
859 lines
35 KiB

import asyncio
import contextlib
import logging
import operator
import os
import time
import typing
from distutils import util
from urllib import parse
import aiodns
import aiopg
import psycopg2
import pycares
from aiodns import error as aiodns_error
from aiopg import pool
from psycopg2 import errors, extras
from tornado import ioloop, web
import problemdetails
except ImportError: # pragma: nocover
problemdetails = None
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('sprockets-postgres')
OptionalCallable = typing.Optional[typing.Callable]
"""Type annocation of optional callable"""
QueryParameters = typing.Union[dict, list, tuple, None]
"""Type annotation for query parameters"""
Timeout = typing.Union[int, float, None]
"""Type annotation for timeout values"""
class QueryResult:
"""Contains the results of the query that was executed.
:param row_count: The quantity of rows impacted by the query
:param row: If a single row is returned, the data for that row
:param rows: If more than one row is returned, this attribute is set as the
list of rows, in order.
def __init__(self,
row_count: int,
row: typing.Optional[dict],
rows: typing.Optional[typing.List[dict]]):
self._row_count = row_count
self._row = row
self._rows = rows
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return '<QueryResult row_count={}>'.format(self._row_count)
def __iter__(self) -> typing.Iterator[dict]:
"""Iterate across all rows in the result"""
for row in self.rows:
yield row
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Returns the number of rows impacted by the query"""
return self._row_count
def row(self) -> typing.Optional[dict]:
return self._row
def row_count(self) -> int:
"""Return the number of rows for the result"""
return self._row_count
def rows(self) -> typing.List[dict]:
"""Return the result as a list of one or more rows"""
if self.row_count == 1:
return [self._row]
return self._rows or []
class PostgresConnector:
"""Wraps a :class:`aiopg.Cursor` instance for creating explicit
transactions, calling stored procedures, and executing queries.
Unless the :meth:`~sprockets_postgres.PostgresConnector.transaction`
asynchronous :ref:`context-manager <python:typecontextmanager>` is used,
each call to :meth:`~sprockets_postgres.PostgresConnector.callproc` and
:meth:`~sprockets_postgres.PostgresConnector.execute` is an explicit
.. note:: :class:`PostgresConnector` instances are created by
<sprockets_postgres.ApplicationMixin.postgres_connector>` and should
not be created directly.
:param cursor: The cursor to use in the connector
:type cursor: aiopg.Cursor
:param on_error: The callback to invoke when an exception is caught
:param on_duration: The callback to invoke when a query is complete and all
of the data has been returned.
:param timeout: A timeout value in seconds for executing queries. If
unspecified, defaults to the configured query timeout of `120` seconds.
:type timeout: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.Timeout`
def __init__(self,
cursor: aiopg.Cursor,
on_error: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,
on_duration: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,
timeout: Timeout = None):
self.cursor = cursor
self._on_error = on_error
self._on_duration = on_duration
self._timeout = timeout
async def callproc(self,
name: str,
parameters: QueryParameters = None,
metric_name: str = '',
timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult:
"""Execute a stored procedure / function
:param name: The stored procedure / function name to call
:param parameters: Query parameters to pass when calling
:type parameters: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryParameters`
:param metric_name: The metric name for duration recording and logging
:param timeout: Timeout value to override the default or the value
specified when creating the
:type timeout: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.Timeout`
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when there is a query or network timeout
:raises psycopg2.Error: when there is an exception raised by Postgres
.. note: :exc:`psycopg2.Error` is the base exception for all
:mod:`psycopg2` exceptions and the actual exception raised will
likely be more specific.
:rtype: :class:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryResult`
return await self._query(
async def execute(self,
sql: str,
parameters: QueryParameters = None,
metric_name: str = '',
timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult:
"""Execute a query, specifying a name for the query, the SQL statement,
and optional positional arguments to pass in with the query.
Parameters may be provided as sequence or mapping and will be
bound to variables in the operation. Variables are specified
either with positional ``%s`` or named ``%({name})s`` placeholders.
:param sql: The SQL statement to execute
:param parameters: Query parameters to pass as part of the execution
:type parameters: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryParameters`
:param metric_name: The metric name for duration recording and logging
:param timeout: Timeout value to override the default or the value
specified when creating the
:type timeout: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.Timeout`
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when there is a query or network timeout
:raises psycopg2.Error: when there is an exception raised by Postgres
.. note: :exc:`psycopg2.Error` is the base exception for all
:mod:`psycopg2` exceptions and the actual exception raised will
likely be more specific.
