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1 | id | symbol | market_id | category | name |
2 | 128666746 | EraninPearlWhisky | 128001536 | Legal Drugs | Eranin Pearl Whisky |
3 | 128666747 | LavianBrandy | 128106744 | Legal Drugs | Lavian Brandy |
4 | 128667019 | HIP10175BushMeat | 3223234816 | Foods | HIP 10175 Bush Meat |
5 | 128667020 | AlbinoQuechuaMammoth | 3222822912 | Foods | Albino Quechua Mammoth Meat |
6 | 128667021 | UtgaroarMillenialEggs | 128037120 | Foods | Utgaroar Millennial Eggs |
7 | 128667022 | WitchhaulKobeBeef | 3223358720 | Foods | Witchhaul Kobe Beef |
8 | 128667023 | KarsukiLocusts | 3225028096 | Foods | Karsuki Locusts |
9 | 128667024 | GiantIrukamaSnails | 3225345792 | Foods | Giant Irukama Snails |
10 | 128667025 | BaltahSineVacuumKrill | 128088056 | Foods | Baltah'sine Vacuum Krill |
11 | 128667026 | CetiRabbits | 3222560000 | Foods | Ceti Rabbits |
12 | 128667027 | KachiriginLeaches | 3221595648 | Medicines | Kachirigin Filter Leeches |
13 | 128667028 | LyraeWeed | 3226417152 | Legal Drugs | Lyrae Weed |
14 | 128667029 | OnionHead | 128129272 | Legal Drugs | Onionhead |
15 | 128667030 | TarachTorSpice | 128041984 | Legal Drugs | Tarach Spice |
16 | 128667031 | Wolf1301Fesh | 128084984 | Legal Drugs | Wolf Fesh |
17 | 128667032 | BorasetaniPathogenetics | 3229638400 | Weapons | Borasetani Pathogenetics |
18 | 128667033 | HIP118311Swarm | 3223177472 | Weapons | HIP 118311 Swarm |
19 | 128667034 | KonggaAle | 3226978048 | Legal Drugs | Kongga Ale |
20 | 128667035 | WuthieloKuFroth | 3222155776 | Legal Drugs | Wuthielo Ku Froth |
21 | 128667036 | AlacarakmoSkinArt | 3231373824 | Consumer Items | Alacarakmo Skin Art |
22 | 128667037 | EleuThermals | 3230624768 | Consumer Items | Eleu Thermals |
23 | 128667038 | EshuUmbrellas | 3222295552 | Consumer Items | Eshu Umbrellas |
24 | 128667039 | KaretiiCouture | 3227333120 | Consumer Items | Karetii Couture |
25 | 128667040 | NjangariSaddles | 3222416896 | Consumer Items | Njangari Saddles |
26 | 128667041 | AnyNaCoffee | 3229880064 | Foods | Any Na Coffee |
27 | 128667042 | CD75CatCoffee | 3228566016 | Foods | CD-75 Kitten Brand Coffee |
28 | 128667043 | GomanYauponCoffee | 3224449792 | Foods | Goman Yaupon Coffee |
29 | 128667044 | VolkhabBeeDrones | 3227831808 | Machinery | Volkhab Bee Drones |
30 | 128667045 | KinagoInstruments | 3227394304 | Consumer Items | Kinago Violins |
31 | 128667046 | NgunaModernAntiques | 3221538304 | Consumer Items | Nguna Modern Antiques |
32 | 128667047 | RajukruStoves | 3227512320 | Consumer Items | Rajukru Multi-Stoves |
33 | 128667048 | TiolceWaste2PasteUnits | 3224141312 | Consumer Items | Tiolce Waste2Paste Units |
34 | 128667049 | ChiEridaniMarinePaste | 128128760 | Foods | Chi Eridani Marine Paste |
35 | 128667050 | EsusekuCaviar | 3226919680 | Foods | Esuseku Caviar |
36 | 128667051 | LiveHecateSeaWorms | 128042496 | Foods | Live Hecate Sea Worms |
