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Sprockets InfluxDB
`sprockets_influxdb` includes both a buffering InfluxDB client and a Tornado
RequestHandler mixin.
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import socket
import time
from tornado import concurrent, httpclient, ioloop
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
logging.critical('Could not import Tornado')
concurrent, httpclient, ioloop = None, None, None
version_info = (1, 0, 0)
__version__ = '.'.join(str(v) for v in version_info)
__all__ = ['__version__', 'version_info', 'add_measurement', 'flush',
'install', 'shutdown', 'Measurement']
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
REQUEST_DATABASE = 'sprockets_influxdb.database'
USER_AGENT = 'sprockets-influxdb/v{}'.format(__version__)
_base_tags = {}
_base_url = 'http://localhost:8086/write'
_credentials = None, None
_dirty = False
_http_client = None
_installed = False
_io_loop = None
_last_warning = None
_measurements = {}
_max_batch_size = 5000
_max_clients = 10
_periodic_callback = None
_periodic_future = None
_stopping = False
_warn_threshold = 5000
_writing = False
class InfluxDBMixin(object):
"""Mixin that automatically submits per-request measurements to InfluxDB
with the request duration.
The measurements will automatically add the following tags:
- Request `handler`
- Request `endpoint` (if enabled via a named URL)
- Request `method`
- Request `correlation_id` (if set)
- Response `status_code`
To add additional tags and fields, use the
:meth:`~sprockets_influxdb.Measurement.set_tags`, and
:meth:`~sprockets_influxdb.Measurement.timer` methods of the
`influxdb` attribute of the `RequestHandler`.
def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs):
self.application = application # Set this here for reverse_url
self.__metrics = []
handler = '{}.{}'.format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__)
self.influxdb = Measurement(
application.settings.get('service', 'request'))
self.influxdb.set_tags({'handler': handler, 'method': request.method})
self.influxdb.set_tag('endpoint', self.reverse_url(handler))
except KeyError:
# Call to super().__init__() needs to be *AFTER* we create our
# properties since it calls initialize() which may want to call
# methods like ``set_metric_tag``
super(InfluxDBMixin, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs)
def on_finish(self):
super(InfluxDBMixin, self).on_finish()
if hasattr(self, 'correlation_id'):
self.influxdb.set_tag('correlation_id', self.correlation_id)
self.influxdb.set_tag('status_code', self._status_code)
self.influxdb.set_field('duration', self.request.request_time())
def add_measurement(measurement):
"""Add measurement data to the stack of measurements to submit to InfluxDB
:param measurement: The measurement to add
:type: measurement: sprockets.clients.influxdb.client.Measurement
if _stopping:
LOGGER.warning('Discarding measurement for %s while stopping',
if not measurement.fields:
raise ValueError('Measurement does not contain a field')
if measurement.database not in _measurements:
_measurements[measurement.database] = []
tags = ','.join(['{}={}'.format(k, v)
for k, v in measurement.tags.items()])
fields = ' '.join(['{}={}'.format(k, v)
for k, v in measurement.fields.items()])
LOGGER.debug('Appending measurement to %s', measurement.database)
'{},{} {} {:d}'.format(
measurement.name, tags, fields, int(time.time() * 1000000000)))
def flush():
"""Flush all pending measurements to InfluxDB
:rtype: :cls:`~tornado.concurrent.Future`
flush_future = concurrent.TracebackFuture()
if _periodic_future and not _periodic_future.done():
LOGGER.debug('Waiting on _periodic_future instead')
write_future = _periodic_future
write_future = _write_measurements()
_flush_wait(flush_future, write_future)
return flush_future
def install(**kwargs):
"""Call this to install/setup the InfluxDB client collector
:param kwargs: keyword parameters to pass to the
:class:`InfluxDBCollector` initializer.
:returns: :data:`True` if the client was installed by this call
and :data:`False` otherwise.
Optional configuration values:
- **url** The InfluxDB API URL. If URL is not specified, the
``INFLUX_SCHEME``, ``INFLUX_HOST`` and ``INFLUX_PORT`` environment
variables will be used to construct the base URL.
- **io_loop** A :class:`~tornado.ioloop.IOLoop` to use
- **submission_interval** How often to submit metric batches in
milliseconds. Default: ``5000``
- **max_batch_size** The number of measurements to be submitted in a
single HTTP request. Default: ``1000``
- **tags** Default tags that are to be submitted with each metric.
- **auth_username** A username to use for InfluxDB authentication
- **auth_password** A password to use for InfluxDB authentication
- **curl_client** If specified, use
If ``auth_password`` is specified as an environment variable, it will be
masked in the Python process.
