Merge pull request from sprockets/initial-implementation

Initial import of code from other projects.
This commit is contained in:
Gavin M. Roy 2016-03-02 08:34:57 -05:00
commit 0b448ce33e
9 changed files with 456 additions and 2 deletions

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
API Documentation
.. automodule:: sprockets.clients.dynamodb
.. autoclass:: sprockets.clients.dynamodb.DynamoDB

docs/examples.rst Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Creating a Table
.. literalinclude:: ../examples/

View file

@ -4,5 +4,6 @@

examples/ Normal file
View file

examples/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
Create the table described in `CreateTable`_.
This example creates a table if it does not exist using chained
.. _CreateTable:
import logging
import sys
from sprockets.clients import dynamodb
from tornado import ioloop
LOGGER = logging.getLogger('create-database')
'TableName': 'Thread',
'AttributeDefinitions': [
{'AttributeName': 'ForumName', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
{'AttributeName': 'Subject', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
{'AttributeName': 'LastPostDateTime', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
'KeySchema': [
{'AttributeName': 'ForumName', 'KeyType': 'HASH'},
{'AttributeName': 'Subject', 'KeyType': 'RANGE'},
'LocalSecondaryIndexes': [
'IndexName': 'LastPostIndex',
'KeySchema': [
{'AttributeName': 'ForumName', 'KeyType': 'HASH'},
{'AttributeName': 'LastPostDateTime', 'KeyType': 'RANGE'},
'Projection': {
'ProjectionType': 'KEYS_ONLY',
'ProvisionedThroughput': {
'ReadCapacityUnits': 5,
'WriteCapacityUnits': 5,
dynamo = dynamodb.DynamoDB()
iol = ioloop.IOLoop.instance()
def on_table_described(describe_response):
def on_created(create_response):
result = create_response.result()'table created - %r', result)
except Exception:
LOGGER.exception('failed to create table')
result = describe_response.result()'found table %s, created %s',
except Exception as error:
LOGGER.warn('table not found, attempting to create: %s', error)
next_future = dynamo.create_table(TABLE_DEF)
iol.add_future(next_future, on_created)
format='%(levelname)1.1s %(name)s: %(message)s')

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ setuptools.setup(
namespace_packages=['sprockets', 'sprockets.clients'],
'Development Status :: 1 - Planning',
'Environment :: No Input/Output (Daemon)',

View file

@ -1,2 +1,9 @@
from .connector import DynamoDB
except ImportError as error:
def DynamoDB(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
version_info = (0, 0, 0)
__version__ = '.'.join(str(v) for v in version_info)
__all__ = ['DynamoDB', 'version_info', '__version__']

View file

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
import json
import logging
import os
from tornado import concurrent, ioloop
from tornado_aws import client
from . import utils
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DynamoDB(object):
Connects to a DynamoDB instance.
:keyword str region: AWS region to send requests to
:keyword str access_key: AWS access key. If unspecified, this
defaults to the :envvar:`AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` environment
variable and will fall back to using the AWS CLI credentials
file. See :class:`tornado_aws.client.AsyncAWSClient` for
more details.
:keyword str secret_key: AWS secret used to secure API calls.
If unspecified, this defaults to the :envvar:`AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`
environment variable and will fall back to using the AWS CLI
credentials as described in :class:`tornado_aws.client.AsyncAWSClient`.
:keyword str profile: optional profile to use in AWS API calls.
If unspecified, this defaults to the :envvar:`AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE`
environment variable or ``default`` if unset.
:keyword str endpoint: DynamoDB endpoint to contact. If unspecified,
the default is determined by the region.
:keyword int max_clients: optional maximum number of HTTP requests
that may be performed in parallel.
Create an instance of this class to interact with a DynamoDB
server. A :class:`tornado_aws.client.AsyncAWSClient` instance
implements the AWS API wrapping and this class provides the
DynamoDB specifics.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.logger = LOGGER.getChild(self.__class__.__name__)
self._client = None
self._args = kwargs.copy()
if os.environ.get('DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT', None):
self._args.setdefault('endpoint', os.environ['DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT'])
def client(self):
if self._client is None:
self._client = client.AsyncAWSClient('dynamodb', **self._args)
return self._client
def execute(self, function, body):
Invoke a DynamoDB function.
:param str function: DynamoDB function to invoke
:param dict body: body to send with the function
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
This method creates a future that will resolve to the result
of calling the specified DynamoDB function. It does it's best
to unwrap the response from the function to make life a little
easier for you. It does this for the ``GetItem`` and ``Query``
functions currrently.
encoded = json.dumps(body).encode('utf-8')
headers = {
'x-amz-target': 'DynamoDB_20120810.{}'.format(function),
'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.0',
future = concurrent.TracebackFuture()
def handle_response(f):
self.logger.debug('processing %s() = %r', function, f)
response = f.result()
result = json.loads(response.body.decode('utf-8'))
future.set_result(_unwrap_result(function, result))
except Exception as exception:
self.logger.debug('calling %s', function)
aws_response = self.client.fetch('POST', '/', body=encoded,
ioloop.IOLoop.current().add_future(aws_response, handle_response)
return future
def create_table(self, table_definition):
Invoke the ``CreateTable`` function.
:param dict table_definition: description of the table to
create according to `CreateTable`_
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
.. _CreateTable:
return self.execute('CreateTable', table_definition)
def describe_table(self, table_name):
Invoke the `DescribeTable`_ function.
:param str table_name: name of the table to describe.
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
.. _DescribeTable:
return self.execute('DescribeTable', {'TableName': table_name})
def delete_table(self, table_name):
Invoke the `DeleteTable`_ function.
:param str table_name: name of the table to describe.
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
.. _DeleteTable:
return self.execute('DeleteTable', {'TableName': table_name})
def put_item(self, table_name, item):
Invoke the `PutItem`_ function.
:param str table_name: table to insert into
:param dict item: item to insert. This will be marshalled
for you so a native :class:`dict` of native items works.
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
.. _PutItem:
return self.execute('PutItem', {'TableName': table_name,
'Item': utils.marshall(item)})
def get_item(self, table_name, key_dict):
Invoke the `GetItem`_ function.
:param str table_name: table to retrieve the item from
:param dict key_dict: key to use for retrieval. This will
be marshalled for you so a native :class:`dict` works.
:rtype: tornado.concurrent.Future
.. _GetItem:
return self.execute('GetItem', {'TableName': table_name,
'Key': utils.marshall(key_dict)})
def _unwrap_result(function, result):
if result:
if function == 'GetItem':
return utils.unmarshall(result['Item'])
if function == 'Query':
return [utils.unmarshall(item) for item in result['Items']]
return result

