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from functools import reduce, update_wrapper
import inspect
from typing import Callable, Generic, NewType, TypeVar, overload
from .reader import Reader
A = TypeVar("A")
B = TypeVar("B")
C = TypeVar("C")
D = TypeVar("D")
E = TypeVar("E")
Result = TypeVar("Result")
class Curried(Reader[A, Result]):
def __repr__(self): # pragma: no cover
module = self.function.__module__
name = getattr(self.function, "__name__", repr(self.function))
signature = inspect.signature(self)
return f"<Curried {module}.{name}{signature}>"
class CurriedUnary(Curried[A, Result]):
class CurriedBinary(Curried[A, CurriedUnary[B, Result]]):
def __call__(self, environment: A) -> CurriedUnary[B, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B) -> Result:
def __call__(self, *args):
return reduce(lambda f, x: f(x), args, self.function)
class CurriedTernary(Curried[A, CurriedBinary[B, C, Result]]):
def __call__(self, environment: A) -> CurriedBinary[B, C, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B) -> CurriedUnary[C, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B, c: C) -> Result:
def __call__(self, *args):
return reduce(lambda f, x: f(x), args, self.function)
class CurriedQuaternary(Curried[A, CurriedTernary[B, C, D, Result]]):
def __call__(self, environment: A) -> CurriedTernary[B, C, D, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B) -> CurriedBinary[C, D, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B, c: C) -> CurriedUnary[D, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) -> Result:
def __call__(self, *args):
return reduce(lambda f, x: f(x), args, self.function)
class CurriedQuinary(Curried[A, CurriedQuaternary[B, C, D, E, Result]]):
def __call__(self, environment: A) -> CurriedQuaternary[B, C, D, E, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B) -> CurriedTernary[C, D, E, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B, c: C) -> CurriedBinary[D, E, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) -> CurriedUnary[E, Result]:
def __call__(self, environment: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) -> Result:
def __call__(self, *args):
return reduce(lambda f, x: f(x), args, self.function)
def curry(f: Callable[[A], Result]) -> CurriedUnary[A, Result]:
def curry(f: Callable[[A, B], Result]) -> CurriedBinary[A, B, Result]:
def curry(f: Callable[[A, B, C], Result]) -> CurriedTernary[A, B, C, Result]:
def curry(f: Callable[[A, B, C, D], Result]) -> CurriedQuaternary[A, B, C, D, Result]:
def curry(
f: Callable[[A, B, C, D, E], Result]
) -> CurriedQuinary[A, B, C, D, E, Result]:
def curry(f):
signature = inspect.signature(f)
parameters = list(signature.parameters.values())
def wrapped(args, remaining):
if remaining < 1:
raise ValueError("Function must take one or more positional arguments")
elif remaining == 1:
curried = update_wrapper(lambda x: f(*(args + [x])), f)
curried.__signature__ = signature.replace(
return CurriedUnary(curried)
curried = update_wrapper(lambda x: wrapped(args + [x], remaining - 1), f)
curried.__signature__ = signature.replace(
if remaining == 2:
return CurriedBinary(curried)
elif remaining == 3:
return CurriedTernary(curried)
elif remaining == 4:
return CurriedQuaternary(curried)
elif remaining == 5:
return CurriedQuinary(curried)
raise ValueError("Cannot curry a function with more than 5 arguments")
return wrapped([], f.__code__.co_argcount)
def uncurry(f: CurriedUnary[A, Result]) -> Callable[[A], Result]:
def uncurry(f: CurriedBinary[A, B, Result]) -> Callable[[A, B], Result]:
def uncurry(f: CurriedTernary[A, B, C, Result]) -> Callable[[A, B, C], Result]:
def uncurry(f: CurriedQuaternary[A, B, C, D, Result]) -> Callable[[A, B, C, D], Result]:
def uncurry(
f: CurriedQuinary[A, B, C, D, E, Result]
) -> Callable[[A, B, C, D, E], Result]:
def uncurry(f):
def wrapped(*args):
return reduce(lambda _f, x: _f(x), args, f)
return update_wrapper(wrapped, f)