:param dict kwargs: Keyword Arguments
:rtype: bool
global _base_tags, _base_url, _credentials, _installed, _io_loop, \
_max_batch_size, _max_clients, _periodic_callback
if _installed:
LOGGER.warning('InfluxDB client already installed')
return False
_base_url = kwargs.get('url', '{}://{}:{}/write'.format(
os.environ.get('INFLUX_SCHEME', 'http'),
os.environ.get('INFLUX_HOST', 'localhost'),
os.environ.get('INFLUX_PORT', 8086)))
_credentials = (kwargs.get('auth_username',
os.environ.get('INFLUX_USER', None)),
os.environ.get('INFLUX_PASSWORD', None)))
# Don't leave the environment variable out there with the password
if os.environ.get('INFLUX_PASSWORD'):
os.environ['INFLUX_PASSWORD'] = \
'X' * len(os.environ['INFLUX_PASSWORD'])
# Submission related values
_io_loop = kwargs.get('io_loop', ioloop.IOLoop.current())
_max_batch_size = kwargs.get('max_batch_size', 1000)
_max_clients = kwargs.get('max_clients', 10)
_periodic_callback = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(
_on_periodic_callback, kwargs.get('submission_interval', 5000),
# Set the base tags
_base_tags.setdefault('hostname', socket.gethostname())
if os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT'):
_base_tags.setdefault('environment', os.environ['ENVIRONMENT'])
if os.environ.get('SERVICE'):
_base_tags.setdefault('service', os.environ['SERVICE'])
_base_tags.update(kwargs.get('tags', {}))
# If specified, use CurlAsyncHTTPClient
if kwargs.get('curl_client'):
# Start the periodic callback on IOLoop start
# Don't let this run multiple times
_installed = True
return True
def set_auth_credentials(username, password):
"""Override the default authentication credentials obtained from the
environment variable configuration.
:param str username: The username to use
:param str password: The password to use
global _credentials, _dirty
LOGGER.debug('Setting authentication credentials')
_credentials = username, password
_dirty = True
def set_base_url(url):
"""Override the default base URL value created from the environment
variable configuration.
:param str url: The base URL to use when submitting measurements
global _base_url, _dirty
LOGGER.debug('Setting base URL to %s', url)
_base_url = url
_dirty = True
def set_io_loop(io_loop):
"""Override the use of the default IOLoop.
:param tornado.ioloop.IOLoop io_loop: The IOLoop to use
:raises: ValueError
global _dirty, _io_loop
if not isinstance(io_loop, ioloop.IOLoop):
raise ValueError('Invalid io_loop value')
LOGGER.debug('Overriding the default IOLoop, using %r', io_loop)
_dirty = True
_io_loop = io_loop
def set_max_batch_size(limit):
"""Set a limit to the number of measurements that are submitted in
a single batch that is submitted per databases.
:param int limit: The maximum number of measurements per batch
global _max_batch_size
LOGGER.debug('Setting maximum batch size to %i', limit)
_max_batch_size = limit
def set_max_clients(limit):
"""Set the maximum number of simultaneous batch submission that can execute
in parallel.
:param int limit: The maximum number of simultaneous batch submissions
global _dirty, _max_clients
LOGGER.debug('Setting maximum client limit to %i', limit)
_dirty = True
_max_clients = limit
def set_submission_interval(seconds):
"""Override how often to submit measurements to InfluxDB.
:param int seconds: How often to wait in seconds
global _periodic_callback
LOGGER.debug('Setting submission interval to %s seconds', seconds)
if _periodic_callback.is_running():
_periodic_callback = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(_on_periodic_callback,
# Start the periodic callback on IOLoop start if it's not already started
def shutdown():
"""Invoke on shutdown of your application to stop the periodic
callbacks and flush any remaining metrics.
Returns a future that is complete when all pending metrics have been
:rtype: :class:`~tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture()`
global _stopping
if _stopping:
LOGGER.warning('Already shutting down')
_stopping = True
if _periodic_callback.is_running():
LOGGER.info('Stopped periodic measurement submission and writing current '
'buffer to InfluxDB')
return flush()
def _create_http_client():
"""Create the HTTP client with authentication credentials if required."""
global _http_client
defaults = {'user_agent': USER_AGENT}
auth_username, auth_password = _credentials
if auth_username and auth_password:
defaults['auth_username'] = auth_username
defaults['auth_password'] = auth_password
_http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient(
force_instance=True, defaults=defaults, io_loop=_io_loop,
def _escape_str(value):
"""Escape the value with InfluxDB's wonderful escaping logic:
"Measurement names, tag keys, and tag values must escape any spaces or
commas using a backslash (\). For example: \ and \,. All tag values are
stored as strings and should not be surrounded in quotes."
:param str value: The value to be escaped
:rtype: str
return str(value).replace(' ', '\ ').replace(',', '\,')
def _flush_wait(flush_future, write_future):
"""Pause briefly allowing any pending metric writes to complete before
shutting down.