:rtype: :class:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryResult`
return await self._query(
async def transaction(self) \
-> typing.AsyncContextManager['PostgresConnector']:
"""asynchronous :ref:`context-manager <python:typecontextmanager>`
function that implements full ``BEGIN``, ``COMMIT``, and ``ROLLBACK``
semantics. If there is a :exc:`psycopg2.Error` raised during the
transaction, the entire transaction will be rolled back.
If no exception is raised, the transaction will be committed when
exiting the context manager.
.. note:: This method is provided for edge case usage. As a
should be used instead.
*Usage Example*
.. code-block::
class RequestHandler(sprockets_postgres.RequestHandlerMixin,
async def post(self):
async with self.postgres_transaction() as transaction:
result1 = await transaction.execute(QUERY_ONE)
result2 = await transaction.execute(QUERY_TWO)
result3 = await transaction.execute(QUERY_THREE)
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when there is a query or network timeout
when starting the transaction
:raises psycopg2.Error: when there is an exception raised by Postgres
when starting the transaction
.. note: :exc:`psycopg2.Error` is the base exception for all
:mod:`psycopg2` exceptions and the actual exception raised will
likely be more specific.
async with self.cursor.begin():
yield self
async def _query(self,
method: typing.Callable,
metric_name: str,
if kwargs['timeout'] is None:
kwargs['timeout'] = self._timeout
start_time = time.monotonic()
await method(**kwargs)
except (asyncio.TimeoutError, psycopg2.Error) as err:
if self._on_error:
err = self._on_error(metric_name, err)
if err:
raise err
results = await self._query_results()
if self._on_duration:
metric_name, time.monotonic() - start_time)
return results
async def _query_results(self) -> QueryResult:
count, row, rows = self.cursor.rowcount, None, None
def _on_programming_error(err: psycopg2.ProgrammingError) -> None:
# Should always be empty in this context
if err.pgcode is not None: # pragma: nocover
'Unexpected value for ProgrammingError(%s).pgcode: %r',
err, err.pgcode)
# This logic exists so that we can wrap the results and quickly free
# the cursor / connection. We do not know if the query was a SELECT,
# INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE and we may impact multiple rows, but not
# have any data to retrieve. The ProgrammingErrror is raised in this
# context. It is raised in other contexts, such as when there is an
# error in the query, but that will be caught on L248
if self.cursor.rowcount == 1:
row = dict(await self.cursor.fetchone())
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as exc:
elif self.cursor.rowcount > 1:
rows = [dict(row) for row in await self.cursor.fetchall()]
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as exc:
return QueryResult(count, row, rows)
class ConnectionException(Exception):
"""Raised when the connection to Postgres can not be established"""
class ApplicationMixin:
""":class:`sprockets.http.app.Application` mixin for handling the
connection to Postgres and exporting functions for querying the database,
getting the status, and proving a cursor.
Automatically creates and shuts down :class:`aiopg.Pool` on startup
and shutdown by installing `on_start` and `shutdown` callbacks into the
:class:`~sprockets.http.app.Application` instance.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._postgres_pool: typing.Optional[pool.Pool] = None
self._postgres_connected: typing.Optional[asyncio.Event] = None
self._postgres_reconnect: typing.Optional[asyncio.Lock] = None
self._postgres_settings = self._create_postgres_settings()
self._postgres_srv: bool = False
async def postgres_connector(self,
on_error: OptionalCallable = None,
on_duration: OptionalCallable = None,
timeout: Timeout = None,
_attempt: int = 1) \
-> typing.AsyncContextManager[PostgresConnector]:
"""Asynchronous :ref:`context-manager <python:typecontextmanager>`
that returns a :class:`~sprockets_postgres.PostgresConnector` instance
from the connection pool with a cursor.
.. note:: This function is designed to work in conjunction with the
:class:`~sprockets_postgres.RequestHandlerMixin` and is generally
not invoked directly.
:param on_error: A callback function that is invoked on exception. If
an exception is returned from that function, it will raise it.
:param on_duration: An optional callback function that is invoked after
a query has completed to record the duration that encompasses
both executing the query and retrieving the returned records, if
:param timeout: Used to override the default query timeout.
:type timeout: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.Timeout`
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when the request to retrieve a connection
from the pool times out.
:raises sprockets_postgres.ConnectionException: when the application
can not connect to the configured Postgres instance.
:raises psycopg2.Error: when Postgres raises an exception during the
creation of the cursor.