37 | 128667052 | HelvetitjPearls | 3231094528 | Metals | Helvetitj Pearls |
38 | 128667053 | HIP41181Squid | 3227995392 | Foods | HIP Proto-Squid |
39 | 128667054 | CoquimSpongiformVictuals | 3223832576 | Foods | Coquim Spongiform Victuals |
40 | 128667055 | AerialEdenApple | 128083448 | Foods | Eden Apples of Aerial |
41 | 128667056 | NeritusBerries | 3228206080 | Foods | Neritus Berries |
42 | 128667057 | OchoengChillies | 3226719232 | Foods | Ochoeng Chillies |
43 | 128667058 | DeuringasTruffles | 3229713408 | Foods | Deuringas Truffles |
44 | 128667059 | HR7221Wheat | 3226170880 | Foods | HR 7221 Wheat |
45 | 128667060 | JarouaRice | 3224698112 | Foods | Jaroua Rice |
46 | 128667061 | BelalansRayLeather | 3223537152 | Textiles | Belalans Ray Leather |
47 | 128667062 | DamnaCarapaces | 3227751936 | Textiles | Damna Carapaces |
48 | 128667063 | RapaBaoSnakeSkins | 3222875648 | Textiles | Rapa Bao Snake Skins |
49 | 128667064 | VanayequiRhinoFur | 3227289856 | Textiles | Vanayequi Ceratomorpha Fur |
50 | 128667065 | BastSnakeGin | 128086776 | Legal Drugs | Bast Snake Gin |
51 | 128667066 | ThrutisCream | 3226522368 | Legal Drugs | Thrutis Cream |
52 | 128667067 | WulpaHyperboreSystems | 3221388032 | Machinery | Wulpa Hyperbore Systems |
53 | 128667068 | AganippeRush | 128012800 | Medicines | Aganippe Rush |
54 | 128667069 | TerraMaterBloodBores | 128051466 | Medicines | Terra Mater Blood Bores |
55 | 128667070 | HolvaDuellingBlades | 3222713088 | Weapons | Holva Duelling Blades |
56 | 128667071 | KamorinHistoricWeapons | 3221669632 | Weapons | Kamorin Historic Weapons |
57 | 128667072 | GilyaSignatureWeapons | 3226857216 | Weapons | Gilya Signature Weapons |
58 | 128667073 | DeltaPhoenicisPalms | 128045312 | Chemicals | Delta Phoenicis Palms |
59 | 128667074 | ToxandjiVirocide | 3230258688 | Chemicals | Toxandji Virocide |
60 | 128667075 | XiheCompanions | 3224133120 | Technology | Xihe Biomorphic Companions |
61 | 128667076 | SanumaMEAT | 3230331136 | Foods | Sanuma Decorative Meat |
62 | 128667077 | EthgrezeTeaBuds | 3229524992 | Foods | Ethgreze Tea Buds |
63 | 128667078 | CeremonialHeikeTea | 3227417856 | Foods | Ceremonial Heike Tea |
64 | 128667079 | TanmarkTranquilTea | 128057866 | Foods | Tanmark Tranquil Tea |
65 | 128667080 | AZCancriFormula42 | 3228400128 | Technology | Az Cancri Formula 42 |
66 | 128667081 | KamitraCigars | 3225450752 | Legal Drugs | Kamitra Cigars |
67 | 128667082 | RusaniOldSmokey | 3229255680 | Legal Drugs | Rusani Old Smokey |
68 | 128667083 | YasoKondiLeaf | 3223088640 | Legal Drugs | Yaso Kondi Leaf |
69 | 128667084 | ChateauDeAegaeon | 3228416768 | Legal Drugs | Chateau De Aegaeon |
70 | 128667085 | WatersOfShintara | 128666762 | Medicines | The Waters of Shintara |
71 | 128667668 | OphiuchiExinoArtefacts | 3228939264 | Consumer Items | Ophiuch Exino Artefacts |
72 | 128667669 | BakedGreebles | 3229378560 | Foods | Baked Greebles |