View file

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
Utilities for working with DynamoDB.
- :func:`.marshall`
- :func:`.unmarshal`
This module contains some helpers that make working with the
Amazon DynamoDB API a little less painful. Data is encoded as
`AttributeValue`_ structures in the JSON payloads and this module
defines functions that will handle the transcoding for you for
the vast majority of types that we use.
.. _AttributeValue:
import datetime
import uuid
import sys
import arrow
except ImportError:
arrow = None
PYTHON3 = True if sys.version_info > (3, 0, 0) else False
TEXTCHARS = bytearray({7,8,9,10,12,13,27} | set(range(0x20, 0x100)) - {0x7f})
def marshall(values):
Marshall a `dict` into something DynamoDB likes.
:param dict values: The values to marshall
:rtype: dict
:raises ValueError: if an unsupported type is encountered
Return the values in a nested dict structure that is required for
writing the values to DynamoDB.
serialized = {}
for key in values:
serialized[key] = _marshall_value(values[key])
return serialized
def _marshall_value(value):
Recursively transform `value` into an AttributeValue `dict`
:param mixed value: The value to encode
:rtype: dict
:raises ValueError: for unsupported types
Return the value as dict indicating the data type and transform or
recursively process the value if required.
if PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, bytes):
return {'B': value}
elif PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, str):
return {'S': value}
elif not PYTHON3 and isinstance(value, str):
if _is_binary(value):
return {'B': value}
return {'S': value}
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return {'M': marshall(value)}
elif isinstance(value, bool):
return {'BOOL': value}
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return {'N': str(value)}
elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
return {'S': value.isoformat()}
elif arrow is not None and isinstance(value, arrow.Arrow):
return {'S': value.isoformat()}
elif isinstance(value, uuid.UUID):
return {'S': str(value)}
elif isinstance(value, list):
return {'L': [_marshall_value(v) for v in value]}
elif isinstance(value, set):
if PYTHON3 and all([isinstance(v, bytes) for v in value]):
return {'BS': sorted(list(value))}
elif PYTHON3 and all([isinstance(v, str) for v in value]):
return {'SS': sorted(list(value))}
elif all([isinstance(v, (int, float)) for v in value]):
return {'NS': sorted([str(v) for v in value])}
elif not PYTHON3 and all([isinstance(v, str) for v in value]) and \
all([_is_binary(v) for v in value]):
return {'BS': sorted(list(value))}
elif not PYTHON3 and all([isinstance(v, str) for v in value]) and \
all([_is_binary(v) is False for v in value]):
return {'SS': sorted(list(value))}
raise ValueError('Can not mix types in a set')
elif value is None:
return {'NULL': True}
raise ValueError('Unsupported type: %s' % type(value))
def unmarshall(values):
Transform a response payload from DynamoDB to a native dict
:param dict values: The response payload from DynamoDB
:rtype: dict
:raises ValueError: if an unsupported type code is encountered
unmarshalled = {}
for key in values:
unmarshalled[key] = _unmarshall_dict(values[key])
return unmarshalled
def _unmarshall_dict(value):
"""Unmarshall a single dict value from a row that was returned from
DynamoDB, returning the value as a normal Python dict.
:param dict value: The value to unmarshall
:rtype: mixed
:raises ValueError: if an unsupported type code is encountered
key = list(value.keys()).pop()
if key == 'B':
return bytes(value[key])
elif key == 'BS':
return set([bytes(v) for v in value[key]])
elif key == 'BOOL':
return value[key]
elif key == 'L':
return [_unmarshall_dict(v) for v in value[key]]
elif key == 'M':
return unmarshall(value[key])
elif key == 'NULL':
return None
elif key == 'N':
return _to_number(value[key])
elif key == 'NS':
return set([_to_number(v) for v in value[key]])
elif key == 'S':
return _maybe_convert(value[key])
elif key == 'SS':
return set([_maybe_convert(v) for v in value[key]])
raise ValueError('Unsupported value type: %s' % key)
def _to_number(value):
Convert the string containing a number to a number
:param str value: The value to convert
:rtype: float|int
return float(value) if '.' in value else int(value)
def _maybe_convert(value):
Try to convert a string into something useful.
:param str value: The value to convert
:rtype: uuid.UUID|datetime.datetime|str
Possibly convert the value to a :py:class:`uuid.UUID` or
:py:class:`datetime.datetime` if possible, otherwise just return
the value.
return uuid.UUID(value)
except ValueError:
return value
def _is_binary(value):
Check to see if a string contains binary data in Python2
:param str value: The value to check
:rtype: bool
return bool(value.translate(None, TEXTCHARS))