.. note: :exc:`psycopg2.Error` is the base exception for all
:mod:`psycopg2` exceptions and the actual exception raised will
likely be more specific.
async with self._postgres_pool.acquire() as conn:
async with conn.cursor(
or self._postgres_settings['query_timeout'])) \
as cursor:
yield PostgresConnector(
cursor, on_error, on_duration, timeout)
except (asyncio.TimeoutError,
RuntimeError) as err:
if isinstance(err, psycopg2.OperationalError) and _attempt == 1:
LOGGER.critical('Disconnected from Postgres: %s', err)
if not self._postgres_reconnect.locked():
async with self._postgres_reconnect:
LOGGER.info('Reconnecting to Postgres with new Pool')
if await self._postgres_connect():
await asyncio.wait_for(
except asyncio.TimeoutError as error:
err = error
async with self.postgres_connector(
on_error, on_duration, timeout,
_attempt + 1) as connector:
yield connector
if on_error is None:
raise ConnectionException(str(err))
exc = on_error(
'postgres_connector', ConnectionException(str(err)))
if exc:
raise exc
else: # postgres_status.on_error does not return an exception
yield None
def postgres_is_connected(self) -> bool:
"""Returns `True` if Postgres is currently connected"""
return self._postgres_connected is not None \
and self._postgres_connected.is_set()
async def postgres_status(self) -> dict:
"""Invoke from the ``/status`` RequestHandler to check that there is
a Postgres connection handler available and return info about the
The ``available`` item in the dictionary indicates that the
application was able to perform a ``SELECT 1`` against the database
using a :class:`~sprockets_postgres.PostgresConnector` instance.
The ``pool_size`` item indicates the current quantity of open
connections to Postgres.
The ``pool_free`` item indicates the current number of idle
connections available to process queries.
*Example return value*
.. code-block:: python
'available': True,
'pool_size': 10,
'pool_free': 8
if not self.postgres_is_connected:
return {
'available': False,
'pool_size': 0,
'pool_free': 0
LOGGER.debug('Querying postgres status')
query_error = asyncio.Event()
def on_error(metric_name, exc) -> None:
LOGGER.debug('Query Error for %r: %r', metric_name, exc)
return None
async with self.postgres_connector(
timeout=self.POSTGRES_STATUS_TIMEOUT) as connector:
if connector:
await connector.execute('SELECT 1')
return {
'available': not query_error.is_set(),
'pool_size': self._postgres_pool.size,
'pool_free': self._postgres_pool.freesize
def _create_postgres_settings(self) -> dict:
return {
'url': self.settings.get(
'postgres_url', os.environ.get('POSTGRES_URL')),
'max_pool_size': int(self.settings.get(
'min_pool_size': int(self.settings.get(
'timeout': int(self.settings.get(
'connection_ttl': int(self.settings.get(
'enable_hstore': self.settings.get(
'enable_json': self.settings.get(
'enable_uuid': self.settings.get(
'query_timeout': int(self.settings.get(
async def _postgres_connect(self) -> bool:
"""Setup the Postgres pool of connections"""
parsed = parse.urlparse(self._postgres_settings['url'])
if parsed.scheme.endswith('+srv'):
self._postgres_srv = True
url = await self._postgres_url_from_srv(parsed)
except RuntimeError as error:
return False
url = self._postgres_settings['url']
safe_url = self._obscure_url_password(url)
LOGGER.debug('Connecting to %s', safe_url)
if self._postgres_pool and not self._postgres_pool.closed:
self._postgres_pool = await pool.Pool.from_pool_fill(
except psycopg2.Error as error: # pragma: nocover
'Error connecting to PostgreSQL on startup with %s: %s',
safe_url, error)
return False
LOGGER.debug('Connected to Postgres')
return True
def _obscure_url_password(url):
"""Generate log safe url with password obscured."""
parsed = parse.urlparse(url)
if parsed.password:
netloc = '{}:*****@{}:{}'.format(parsed.username,
url = parse.urlunparse(parsed._replace(netloc=netloc))
return url
async def _on_postgres_connect(self, conn):
LOGGER.debug('New postgres connection %s', conn)
async def _postgres_on_start(self,
_app: web.Application,
loop: ioloop.IOLoop):
"""Invoked as a startup step for the application
This is invoked by the :class:`sprockets.http.app.Application` on start
callback mechanism.
if not self._postgres_settings['url']:
LOGGER.critical('Missing required `postgres_url` setting')
return self.stop(loop)
self._postgres_connected = asyncio.Event()
self._postgres_reconnect = asyncio.Lock()
if not await self._postgres_connect():
LOGGER.critical('PostgreSQL failed to connect, shutting down')
return self.stop(loop)
async def _postgres_shutdown(self, _ioloop: ioloop.IOLoop) -> None:
"""Shutdown the Postgres connections and wait for them to close.