73 | 128667670 | CetiAepyornisEgg | 3222560256 | Foods | Aepyornis Egg |
74 | 128667671 | SaxonWine | 3227986432 | Legal Drugs | Saxon Wine |
75 | 128667672 | CentauriMegaGin | 3228728832 | Legal Drugs | Centauri Mega Gin |
76 | 128667673 | AnduligaFireWorks | 3230243584 | Consumer Items | Anduliga Fire Works |
77 | 128667674 | BankiAmphibiousLeather | 3228346112 | Textiles | Banki Amphibious Leather |
78 | 128667675 | CherbonesBloodCrystals | 3229594624 | Metals | Cherbones Blood Crystals |
79 | 128667676 | MotronaExperienceJelly | 3229750528 | Legal Drugs | Motrona Experience Jelly |
80 | 128667677 | GeawenDanceDust | 3230954752 | Legal Drugs | Geawen Dance Dust |
81 | 128667678 | GerasianGueuzeBeer | 3228047360 | Legal Drugs | Gerasian Gueuze Beer |
82 | 128667679 | HaidneBlackBrew | 3226557696 | Foods | Haiden Black Brew |
83 | 128667680 | HavasupaiDreamCatcher | 3221438976 | Consumer Items | Havasupai Dream Catcher |
84 | 128667681 | BurnhamBileDistillate | 3230224384 | Legal Drugs | Burnham Bile Distillate |
85 | 128667682 | HIPOrganophosphates | 3227036160 | Chemicals | HIP Organophosphates |
86 | 128667683 | JaradharrePuzzlebox | 3230754816 | Consumer Items | Jaradharre Puzzle Box |
87 | 128667684 | KorroKungPellets | 3228726272 | Chemicals | Koro Kung Pellets |
88 | 128667685 | LFTVoidExtractCoffee | 3229028864 | Foods | Void Extract Coffee |
89 | 128667686 | HonestyPills | 3229561344 | Medicines | Honesty Pills |
90 | 128667687 | NonEuclidianExotanks | 3224135424 | Machinery | Non Euclidian Exotanks |
91 | 128667688 | LTTHyperSweet | 3224166400 | Foods | LTT Hyper Sweet |
92 | 128667689 | MechucosHighTea | 3228398848 | Foods | Mechucos High Tea |
93 | 128667690 | MedbStarlube | 3228762368 | Chemicals | Medb Starlube |
94 | 128667691 | MokojingBeastFeast | 3229612800 | Foods | Mokojing Beast Feast |
95 | 128667692 | MukusubiiChitinOs | 3221719296 | Foods | Mukusubii Chitin-os |
96 | 128667693 | MulachiGiantFungus | 3228892672 | Foods | Mulachi Giant Fungus |
97 | 128667694 | NgadandariFireOpals | 3226127872 | Metals | Ngadandari Fire Opals |
98 | 128667695 | TiegfriesSynthSilk | 3227726848 | Textiles | Tiegfries Synth Silk |
99 | 128667696 | UzumokuLowGWings | 3226474496 | Consumer Items | Uzumoku Low-G Wings |
100 | 128667697 | VHerculisBodyRub | 3228959232 | Medicines | V Herculis Body Rub |
101 | 128667698 | WheemeteWheatCakes | 3225032704 | Foods | Wheemete Wheat Cakes |
102 | 128667699 | VegaSlimWeed | 128149240 | Medicines | Vega Slimweed |
103 | 128667700 | AltairianSkin | 128151032 | Consumer Items | Altairian Skin |
104 | 128667701 | PavonisEarGrubs | 128117240 | Legal Drugs | Pavonis Ear Grubs |
105 | 128667702 | JotunMookah | 128078840 | Textiles | Jotun Mookah |
106 | 128667703 | GiantVerrix | 128121336 | Machinery | Giant Verrix |
107 | 128667704 | IndiBourbon | 128118520 | Legal Drugs | Indi Bourbon |
