%% @author Correl Roush %% %% @doc Riichi Mahjong library. %% %% @headerfile "../include/riichi.hrl" -module(yaku). -include("../include/riichi.hrl"). -export([yakuhai/2, tanyao/2, pinfu/2, chiitoitsu/2, kokushi_musou/2]). %% @doc Counts the pons/kans of value tiles in a player's hand. %% Value tiles include all of the dragons, plus the round wind and the player's seat wind. -spec yakuhai(game(), player()) -> integer(). yakuhai(#game{round=Round}, #player{seat=Seat, hand=#hand{melds=Melds}}) -> length(lists:filter(fun(#meld{type=Type, tiles=[T|_]}) -> case {Type, T} of {pair, _} -> false; {chii, _} -> false; {_, #tile{suit=wind, value=Round}} -> true; {_, #tile{suit=wind, value=Seat}} -> true; {_, #tile{suit=dragon}} -> true; _ -> false end end, Melds)). %% @doc Returns true if the hand consists only of simple tiles. %% Terminals, winds and dragons are not allowed. -spec tanyao(game(), player()) -> boolean(). tanyao(#game{}, #player{hand=Hand}) -> not lists:any(fun(T = #tile{}) -> case T#tile.suit of dragon -> true; wind -> true; _ -> lists:member(T#tile.value, [1,9]) end end, riichi_hand:tiles(Hand)). %% @doc Returns true for a no-points hand. %% To qualify for pinfu, the hand must be fully concealed, contain no pons/kans, %% contain no dragons, round winds or seat winds, and must be won on an open wait. -spec pinfu(game(), player()) -> boolean(). pinfu(#game{round=Round}, #player{seat=Seat, hand=Hand=#hand{melds=Melds}, drawn={_, Drawn}}) -> Closed = lists:all(fun(T) -> T#tile.from =:= draw end, riichi_hand:tiles(Hand)), OpenWait = length(riichi_hand:waits(#hand{tiles=riichi_hand:tiles(Hand) -- [Drawn]})) > 1, Chiis = length([M || M = #meld{type=chii} <- Melds]) =:= 4, #meld{type=pair, tiles=[HeadTile,HeadTile]} = riichi_hand:head(Hand), NonValuePair = HeadTile#tile.value =/= Round andalso HeadTile#tile.value =/= Seat andalso HeadTile#tile.suit =/= dragon, Closed and OpenWait and Chiis and NonValuePair. %% @doc Returns true for a 7-pair hand. -spec chiitoitsu(game(), player()) -> boolean(). chiitoitsu(#game{}, #player{hand=#hand{tiles=[], melds=Melds}}) when length(Melds) =:= 7 -> Pairs = [S || S <- Melds, S#meld.type =:= pair], length(Pairs) =:= 7 andalso sets:size(sets:from_list(Pairs)) =:= 7. %% @doc Returns true for a 13 Orphans hand. %% The hand must contain one each of every terminal and honour tile, plus one %% additional tile matching any of the others in the hand. -spec kokushi_musou(game(), player()) -> boolean(). kokushi_musou(#game{}, #player{hand=#hand{tiles=Tiles, melds=[#meld{type=pair, tiles=[T,T]}]}}) -> not lists:any(fun(#tile{value=V}) -> lists:member(V, lists:seq(2,8)) end, [T|Tiles]) andalso sets:size(sets:from_list([T|Tiles])) =:= 13; kokushi_musou(#game{}, #player{}) -> false.