This is invoked by the :class:`sprockets.http.app.Application` shutdown
callback mechanism.
if self._postgres_pool is not None:
await self._postgres_pool.wait_closed()
async def _postgres_url_from_srv(self, parsed: parse.ParseResult) -> str:
if parsed.scheme.startswith('postgresql+'):
host_parts = parsed.hostname.split('.')
records = await self._resolve_srv(
host_parts[0], 'postgresql', '.'.join(host_parts[1:])))
elif parsed.scheme.startswith('aws+'):
records = await self._resolve_srv(parsed.hostname)
raise RuntimeError(
'Unsupported URI Scheme: {}'.format(parsed.scheme))
if not records:
raise RuntimeError('No SRV records found')
netloc = []
if parsed.username and not parsed.password:
elif parsed.username and parsed.password:
netloc.append('{}:{}@'.format(parsed.username, parsed.password))
'{}:{}'.format(r.host, r.port) for r in records]))
return parse.urlunparse(
('postgresql', ''.join(netloc), parsed.path,
parsed.params, parsed.query, ''))
async def _resolve_srv(hostname: str) \
-> typing.List[pycares.ares_query_srv_result]:
resolver = aiodns.DNSResolver(loop=asyncio.get_event_loop())
records = await resolver.query(hostname, 'SRV')
except aiodns_error.DNSError as error:
LOGGER.critical('DNS resolution error: %s', error)
raise RuntimeError(str(error))
s = sorted(records, key=operator.attrgetter('weight'), reverse=True)
return sorted(s, key=operator.attrgetter('priority'))
class RequestHandlerMixin:
A RequestHandler mixin class exposing functions for querying the database,
recording the duration to either :mod:`sprockets-influxdb
<sprockets_influxdb>` or :mod:`sprockets.mixins.metrics`, and
handling exceptions.
async def postgres_callproc(self,
name: str,
parameters: QueryParameters = None,
metric_name: str = '',
timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult:
"""Execute a stored procedure / function
:param name: The stored procedure / function name to call
:param parameters: Query parameters to pass when calling
:type parameters: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryParameters`
:param metric_name: The metric name for duration recording and logging
:param timeout: Timeout value to override the default or the value
specified when creating the
:type timeout: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.Timeout`
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when there is a query or network timeout
:raises psycopg2.Error: when there is an exception raised by Postgres
.. note: :exc:`psycopg2.Error` is the base exception for all
:mod:`psycopg2` exceptions and the actual exception raised will
likely be more specific.
:rtype: :class:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryResult`
async with self.application.postgres_connector(
timeout) as connector:
return await connector.callproc(
name, parameters, metric_name, timeout=timeout)
async def postgres_execute(self,
sql: str,
parameters: QueryParameters = None,
metric_name: str = '',
timeout: Timeout = None) -> QueryResult:
"""Execute a query, specifying a name for the query, the SQL statement,
and optional positional arguments to pass in with the query.
Parameters may be provided as sequence or mapping and will be
bound to variables in the operation. Variables are specified
either with positional ``%s`` or named ``%({name})s`` placeholders.
:param sql: The SQL statement to execute
:param parameters: Query parameters to pass as part of the execution
:type parameters: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryParameters`
:param metric_name: The metric name for duration recording and logging
:param timeout: Timeout value to override the default or the value
specified when creating the
:type timeout: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.Timeout`
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when there is a query or network timeout
:raises psycopg2.Error: when there is an exception raised by Postgres
.. note: :exc:`psycopg2.Error` is the base exception for all
:mod:`psycopg2` exceptions and the actual exception raised will
likely be more specific.
:rtype: :class:`~sprockets_postgres.QueryResult`
async with self.application.postgres_connector(
timeout) as connector:
return await connector.execute(
sql, parameters, metric_name, timeout=timeout)
async def postgres_transaction(self, timeout: Timeout = None) \
-> typing.AsyncContextManager[PostgresConnector]:
"""asynchronous :ref:`context-manager <python:typecontextmanager>`
function that implements full ``BEGIN``, ``COMMIT``, and ``ROLLBACK``
semantics. If there is a :exc:`psycopg2.Error` raised during the
transaction, the entire transaction will be rolled back.