108 | 128667705 | AroucaConventualSweets | 128098040 | Foods | Arouca Conventual Sweets |
109 | 128667706 | TauriChimes | 128134648 | Consumer Items | Tauri Chimes |
110 | 128667707 | ZeesszeAntGlue | 128125432 | Consumer Items | Zeessze Ant Grub Glue |
111 | 128667708 | PantaaPrayerSticks | 3228824064 | Medicines | Pantaa Prayer Sticks |
112 | 128667709 | FujinTea | 128134392 | Foods | Fujin Tea |
113 | 128667710 | ChameleonCloth | 3223418880 | Textiles | Chameleon Cloth |
114 | 128667711 | OrrerianViciousBrew | 128166392 | Foods | Orrerian Vicious Brew |
115 | 128667712 | UszaianTreeGrub | 128164856 | Foods | Uszaian Tree Grub |
116 | 128667713 | MomusBogSpaniel | 128075256 | Consumer Items | Momus Bog Spaniel |
117 | 128667714 | DisoMaCorn | 128161016 | Foods | Diso Ma Corn |
118 | 128667715 | LeestianEvilJuice | 128639992 | Legal Drugs | Leestian Evil Juice |
119 | 128667716 | BlueMilk | 128639992 | Foods | Azure Milk |
120 | 128667717 | AlienEggs | 128164088 | Consumer Items | Leathery Eggs |
121 | 128667718 | AlyaBodilySoap | 3221638400 | Medicines | Alya Body Soap |
122 | 128667719 | VidavantianLace | 3231082240 | Consumer Items | Vidavantian Lace |
123 | 128667760 | TransgenicOnionHead | 128057866 | Legal Drugs | Lucan Onionhead |
124 | 128668017 | JaquesQuinentianStill | 128667761 | Consumer Items | Jaques Quinentian Still |
125 | 128668018 | SoontillRelics | 3225348096 | Consumer Items | Soontill Relics |
126 | 128671119 | Advert1 | 3227172352 | Consumer Items | Ultra-Compact Processor Prototypes |
127 | 128672121 | TheHuttonMug | 3228728832 | Consumer Items | The Hutton Mug |
128 | 128672122 | SothisCrystallineGold | 128668557 | Metals | Sothis Crystalline Gold |
129 | 128672316 | MasterChefs | 128123640 | Slavery | Master Chefs |
130 | 128672431 | PersonalGifts | 3223105792 | Salvage | Personal Gifts |
131 | 128672432 | CrystallineSpheres | 128059402 | Salvage | Crystalline Spheres |
132 | 128672812 | OnionHeadA | 3226977024 | Legal Drugs | Onionhead Alpha Strain |
133 | 128673069 | OnionHeadB | 3223027200 | Legal Drugs | Onionhead Beta Strain |
134 | 128682050 | GalacticTravelGuide | 128673074 | Salvage | Galactic Travel Guide |
135 | 128727921 | AnimalEffigies | 3228463360 | Legal Drugs | Crom Silver Fesh |
136 | 128732551 | ShansCharisOrchid | 128107768 | Consumer Items | Shan's Charis Orchid |
137 | 128748428 | BuckyballBeerMats | 128745551 | Consumer Items | Buckyball Beer Mats |
138 | 128793113 | HarmaSilverSeaRum | 3221575424 | Legal Drugs | Harma Silver Sea Rum |
139 | 128793114 | PlatinumAloy | 3223779840 | Metals | Platinum Alloy |
140 | 128913661 | Nanomedicines | 3226651904 | Medicines | Nanomedicines |
141 | 128922524 | Duradrives | 3223453184 | Consumer Items | Duradrives |
142 | 128958679 | ApaVietii | 128958681 | Legal Drugs | Apa Vietii |
143 | 129002574 | ClassifiedExperimentalEquipment | 128986325 | Technology | Classified Experimental Equipment |