import contextlib import logging import os import socket import time from tornado import concurrent, httpclient, ioloop from sprockets.mixins.metrics import __version__ LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) SETTINGS_KEY = 'sprockets.mixins.metrics.influxdb' """``self.settings`` key that configures this mix-in.""" _USER_AGENT = 'sprockets.mixins.metrics/v{}'.format(__version__) class InfluxDBMixin(object): """Mix this class in to record measurements to a InfluxDB server.""" def __init__(self, application, request, **kwargs): self.__metrics = [] self.__tags = { 'handler': '{}.{}'.format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__), 'method': request.method, } # Call to super().__init__() needs to be *AFTER* we create our # properties since it calls initialize() which may want to call # methods like ``set_metric_tag`` super(InfluxDBMixin, self).__init__(application, request, **kwargs) def set_metric_tag(self, tag, value): """ Add a tag to the measurement key. :param str tag: name of the tag to set :param str value: value to assign This will overwrite the current value assigned to a tag if one exists. """ self.__tags[tag] = value def record_timing(self, duration, *path): """ Record a timing. :param float duration: timing to record in seconds :param path: elements of the metric path to record A timing is a named duration value. """ self.__metrics.append('{}={}'.format( self.application.influxdb.escape_str('.'.join(path)), duration)) def increase_counter(self, *path, **kwargs): """ Increase a counter. :param path: elements of the path to record :keyword int amount: value to record. If omitted, the counter value is one. Counters are simply values that are summed in a query. """ self.__metrics.append('{}={}'.format( self.application.influxdb.escape_str('.'.join(path)), kwargs.get('amount', 1))) @contextlib.contextmanager def execution_timer(self, *path): """ Record the time it takes to run an arbitrary code block. :param path: elements of the metric path to record This method returns a context manager that records the amount of time spent inside of the context and records a value named `path` using (:meth:`record_timing`). """ start = time.time() try: yield finally: self.record_timing(max(time.time(), start) - start, *path) def on_finish(self): super(InfluxDBMixin, self).on_finish() self.set_metric_tag('status_code', self._status_code) self.record_timing(self.request.request_time(), 'duration') self.application.influxdb.submit( self.settings[SETTINGS_KEY]['measurement'], self.__tags, self.__metrics) class InfluxDBCollector(object): """Collects and submits stats to InfluxDB on a periodic callback. :param str url: The InfluxDB API URL :param str database: the database to write measurements into :param tornado.ioloop.IOLoop: the IOLoop to spawn callbacks on. If this parameter is :data:`None`, then the active IOLoop, as determined by :meth:`tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance`, is used. :param int submission_interval: How often to submit metric batches in milliseconds. Default: ``5000`` :param max_batch_size: The number of measurements to be submitted in a single HTTP request. Default: ``1000`` :param dict tags: Default tags that are to be submitted with each metric. This class should be constructed using the :meth:`~sprockets.mixins.influxdb.install` method. When installed, it is attached to the :class:`~tornado.web.Application` instance for your web application and schedules a periodic callback to submit metrics to InfluxDB in batches. """ SUBMISSION_INTERVAL = 5000 MAX_BATCH_SIZE = 1000 WARN_THRESHOLD = 25000 def __init__(self, url='http://localhost:8086', database='sprockets', io_loop=None, submission_interval=SUBMISSION_INTERVAL, max_batch_size=MAX_BATCH_SIZE, tags=None): self._buffer = list() self._database = database self._influxdb_url = '{}?db={}'.format(url, database) self._interval = submission_interval or self.SUBMISSION_INTERVAL self._io_loop = io_loop or ioloop.IOLoop.current() self._max_batch_size = max_batch_size or self.MAX_BATCH_SIZE self._pending = 0 self._tags = tags or {} self._client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient(force_instance=True, io_loop=self._io_loop) self._client.configure(None, defaults={'user_agent': _USER_AGENT}) # Add the periodic callback for submitting metrics'Starting PeriodicCallback for writing InfluxDB metrics') self._callback = ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self._write_metrics, self._interval) self._callback.start() @staticmethod def escape_str(value): """Escape the value with InfluxDB's wonderful escaping logic: "Measurement names, tag keys, and tag values must escape any spaces or commas using a backslash (\). For example: \ and \,. All tag values are stored as strings and should not be surrounded in quotes." :param str value: The value to be escaped :rtype: str """ return str(value).replace(' ', '\ ').replace(',', '\,') @property def database(self): """Return the configured database name. :rtype: str """ return self._database def shutdown(self): """Invoke on shutdown of your application to