If no exception is raised, the transaction will be committed when
exiting the context manager.
*Usage Example*
.. code-block:: python
class RequestHandler(sprockets_postgres.RequestHandlerMixin,
async def post(self):
async with self.postgres_transaction() as transaction:
result1 = await transaction.execute(QUERY_ONE)
result2 = await transaction.execute(QUERY_TWO)
result3 = await transaction.execute(QUERY_THREE)
:param timeout: Timeout value to override the default or the value
specified when creating the
:type timeout: :data:`~sprockets_postgres.Timeout`
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError: when there is a query or network timeout
when starting the transaction
:raises psycopg2.Error: when there is an exception raised by Postgres
when starting the transaction
.. note: :exc:`psycopg2.Error` is the base exception for all
:mod:`psycopg2` exceptions and the actual exception raised will
likely be more specific.
async with self.application.postgres_connector(
timeout) as connector:
async with connector.transaction():
yield connector
def on_postgres_error(self,
metric_name: str,
exc: Exception) -> typing.Optional[Exception]:
"""Invoked when an error occurs when executing a query
If `tornado-problem-details` is available,
:exc:`problemdetails.Problem` will be raised instead of
Override for different error handling behaviors.
Return an exception if you would like for it to be raised, or swallow
it here.
LOGGER.error('%s in %s for %s (%s)',
exc.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__,
metric_name, str(exc).split('\n')[0])
if isinstance(exc, ConnectionException):
if problemdetails:
raise problemdetails.Problem(
status_code=503, title='Database Connection Error')
raise web.HTTPError(503, reason='Database Connection Error')
elif isinstance(exc, asyncio.TimeoutError):
if problemdetails:
raise problemdetails.Problem(
status_code=500, title='Query Timeout')
raise web.HTTPError(500, reason='Query Timeout')
elif isinstance(exc, errors.ForeignKeyViolation):
if problemdetails:
raise problemdetails.Problem(
status_code=409, title='Foreign Key Violation')
raise web.HTTPError(409, reason='Foreign Key Violation')
elif isinstance(exc, errors.UniqueViolation):
if problemdetails:
raise problemdetails.Problem(
status_code=409, title='Unique Violation')
raise web.HTTPError(409, reason='Unique Violation')
elif isinstance(exc, psycopg2.OperationalError):
if problemdetails:
raise problemdetails.Problem(
status_code=503, title='Database Error')
raise web.HTTPError(503, reason='Database Error')
elif isinstance(exc, psycopg2.Error):
if problemdetails:
raise problemdetails.Problem(
status_code=500, title='Database Error')
raise web.HTTPError(500, reason='Database Error')
return exc
def on_postgres_timing(self,
metric_name: str,
duration: float) -> None:
"""Override for custom metric recording. As a default behavior it will
attempt to detect `sprockets-influxdb
<https://sprockets-influxdb.readthedocs.io/>`_ and
<https://sprocketsmixinsmetrics.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>`_ and
record the metrics using them if they are available. If they are not
available, it will record the query duration to the `DEBUG` log.
:param metric_name: The name of the metric to record
:param duration: The duration to record for the metric
if hasattr(self, 'influxdb'): # sprockets-influxdb
self.influxdb.set_field(metric_name, duration)
elif hasattr(self, 'record_timing'): # sprockets.mixins.metrics
self.record_timing(duration, metric_name)
LOGGER.debug('Postgres query %s duration: %s',
metric_name, duration)
def _postgres_connection_check(self):
"""Ensures Postgres is connected, exiting the request in error if not
:raises: problemdetails.Problem
:raises: web.HTTPError
if not self.application.postgres_is_connected:
if problemdetails:
raise problemdetails.Problem(
status_code=503, title='Database Connection Error')
raise web.HTTPError(503, reason='Database Connection Error')
class StatusRequestHandler(web.RequestHandler):
"""A RequestHandler that can be used to expose API health or status"""
async def get(self, *_args, **_kwarg):
postgres = await self.application.postgres_status()
if not postgres['available']:
'application': self.settings.get('service', 'unknown'),
'environment': self.settings.get('environment', 'unknown'),
'postgres': {
'pool_free': postgres['pool_free'],
'pool_size': postgres['pool_size']
'status': 'ok' if postgres['available'] else 'unavailable',
'version': self.settings.get('version', 'unknown')})