import contextlib import logging import os import socket import time import typing from tornado import ioloop, web from sprockets_statsd import statsd class Application(web.Application): """Mix this into your application to add a statsd connection. .. attribute:: statsd_connector :type: sprockets_statsd.statsd.AbstractConnector Connection to the StatsD server that is set between calls to :meth:`.start_statsd` and :meth:`.stop_statsd`. This mix-in is configured by the ``statsd`` settings key. The value is a dictionary with the following keys. +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | enabled | should the statsd connector be enabled? | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | host | the statsd host to send metrics to | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | port | port number that statsd is listening on | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | prefix | segment to prefix to metrics | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | protocol | "tcp" or "udp" | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | reconnect_timeout | number of seconds to sleep after a statsd | | | connection attempt fails | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | wait_timeout | number of seconds to wait for a metric to | | | arrive on the queue before verifying the | | | connection | +-------------------+---------------------------------------------+ **enabled** defaults to the :envvar:`STATSD_ENABLED` environment variable coerced to a :class:`bool`. If this variable is not set, then the statsd connector *WILL BE* enabled. Set this to a *falsy* value to disable the connector. The following values are considered *truthy*: a non-zero integer or a case-insensitive match of "on", "t", "true", or "yes". All other values are considered *falsy*. **host** defaults to the :envvar:`STATSD_HOST` environment variable. If this value is not set, then the statsd connector *WILL NOT* be enabled. **port** defaults to the :envvar:`STATSD_PORT` environment variable with a back up default of 8125 if the environment variable is not set. **prefix** is prefixed to all metric paths. This provides a namespace for metrics so that each applications metrics are maintained in separate buckets. The default is to use the :envvar:`STATSD_PREFIX` environment variable. If it is unset and the *service* and *environment* keys are set in ``settings``, then the default is ``applications.<service>.<environment>``. This is a convenient way to maintain consistent metric paths when you are managing a larger number of services. .. rubric:: Warning If you want to run without a prefix, then you are required to explicitly set ``statsd.prefix`` to ``None``. This prevents accidentally polluting the metric namespace with unqualified paths. **protocol** defaults to the :envvar:`STATSD_PROTOCOL` environment variable with a back default of "tcp" if the environment variable is not set. **reconnect_timeout** defaults to 1.0 seconds which limits the aggressiveness of creating new TCP connections. **wait_timeout** defaults to 0.1 seconds which ensures that the processor quickly responds to connection faults. """ statsd_connector: typing.Optional[statsd.AbstractConnector] def __init__(self, *args: typing.Any, **settings: typing.Any): statsd_settings = settings.setdefault('statsd', {}) statsd_settings.setdefault('enabled', os.environ.get('STATSD_ENABLED', 'yes')) statsd_settings.setdefault('host', os.environ.get('STATSD_HOST')) statsd_settings.setdefault('port', os.environ.get('STATSD_PORT', '8125')) statsd_settings.setdefault('protocol', os.environ.get('STATSD_PROTOCOL', 'tcp')) if 'prefix' not in statsd_settings: statsd_settings['prefix'] = os.environ.get('STATSD_PREFIX') if not statsd_settings['prefix']: try: statsd_settings['prefix'] = '.'.join([ 'applications', settings['service'], settings['environment'], ]) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError( 'statsd configuration error: prefix is not set. Set' ' $STATSD_PREFIX or configure settings.statsd.prefix') super().__init__(*args, **settings) self.settings['statsd']['enabled'] = _parse_bool( self.settings['statsd']['enabled']) self.settings['statsd']['port'] = int(self.settings['statsd']['port']) self.statsd_connector = None try: self.on_start_callbacks.append(self.start_statsd) self.on_shutdown_callbacks.append(self.stop_statsd) except AttributeError: pass async def start_statsd(self, *_) -> None: """Start the connector during startup. Call this method during application startup to enable the statsd connection. A new :class:`~sprockets_statsd.statsd.Connector` instance will be created and started. This method does not return until the connector is running. """ if self.statsd_connector is None: logger = self.__get_logger() if not self.settings['statsd']['enabled']:'statsd connector is disabled by configuration') self.statsd_connector = statsd.AbstractConnector() else: kwargs = self.settings['statsd'].copy() kwargs.pop('enabled', None) # consume this one protocol = kwargs.pop('protocol', None) if protocol == 'tcp': kwargs['ip_protocol'] = socket.IPPROTO_TCP elif protocol == 'udp': kwargs['ip_protocol'] = socket.IPPROTO_UDP else: return self.__handle_fatal_error( f'statsd configuration error: {protocol} is not ' f'a valid protocol')'creating %s statsd connector', protocol.upper()) try: self.statsd_connector = statsd.Connector(**kwargs) except RuntimeError as error: return self.__handle_fatal_error( 'statsd.Connector failed to start', error) await self.statsd_connector.start() async def stop_statsd(self, *_) -> None: """Stop the connector during shutdown. If the connector was started, then this method will gracefully terminate it. The method does not return until after the connector is stopped. """ if self.statsd_connector is not None: await self.statsd_connector.stop() self.statsd_connector = None def __handle_fatal_error(self, message: str, exc: typing.Optional[Exception] = None): logger = self.__get_logger() if exc is not None: logger.exception('%s', message) else: logger.error('%s', message) if hasattr(self, 'stop'): self.stop(ioloop.IOLoop.current()) else: raise RuntimeError(message) def __get_logger(self) -> logging.Logger: try: return getattr(self, 'logger') except AttributeError: return logging.getLogger(__package__).getChild( 'tornado.Application') class RequestHandler(web.RequestHandler): """Mix this into your handler to send metrics to a statsd server.""" statsd_connector: typing.Optional[statsd.Connector] def initialize(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> None: super().initialize(**kwargs) self.application: Application self.statsd_connector = self.application.statsd_connector def __build_path(self, *path: typing.Any) -> str: return '.'.join(str(c) for c in path) def record_timing(self, secs: float, *path: typing.Any) -> None: """Record the duration. :param secs: number of seconds to record :param path: path to record the duration under """ if self.statsd_connector is not None: self.statsd_connector.timing(self.__build_path(*path), secs) def increase_counter(self, *path: typing.Any, amount: int = 1) -> None: """Adjust a counter. :param path: path of the counter to adjust :param amount: amount to adjust the counter by. Defaults to 1 and can be negative """ if self.statsd_connector is not None: self.statsd_connector.incr(self.__build_path(*path), amount) @contextlib.contextmanager def execution_timer( self, *path: typing.Any) -> typing.Generator[None, None, None]: """Record the execution duration of a block of code. :param path: path to record the duration as """ start = time.time() try: yield finally: self.record_timing(time.time() - start, *path) def on_finish(self) -> None: """Extended to record the request time as a duration. This method extends :meth:`tornado.web.RequestHandler.on_finish` to record ``self.request.request_time`` as a timing metric. """ super().on_finish() self.record_timing(self.request.request_time(), self.__class__.__name__, self.request.method, self.get_status()) def _parse_bool(value: str) -> bool: try: return int(value) != 0 except ValueError: return value.lower() in {'true', 't', 'yes', 'on'}