import uuid from tornado import concurrent, log class HandlerMixin(object): """ Mix this in over a ``RequestHandler`` for a correlating header. :keyword str correlation_header: the name of the header to use for correlation. If this keyword is omitted, then the header is named ``Correlation-ID``. This mix-in ensures that responses include a header that correlates requests and responses. If there header is set on the incoming request, then it will be copied to the outgoing response. Otherwise, a new UUIDv4 will be generated and inserted. The value can be examined or modified via the ``correlation_id`` property. The MRO needs to contain something that resembles a standard :class:`tornado.web.RequestHandler`. Specifically, we need the following things to be available: - :meth:`~tornado.web.RequestHandler.prepare` needs to be called appropriately - :meth:`~tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_header` needs to exist in the MRO and it needs to overwrite the header value - :meth:`~tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_default_headers` should be called to establish the default header values - ``self.request`` is a object that has a ``headers`` property that contains the request headers as a ``dict``. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # correlation_id is used from within set_default_headers # which is called from within super().__init__() so we need # to make sure that it is set *BEFORE* we call super. self.__header_name = kwargs.pop( 'correlation_header', 'Correlation-ID') self.__correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) super(HandlerMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) async def prepare(self): # Here we want to copy an incoming Correlation-ID header if # one exists. We also want to set it in the outgoing response # which the property setter does for us. maybe_future = super(HandlerMixin, self).prepare() if concurrent.is_future(maybe_future): # pragma: nocover await maybe_future correlation_id = self.get_request_header(self.__header_name, None) if correlation_id is not None: self.correlation_id = correlation_id def set_default_headers(self): # This is called during initialization as well as *AFTER* # calling clear() when an error occurs so we need to make # sure that our header is set again... super(HandlerMixin, self).set_default_headers() self.set_header(self.__header_name, self.correlation_id) @property def correlation_id(self): """Correlation header value.""" return self.__correlation_id @correlation_id.setter def correlation_id(self, value): self.__correlation_id = value self.set_header(self.__header_name, self.__correlation_id) def get_request_header(self, name, default): """ Retrieve the value of a request header. :param str name: the name of the header to retrieve :param default: the value to return if the header is not set This method abstracts the act of retrieving a header value out from the implementation. This makes it possible to implement a *RequestHandler* that is something other than a :class:`tornado.web.RequestHandler` by simply implementing this method and ``set_header`` over the underlying implementation, for example, say AMQP message properties. """ return self.request.headers.get(name, default) def correlation_id_logger(handler): """ Custom Tornado access log writer that appends correlation-id. This function can be used to append the coorelation-id to the Tornado access logs. To use, simply set the value of the log_function kwarg of the Tornado Application constructor to this function. *Example* web.Application([], log_function=correlation_id_logger) :param tornado.web.RequestHandler handler: the request handler that is processing the client request. """ if handler.get_status() < 400: log_method = elif handler.get_status() < 500: log_method = log.access_log.warning else: log_method = log.access_log.error request_time = 1000.0 * handler.request.request_time() correlation_id = getattr(handler, "correlation_id", None) if correlation_id is None: correlation_id = handler.request.headers.get('Correlation-ID', None) log_method("%d %s %.2fms {CID %s}", handler.get_status(), handler._request_summary(), request_time, correlation_id)