import asyncio import contextlib import dataclasses import logging import os import time import typing from distutils import util import aiopg import psycopg2 from aiopg import pool from psycopg2 import errors, extras from tornado import ioloop, web LOGGER = logging.getLogger('sprockets-postgres') DEFAULT_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10 DEFAULT_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_TTL = 300 DEFAULT_POSTGRES_HSTORE = 'FALSE' DEFAULT_POSTGRES_JSON = 'FALSE' DEFAULT_POSTGRES_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 0 DEFAULT_POSTGRES_MIN_POOL_SIZE = 1 DEFAULT_POSTGRES_QUERY_TIMEOUT = 120 DEFAULT_POSTGRES_UUID = 'TRUE' QueryParameters = typing.Union[dict, list, tuple, None] Timeout = typing.Union[int, float, None] @dataclasses.dataclass class QueryResult: row_count: int row: typing.Optional[dict] rows: typing.Optional[typing.List[dict]] class PostgresConnector: def __init__(self, cursor: aiopg.Cursor, on_error: typing.Callable, record_duration: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None, timeout: Timeout = None): self.cursor = cursor self._on_error = on_error self._record_duration = record_duration self._timeout = timeout or int( os.environ.get( 'POSTGRES_QUERY_TIMEOUT', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_QUERY_TIMEOUT)) async def callproc(self, name: str, parameters: QueryParameters = None, metric_name: str = '', *, timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult: return await self._query( self.cursor.callproc, metric_name, procname=name, parameters=parameters, timeout=timeout) async def execute(self, sql: str, parameters: QueryParameters = None, metric_name: str = '', *, timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult: return await self._query( self.cursor.execute, metric_name, operation=sql, parameters=parameters, timeout=timeout) @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def transaction(self) \ -> typing.AsyncContextManager['PostgresConnector']: async with self.cursor.begin(): yield self async def _query(self, method: typing.Callable, metric_name: str, **kwargs): if kwargs['timeout'] is None: kwargs['timeout'] = self._timeout start_time = time.monotonic() try: await method(**kwargs) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, psycopg2.Error) as err: exc = self._on_error(metric_name, err) if exc: raise exc else: if self._record_duration: self._record_duration( metric_name, time.monotonic() - start_time) return await self._query_results() async def _query_results(self) -> QueryResult: count, row, rows = self.cursor.rowcount, None, None if self.cursor.rowcount == 1: try: row = dict(await self.cursor.fetchone()) except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass elif self.cursor.rowcount > 1: try: rows = [dict(row) for row in await self.cursor.fetchall()] except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: pass return QueryResult(count, row, rows) class ConnectionException(Exception): """Raised when the connection to Postgres can not be established""" class ApplicationMixin: """ :class:`` mixin for handling the connection to Postgres and exporting functions for querying the database, getting the status, and proving a cursor. Automatically creates and shuts down :class:`aio.pool.Pool` on startup and shutdown. """ POSTGRES_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 3 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._postgres_pool: typing.Optional[pool.Pool] = None self.runner_callbacks['on_start'].append(self._postgres_setup) self.runner_callbacks['shutdown'].append(self._postgres_shutdown) @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def postgres_connector(self, on_error: typing.Callable, record_duration: typing.Optional[ typing.Callable] = None, timeout: Timeout = None) \ -> typing.AsyncContextManager[PostgresConnector]: try: async with self._postgres_pool.acquire() as conn: async with conn.cursor( cursor_factory=extras.RealDictCursor, timeout=timeout) as cursor: yield PostgresConnector( cursor, on_error, record_duration, timeout) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, psycopg2.Error) as err: on_error('postgres_connector', ConnectionException(str(err))) async def postgres_status(self) -> dict: """Invoke from the ``/status`` RequestHandler to check that there is a Postgres connection handler available and return info about the pool. """ query_error = asyncio.Event() def on_error(_metric_name, _exc) -> None: query_error.set() return None async with self.postgres_connector( on_error, timeout=self.POSTGRES_STATUS_TIMEOUT) as connector: await connector.execute('SELECT 1') return { 'available': not query_error.is_set(), 