2020-09-18 00:22:35 -04:00
Tornado OpenAPI 3
2024-10-20 23:13:27 -04:00
.. image:: https://github.com/correl/tornado-openapi3/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/correl/tornado-openapi3/actions/workflows/test.yml
2020-11-26 00:24:21 -05:00
.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/correl/tornado-openapi3/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=CTYWWDXTL9
:target: https://codecov.io/gh/correl/tornado-openapi3
2021-03-19 13:20:03 -04:00
.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/tornado-openapi3/badge/
:target: https://tornado-openapi3.readthedocs.io
2020-11-26 00:24:21 -05:00
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg
:target: https://github.com/psf/black
2020-11-20 13:02:46 -05:00
2020-09-18 00:22:35 -04:00
Tornado OpenAPI 3 request and response validation library.
Provides integration between the `Tornado`_ web framework and `Openapi-core`_
library for validating request and response objects against an `OpenAPI 3`_
2021-03-19 13:20:03 -04:00
Full documentation is available at https://tornado-openapi3.readthedocs.io
2020-12-04 22:46:40 -05:00
2020-11-20 12:21:29 -05:00
Adding validation to request handlers
2020-12-04 22:46:40 -05:00
2020-11-20 12:21:29 -05:00
.. code:: python
2021-03-19 13:20:03 -04:00
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web
from tornado_openapi3.handler import OpenAPIRequestHandler
class MyRequestHandler(OpenAPIRequestHandler):
spec_dict = {
"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"title": "Simple Example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Index",
"content": {
"text/html": {
"schema": {"type": "string"},
class RootHandler(MyRequestHandler):
async def get(self):
self.finish("Hello, World!")
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = tornado.web.Application([(r"/", RootHandler)])
Validating responses in tests
2020-11-26 00:05:02 -05:00
.. code:: python
2021-03-19 13:20:03 -04:00
import unittest
import tornado.web
from tornado_openapi3.testing import AsyncOpenAPITestCase
class RootHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
async def get(self):
self.finish("Hello, World!")
class BaseTestCase(AsyncOpenAPITestCase):
spec_dict = {
"openapi": "3.0.0",
"info": {
"title": "Simple Example",
"version": "1.0.0",
"paths": {
"/": {
"get": {
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Index",
"content": {
"text/html": {
"schema": {"type": "string"},
def get_app(self):
return tornado.web.Application([(r"/", RootHandler)])
def test_root_endpoint(self):
response = self.fetch("/")
self.assertEqual(200, response.code)
self.assertEqual(b"Hello, World!", response.body)
if __name__ == "__main__":
2020-12-04 22:46:40 -05:00
Getting Started
This project uses `Poetry`_ to manage its dependencies. To set up a local
development environment, just run:
.. code:: sh
poetry install
Formatting Code
The `Black`_ tool is used by this project to format Python code. It is included
as a development dependency, and should be run on all committed code. To format
code prior to committing it and submitting a PR, run:
.. code:: sh
poetry run black .
Running Tests
`pytest`_ is the preferred test runner for this project. It is included as a
development dependency, and is configured to track code coverage, `Flake8`_
style compliance, and `Black`_ code formatting. Tests can be run in your
development environment by running:
.. code:: sh
poetry run pytest
Additionally, tests can be run using `tox`_, which will run the tests using
multiple versions of both Python and Tornado to ensure broad compatibility.
Configuring Hypothesis
Many of the tests make use of `Hypothesis`_ to specify their expectations and
generate a large volume of randomized test input. Because of this, the tests may
2020-12-04 23:34:57 -05:00
take a long time to run on slower computers. Two profiles are defined for
2020-12-04 22:46:40 -05:00
Hypothesis to use which can be selected by setting the ``HYPOTHESIS_PROFILE``
environment variable to one of the following values:
2021-01-13 16:55:03 -05:00
2020-12-04 23:34:57 -05:00
Runs tests using the default Hypothesis settings (100 examples per test) and
no completion deadline.
2020-12-04 22:46:40 -05:00
The fastest profile, meant for local development only. Uses only 10 examples
per test with no completion deadline.
.. _Black: https://github.com/psf/black
.. _Flake8: https://flake8.pycqa.org/
.. _Hypothesis: https://hypothesis.readthedocs.io/
.. _OpenAPI 3: https://swagger.io/specification/
.. _Openapi-core: https://github.com/p1c2u/openapi-core
.. _Poetry: https://python-poetry.org/
.. _Tornado: https://www.tornadoweb.org/
.. _pytest: https://pytest.org/
.. _tox: https://tox.readthedocs.io/