import contextlib
import os
import socket
import time

from tornado import web

from sprockets_statsd import statsd

class Application(web.Application):
    """Mix this into your application to add a statsd connection.

    .. attribute:: statsd_connector
       :type: sprockets_statsd.statsd.Connector

       Connection to the StatsD server that is set between calls
       to :meth:`.start_statsd` and :meth:`.stop_statsd`.

    This mix-in is configured by the ``statsd`` settings key.  The
    value is a dictionary with the following keys.

    | host              | the statsd host to send metrics to          |
    | port              | port number that statsd is listening on     |
    | prefix            | segment to prefix to metrics                |
    | protocol          | "tcp" or "udp"                              |
    | reconnect_timeout | number of seconds to sleep after a statsd   |
    |                   | connection attempt fails                    |
    | wait_timeout      | number of seconds to wait for a metric to   |
    |                   | arrive on the queue before verifying the    |
    |                   | connection                                  |

    **host** defaults to the :envvar:`STATSD_HOST` environment variable.
    If this value is not set, then the statsd connector *WILL NOT* be

    **port** defaults to the :envvar:`STATSD_PORT` environment variable
    with a back up default of 8125 if the environment variable is not

    **prefix** is prefixed to all metric paths.  This provides a
    namespace for metrics so that each applications metrics are maintained
    in separate buckets.  The default is to use the :envvar:`STATSD_PREFIX`
    environment variable.  If it is unset and the *service* and
    *environment* keys are set in ``settings``, then the default is
    ``applications.<service>.<environment>``.  This is a convenient way to
    maintain consistent metric paths when you are managing a larger number
    of services.

    .. rubric:: Warning

    If you want to run without a prefix, then you are required to also
    set the ``allow_no_prefix`` key with a *truthy* value.  This prevents
    accidentilly polluting the metric namespace with unqualified paths.

    **protocol** defaults to the :envvar:`STATSD_PROTOCOL` environment
    variable with a back default of "tcp" if the environment variable
    is not set.

    **reconnect_timeout** defaults to 1.0 seconds which limits the
    aggressiveness of creating new TCP connections.

    **wait_timeout** defaults to 0.1 seconds which ensures that the
    processor quickly responds to connection faults.

    def __init__(self, *args, **settings):
        statsd_settings = settings.setdefault('statsd', {})
        statsd_settings.setdefault('host', os.environ.get('STATSD_HOST'))
                                   os.environ.get('STATSD_PORT', '8125'))
                                   os.environ.get('STATSD_PROTOCOL', 'tcp'))

        if os.environ.get('STATSD_PREFIX'):
            statsd_settings.setdefault('prefix', os.environ['STATSD_PREFIX'])
                prefix = '.'.join([
            except KeyError:
                prefix = None
            statsd_settings.setdefault('prefix', prefix)

        super().__init__(*args, **settings)

        self.settings['statsd']['port'] = int(self.settings['statsd']['port'])
        self.statsd_connector = None

    async def start_statsd(self):
        """Start the connector during startup.

        Call this method during application startup to enable the statsd
        connection.  A new :class:`~sprockets_statsd.statsd.Connector`
        instance will be created and started.  This method does not return
        until the connector is running.

        if self.statsd_connector is None:
            statsd_settings = self.settings['statsd']
            if (statsd_settings.get('prefix', None) is None
                    and not statsd_settings.get('allow_no_prefix', False)):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'statsd configuration error: prefix is not set')

            kwargs = {
                'host': statsd_settings['host'],
                'port': statsd_settings['port'],
            if 'reconnect_sleep' in statsd_settings:
                kwargs['reconnect_sleep'] = statsd_settings['reconnect_sleep']
            if 'wait_timeout' in statsd_settings:
                kwargs['wait_timeout'] = statsd_settings['wait_timeout']
            if statsd_settings['protocol'] == 'tcp':
                kwargs['ip_protocol'] = socket.IPPROTO_TCP
            elif statsd_settings['protocol'] == 'udp':
                kwargs['ip_protocol'] = socket.IPPROTO_UDP
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f'statsd configuration error:'
                    f' {statsd_settings["protocol"]} is not a valid'
                    f' protocol')

            self.statsd_connector = statsd.Connector(**kwargs)
            await self.statsd_connector.start()

    async def stop_statsd(self):
        """Stop the connector during shutdown.

        If the connector was started, then this method will gracefully
        terminate it.  The method does not return until after the
        connector is stopped.

        if self.statsd_connector is not None:
            await self.statsd_connector.stop()
            self.statsd_connector = None

class RequestHandler(web.RequestHandler):
    """Mix this into your handler to send metrics to a statsd server."""
    statsd_connector: statsd.Connector

    def initialize(self, **kwargs):
        self.application: Application
        self.statsd_connector = self.application.statsd_connector

    def __build_path(self, *path):
        full_path = '.'.join(str(c) for c in path)
        if self.settings.get('statsd', {}).get('prefix', ''):
            return f'{self.settings["statsd"]["prefix"]}.{full_path}'
        return full_path

    def record_timing(self, secs: float, *path):
        """Record the duration.

        :param secs: number of seconds to record
        :param path: path to record the duration under

        if self.statsd_connector is not None:
                self.__build_path('timers', *path), secs * 1000.0, 'ms')

    def increase_counter(self, *path, amount: int = 1):
        """Adjust a counter.

        :param path: path of the counter to adjust
        :param amount: amount to adjust the counter by.  Defaults to
            1 and can be negative

        if self.statsd_connector is not None:
                self.__build_path('counters', *path), amount, 'c')

    def execution_timer(self, *path):
        """Record the execution duration of a block of code.

        :param path: path to record the duration as

        start = time.time()
            self.record_timing(time.time() - start, *path)

    def on_finish(self):
        """Extended to record the request time as a duration.

        This method extends :meth:`tornado.web.RequestHandler.on_finish`
        to record ``self.request.request_time`` as a timing metric.

                           self.__class__.__name__, self.request.method,