'pool_size': self._postgres_pool.size, 'pool_free': self._postgres_pool.freesize } async def _postgres_setup(self, _app: web.Application, loop: ioloop.IOLoop) -> None: """Setup the Postgres pool of connections and log if there is an error. This is invoked by the Application on start callback mechanism. """ if 'POSTGRES_URL' not in os.environ: LOGGER.critical('Missing POSTGRES_URL environment variable') return self.stop(loop) self._postgres_pool = pool.Pool( os.environ['POSTGRES_URL'], minsize=int( os.environ.get( 'POSTGRES_MIN_POOL_SIZE', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_MIN_POOL_SIZE)), maxsize=int( os.environ.get( 'POSTGRES_MAX_POOL_SIZE', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_MAX_POOL_SIZE)), timeout=int( os.environ.get( 'POSTGRES_CONNECT_TIMEOUT', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)), enable_hstore=util.strtobool( os.environ.get( 'POSTGRES_HSTORE', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_HSTORE)), enable_json=util.strtobool( os.environ.get('POSTGRES_JSON', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_JSON)), enable_uuid=util.strtobool( os.environ.get('POSTGRES_UUID', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_UUID)), echo=False, on_connect=None, pool_recycle=int( os.environ.get( 'POSTGRES_CONNECTION_TTL', DEFAULT_POSTGRES_CONNECTION_TTL))) try: async with self._postgres_pool._cond: await self._postgres_pool._fill_free_pool(False) except (psycopg2.OperationalError, psycopg2.Error) as error: # pragma: nocover LOGGER.warning('Error connecting to PostgreSQL on startup: %s', error) async def _postgres_shutdown(self, _ioloop: ioloop.IOLoop) -> None: """Shutdown the Postgres connections and wait for them to close. This is invoked by the Application shutdown callback mechanism. """ self._postgres_pool.close() await self._postgres_pool.wait_closed() class RequestHandlerMixin: """ RequestHandler mixin class exposing functions for querying the database, recording the duration to either `sprockets-influxdb` or `sprockets.mixins.metrics`, and handling exceptions. """ async def postgres_callproc(self, name: str, parameters: QueryParameters = None, metric_name: str = '', *, timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult: async with self.application.postgres_connector( self._on_postgres_error, self._on_postgres_timing, timeout) as connector: return await connector.callproc( name, parameters, metric_name, timeout=timeout) async def postgres_execute(self, sql: str, parameters: QueryParameters = None, metric_name: str = '', *, timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult: """Execute a query, specifying a name for the query, the SQL statement, and optional positional arguments to pass in with the query. Parameters may be provided as sequence or mapping and will be bound to variables in the operation. Variables are specified either with positional ``%s`` or named ``%({name})s`` placeholders. """ async with self.application.postgres_connector( self._on_postgres_error, self._on_postgres_timing, timeout) as connector: return await connector.execute( sql, parameters, metric_name, timeout=timeout) @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def postgres_transaction(self, timeout: Timeout = None) \ -> typing.AsyncContextManager[PostgresConnector]: """Yields a :class:`PostgresConnector` instance in a transaction. Will automatically commit or rollback based upon exception. """ async with self.application.postgres_connector( self._on_postgres_error, self._on_postgres_timing, timeout) as connector: async with connector.transaction(): yield connector def _on_postgres_error(self, metric_name: str, exc: Exception) -> typing.Optional[Exception]: """Override for different error handling behaviors""" LOGGER.error('%s in %s for %s (%s)', exc.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__, metric_name, str(exc).split('\n')[0]) if isinstance(exc, ConnectionException): raise web.HTTPError(503, reason='Database Connection Error') elif isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError): raise web.HTTPError(500, reason='Query Timeout') elif isinstance(exc, errors.UniqueViolation): raise web.HTTPError(409, reason='Unique Violation') elif isinstance(exc, psycopg2.Error): raise web.HTTPError(500, reason='Database Error') return exc def _on_postgres_timing(self, metric_name: str, duration: float) -> None: """Override for custom metric recording""" if hasattr(self, 'influxdb'): # sprockets-influxdb self.influxdb.set_field(metric_name, duration) elif hasattr(self, 'record_timing'): # sprockets.mixins.metrics self.record_timing(metric_name, duration) else: LOGGER.debug('Postgres query %s duration: %s', metric_name, duration)