:param future tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture: The future to resolve
when the shutdown is complete.
if write_future.done():
if not _pending_measurements():
write_future = _write_measurements()
_io_loop.time() + 0.25, _flush_wait, flush_future, write_future)
def _futures_wait(wait_future, futures):
"""Waits for all futures to be completed. If the futures are not done,
wait 100ms and then invoke itself via the ioloop and check again. If
they are done, set a result on `wait_future` indicating the list of
futures are done.
:param wait_future: The future to complete when all `futures` are done
:type wait_future: tornado.concurrent.Future
:param list futures: The list of futures to watch for completion
global _writing
remaining = []
for (future, database, measurements) in futures:
# If the future hasn't completed, add it to the remaining stack
if not future.done():
remaining.append((future, database, measurements))
# Get the result of the HTTP request, processing any errors
result = future.result()
except (httpclient.HTTPError, OSError, socket.error) as error:
_on_request_error(error, database, measurements)
if result.code >= 400:
_on_request_error(result.code, database, measurements)
# If there are futures that remain, try again in 100ms.
if remaining:
return _io_loop.add_timeout(
_io_loop.time() + 0.1, _futures_wait, wait_future, remaining)
_writing = False
def _maybe_warn_about_buffer_size():
"""Check the buffer size and issue a warning if it's too large and
a warning has not been issued for more than 60 seconds.
global _last_warning
if not _last_warning:
_last_warning = time.time()
count = _pending_measurements()
if count > _warn_threshold and (time.time() - _last_warning) > 60:
LOGGER.warning('InfluxDB measurement buffer has %i entries', count)
def _on_periodic_callback():
"""Invoked periodically to ensure that metrics that have been collected
are submitted to InfluxDB. If metrics are still being written when it
is invoked, pass until the next time.
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
global _periodic_future
if isinstance(_periodic_future, concurrent.Future) \
and not _periodic_future.done():
LOGGER.warning('Metrics are currently being written, '
'skipping write interval')
_periodic_future = _write_measurements()
return _periodic_future
def _on_request_error(error, database, measurements):
"""Handle a batch submission error, logging the problem and adding the
measurements back to the stack.
:param mixed error: The error that was returned
:param str database: The database the submission failed for
:param list measurements: The measurements to add back to the stack
LOGGER.error('Error submitting batch to %s: %r', database, error)
_measurements[database] = measurements + _measurements[database]
def _pending_measurements():
"""Return the number of measurements that have not been submitted to
:rtype: int
return sum([len(_measurements[dbname]) for dbname in _measurements])
def _write_measurements():
"""Write out all of the metrics in each of the databases,
returning a future that will indicate all metrics have been written
when that future is done.
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
global _writing
future = concurrent.TracebackFuture()
if _writing:
LOGGER.warning('Currently writing measurements, skipping write')
elif not _pending_measurements():
LOGGER.debug('No pending measurements, skipping write')
# Exit early if there's an error condition
if future.done():
return future
if not _http_client or _dirty:
# Keep track of the futures for each batch submission
futures = []
# Submit a batch for each database
for database in _measurements:
url = '{}?db={}'.format(_base_url, database)
# Get the measurements to submit
measurements = _measurements[database][:_max_batch_size]
# Pop them off the stack of pending measurements
_measurements[database] = _measurements[database][_max_batch_size:]
# Create the request future
request = _http_client.fetch(
url, method='POST', body='\n'.join(measurements).encode('utf-8'))
# Keep track of each request in our future stack
futures.append((request, database, measurements))
# Start the wait cycle for all the requests to complete
_writing = True
_futures_wait(future, futures)
return future
class Measurement(object):
"""The :cls:`Measurement` class represents what will become a single row in
an InfluxDB database.
:param str database: The database name to use when submitting
:param str name: The measurement name
def __init__(self, database, name):
self.database = database
self.name = _escape_str(name)
self.fields = {}
self.tags = dict(_base_tags)
def duration(self, name):
"""Record the time it takes to run an arbitrary code block.
:param str name: The field name to record the timing in
This method returns a context manager that records the amount
of time spent inside of the context, adding the timing to the
start = time.time()
self.set_field(name, max(time.time(), start) - start)
def set_field(self, name, value):
"""Set the value of a field in the measurement.
:param str name: The name of the field to set the value for
:param int|float value: The value of the field
:raises: ValueError
if not isinstance(value, int) and not isinstance(value, float):
raise ValueError('Value must be an integer or float')
self.fields[_escape_str(name)] = str(value)
def set_tag(self, name, value):
"""Set a tag on the measurement.
:param str name: name of the tag to set
:param str value: value to assign
This will overwrite the current value assigned to a tag
if one exists.
self.tags[_escape_str(name)] = _escape_str(value)
def set_tags(self, tags):
"""Set multiple tags for the measurement.
:param dict tags: Tag key/value pairs to assign
This will overwrite the current value assigned to a tag
if one exists with the same name.
for key, value in tags.items():
self.set_tag(key, value)