0",
"cp ../../e2.app ebin/e.app",
"git commit -a -m 'update to 2.1'",
"git tag 2.1"],
FCmds = ["git tag 0.1"],
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds++BCmds, [{dir, "repo/b"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds++CCmds, [{dir, "repo/c"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds++DCmds, [{dir, "repo/d"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds++ECmds, [{dir, "repo/e"}]),
ok = apply_cmds(GitCmds++FCmds, [{dir, "repo/f"}]),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v get-deps", []),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v -r compile", []),
os:cmd("cp a2.rebar.config apps/a1/rebar.config"),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v update-deps", []),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v compile", []),
os:cmd("cp a3.rebar.config apps/a1/rebar.config"),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v update-deps", []),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v compile", []),
os:cmd("cp a4.rebar.config apps/a1/rebar.config"),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v update-deps", []),
{ok, _} = retest_sh:run("./rebar -v compile", []),
%% Generate the contents of a simple .app file
app(Name, Modules, Version) ->
App = {application, Name,
[{description, atom_to_list(Name)},
{vsn, Version},
{modules, Modules},
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel, stdlib]}]},
io_lib:format("~p.\n", [App]).