stop the periodic callbacks and flush any remaining metrics. Returns a future that is complete when all pending metrics have been submitted. :rtype: :class:`~tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture()` """ future = concurrent.TracebackFuture() self._callback.stop() self._write_metrics() self._shutdown_wait(future) return future def submit(self, measurement, tags, values): """Add a measurement to the buffer that will be submitted to InfluxDB on the next periodic callback for writing metrics. :param str measurement: The measurement name :param dict tags: The measurement tags :param list values: The recorded measurements """ self._buffer.append('{},{} {} {:d}'.format( self.escape_str(measurement), self._get_tag_string(tags), ','.join(values), int(time.time() * 1000000000))) if len(self._buffer) > self.WARN_THRESHOLD: LOGGER.warning('InfluxDB metric buffer is > %i (%i)', self.WARN_THRESHOLD, len(self._buffer)) def _get_tag_string(self, tags): """Return the tags to be submitted with a measurement combining the default tags that were passed in when constructing the class along with any measurement specific tags passed into the :meth:`~InfluxDBConnection.submit` method. Tags will be properly escaped and formatted for submission. :param dict tags: Measurement specific tags :rtype: str """ values = dict(self._tags) values.update(tags) return ','.join(['{}={}'.format(self.escape_str(k), self.escape_str(v)) for k, v in values.items()]) def _on_write_response(self, response): """This is invoked by the Tornado IOLoop when the HTTP request to InfluxDB has returned with a result. :param response: The response from InfluxDB :type response: :class:`~tornado.httpclient.HTTPResponse` """ self._pending -= 1 LOGGER.debug('InfluxDB batch response: %s', response.code) if response.error: LOGGER.error('InfluxDB batch submission error: %s', response.error) def _shutdown_wait(self, future): """Pause briefly allowing any pending metric writes to complete before shutting down. :param future tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture: The future to resulve when the shutdown is complete. """ if not self._pending: future.set_result(True) return LOGGER.debug('Waiting for pending metric writes') self._io_loop.add_timeout(self._io_loop.time() + 0.1, self._shutdown_wait, (future,)) def _write_metrics(self): """Submit the metrics in the buffer to InfluxDB. This is invoked by the periodic callback scheduled when the class is created. It will submit batches until the buffer is empty. """ if not self._buffer: return LOGGER.debug('InfluxDB buffer has %i items', len(self._buffer)) while self._buffer: body = '\n'.join(self._buffer[:self._max_batch_size]) self._buffer = self._buffer[self._max_batch_size:] self._pending += 1 self._client.fetch(self._influxdb_url, method='POST', body=body.encode('utf-8'), raise_error=False, callback=self._on_write_response) LOGGER.debug('Submitted all InfluxDB metrics for writing') def install(application, **kwargs): """Call this to install the InfluxDB collector into a Tornado application. :param tornado.web.Application application: the application to install the collector into. :param kwargs: keyword parameters to pass to the :class:`InfluxDBCollector` initializer. :returns: :data:`True` if the client was installed by this call and :data:`False` otherwise. Optional configuration values: - **url** The InfluxDB API URL. If URL is not specified, the ``INFLUX_HOST`` and ``INFLUX_PORT`` environment variables will be used to construct the URL to pass into the :class:`InfluxDBCollector`. - **database** the database to write measurements into. The default is ``sprockets``. - **io_loop** A :class:`~tornado.ioloop.IOLoop` to use - **submission_interval** How often to submit metric batches in milliseconds. Default: ``5000`` - **max_batch_size** The number of measurements to be submitted in a single HTTP request. Default: ``1000`` - **tags** Default tags that are to be submitted with each metric. """ if getattr(application, 'influxdb', None) is not None: LOGGER.warning('InfluxDBCollector is already installed') return False # Get config values url = 'http://{}:{}/write'.format(os.environ.get('INFLUX_HOST'), os.environ.get('INFLUX_PORT')) kwargs.setdefault('url', url) # Build the full tag dict and replace what was passed in tags = {'hostname': socket.gethostname()} if os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT'): tags['environment'] = os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT') if os.environ.get('SERVICE'): tags['service'] = os.environ.get('SERVICE') tags.update(kwargs.get('tags', {})) kwargs['tags'] = tags # Create and start the collector setattr(application, 'influxdb', InfluxDBCollector(**kwargs)) return True def shutdown(application): """Invoke to shutdown the InfluxDB collector, writing any pending measurements to InfluxDB before stopping. :param tornado.web.Application application: the application to install the collector into. :rtype: tornado.concurrent.TracebackFuture or None """ collector = getattr(application, 'influxdb', None) if collector: return collector.shutdown()