-module(riichi). -include("riichi.hrl"). -export([ is_valid_tile/1, dora/1, nearest/2, score/3 ]). is_valid_tile(#tile{suit=dragon, value=Value}) -> lists:member(Value, [white, green, red]); is_valid_tile(#tile{suit=wind, value=Value}) -> lists:member(Value, [east, south, west, north]); is_valid_tile(#tile{suit=Suit, value=Value}) -> ValidSuit = lists:member(Suit, [pin, sou, man]), ValidValue = is_integer(Value) and (Value > 0) and (Value < 10), ValidSuit and ValidValue; is_valid_tile(_) -> false. dora(#tile{suit=dragon, value=Value}=Indicator) -> case Value of white -> Indicator#tile{value=green}; green -> Indicator#tile{value=red}; red -> Indicator#tile{value=white} end; dora(#tile{suit=wind, value=Value}=Indicator) -> case Value of east -> Indicator#tile{value=south}; south -> Indicator#tile{value=west}; west -> Indicator#tile{value=north}; north -> Indicator#tile{value=east} end; dora(#tile{value=Value}=Indicator) -> case is_valid_tile(Indicator) of false -> throw({error, invalid_tile}); _ -> if Value == 9 -> Indicator#tile{value=1}; true -> Indicator#tile{value=Value + 1} end end. nearest(Num, To) when Num rem To == 0 -> Num; nearest(Num, To) -> Num - (Num rem To) + To. score(_Fu, Yaku, Limit) when (Yaku >= 5) and (Limit == true) -> if Yaku < 6 -> 2000; Yaku < 8 -> 3000; Yaku < 11 -> 4000; Yaku < 14 -> 6000; true -> 8000 end; score(Fu, Yaku, Limit) -> Score = nearest(Fu * round(math:pow(2, 2 + Yaku)), 100), if Limit and (Score > 2000) -> 2000; true -> Score end.