2021-09-01 16:57:39 -04:00

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Stripe payments tracking database

Database for tracking payments and subscriptions managed by the Stripe Payments Service.

State Tracking

Legacy purchase

  • Client initiates purchase
  • Backend coordinates with Stripe and returns a payment intent

    • Track new purchase and related incomplete payment
  • Client completes purchase with Stripe
  • Stripe notifies backend of payment intent status (update purchase)

    • Track event
    • Track payment as completed
    • Fulfill purchase
    • Track purchase as fulfilled
  participant Stripe
  actor Client
  participant "stripe-payments" as Backend
  database Tracking

  Client -> Backend: Initiate purchase
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Store incomplete purchase</font>
  Backend -> Stripe : Create payment intent
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Store incomplete payment</font>
  Backend -> Client : Return payment intent
  Client -> Stripe : Complete purchase
  alt Success
    Stripe ---> Backend : payment_intent.succeeded
    Backend -> Tracking : <font color="green">Store event</font>
    alt Event not previously handled
      Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark payment as succeeded</font>
      Backend -> Backend : Fulfill purchase
      Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark purchase as fulfilled</font>
  else Failure
    Stripe --> Backend : payment_intent.payment_failed
    Backend -> Tracking : <font color="green">Store event</font>


Legacy purchase flow with events

Product purchase

  • Client prepares payment method with Stripe
  • Client initiates purchase
  • Backend coordinates with Stripe to complete the purchase

    • Attaches the payment method to the customer
    • For single products

      • Creates an invoice item
      • Creates an invoice
      • Pays the invoice
    • For subscriptions

      • Creates the subscription
  participant Stripe
  actor Client
  participant "stripe-payments" as Backend
  database Tracking

  Client -> Stripe : Create payment method
  Client -> Backend: Initiate purchase
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Store incomplete purchase</font>
  alt Non-recurring
          Backend -> Stripe : Create invoice item
          Backend -> Stripe : Create invoice
          Backend -> Stripe : Pay invoice
          Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Store completed payment</font>
  else Recurring
          Backend -> Stripe : Create subscription
          Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Store active subscription</font>
  Stripe --> Backend : Subscription activated
          Stripe --> Backend : customer.subscription.updated (no longer active)
          Stripe --> Backend : subscription_schedule.canceled
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="green">Store event</font>
  Backend -> Backend : Trigger unsubscribe actions
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark subscription as terminated</font>


Product purchase flow
  participant Stripe
  actor Client
  participant "stripe-payments" as Backend
  database Tracking

  == Payment succeeded ==
  Stripe --> Backend : payment_intent.succeeded
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="green">Store event</font>
  alt Event not previously handled
          Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark payment as succeeded</font>
          Backend -> Stripe : Look up invoice

          note over Backend
                  Recurring if an invoice exists
                  and has an associated subscription
          end note
          alt Non-recurring
                  Backend -> Backend : Fulfill purchase
                  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark purchase as fulfilled</font>
          else Recurring
  == Payment failed ==
  Stripe --> Backend : payment_intent.payment_failed
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="green">Store event</font>


Payment events
  participant Stripe
  actor Client
  participant "stripe-payments" as Backend
  database Tracking

  == Subscription activated ==
          Stripe --> Backend : customer.subscription.created (active)
          Stripe --> Backend : customer.subscription.updated (active)
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="green">Store event</font>
  alt New subscription
          Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark subscription as active</font>
          Backend -> Backend : Fulfill purchase
          Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark purchase as fulfilled</font>
  else Subscription already processed
          note over Backend
                  One of the following is true:

                  <font color="green">- Already received an activation event for this subscription</font>
                  <font color="green">- Already receieved a termination event for this subscription</font>
                  <font color="blue">- Subscription already marked as active or terminated</font>
                  <font color="blue">- Purchase already marked as fulfilled</font>
          end note
  == Subscription terminated ==
          Stripe --> Backend : customer.subscription.updated (no longer active)
          Stripe --> Backend : subscription_schedule.canceled
  Backend -> Tracking : <font color="green">Store event</font>
  alt Active subscription
          Backend -> Backend : Trigger unsubscribe actions
          Backend -> Tracking : <font color="blue">Mark subscription as terminated</font>
  else Subscription not yet processed
          note over Backend
                  One of the following is true:

                  <font color="green">- Did not receive an activation event for this subscription</font>
                  <font color="blue">- Subscription is not tracked</font>
          end note
  else Subscription already terminated
          note over Backend
                  One of the following is true:

                  <font color="green">- Already received a termination event for this subscription</font>
                  <font color="blue">- Subscription already marked as terminated</font>
          end note


Subscription events



Purchases made via the Stripe Payments Service.

  [*] -> New
  New -> Fulfilled


Purchase state diagram
Field Type Nullable Description
id UUID N Auto-generated purchase ID
created timestamp N Time the purchase was initiated
last_updated timestamp N Time the purchase was last updated
account UUID N The AWeber customer account purchased from
stripe_account text N The Stripe account of the AWeber customer
fulfilled boolean N Was this purchase fulfilled
  • Store which automations were applied & when

Subscriptions and Split Payments

Purchases made with recurring payments, managed using a Stripe Subscription.

  [*] -> New
  New -> Active
  Active --> Terminated : Payment Failed
  Active --> Terminated : Unsubscribed
  New --> Terminated : Payment Failed


Subscription state diagram
Field Type Nullable Description
id text N The Stripe subscription ID
created timestamp N Time the purchase was initiated
last_updated timestamp N Time the purchase was last updated
account UUID N The AWeber customer account the subscription belongs to
stripe_account text N The Stripe account of the AWeber customer
status subscription_status N Status of the subscription


ENUM: Subscription Status


Payments collected from buyers.

  [*] -> New
  New --> Paid : Payment succeeded
  New --> Failed : Payment failed


Payment state diagram
Field Type Nullable Description
id text N The Stripe payment intent ID
created timestamp N Time the purchase was initiated
last_updated timestamp N Time the purchase was last updated
account UUID N The AWeber customer account that was paid
stripe_account text N The Stripe account of the AWeber customer
purchase UUID N
status payment_status N Status of the payment intent


ENUM: Payment Status


Field Type Nullable Description
id text N Stripe event id
type text N Stripe event type
account UUID N The AWeber customer account the subscription belongs to
stripe_account text N The Stripe account of the AWeber customer
timestamp timestamp N Time event was published
subscription text Y Related Stripe subscription ID

Events should expire out of the database over time. Stripe maintains events in its database for up to 30 days.

Modeling in DynamoDB

Partition Key

The table index provides for rapid lookup of individual events.

Field Type Required Description
id String Y Stripe event id
type String Y Stripe event type
stripe_account String Y The Stripe account of the AWeber customer
timestamp String (timestamp) Y Time event was published (e.g. "2020-01-01 01:02:34.567")
date String (date) Y Date portion of timestamp (e.g. "2020-01-01")
time String (time) Y Time portion of timestamp (e.g. "01:02:34.567")
expiration Number (Unix timestamp) Y TTL expiration time of the event record
subscription String N Related Stripe subscription ID

The events table will automatically expire and remove rows for which expiration has passed. We may set expiration to be the event creation time plus thirty days to match Stripe's own expiration. This will prevent old items from piling up in the table.

Time index (GSI)
Partition Key
Sort Key
Keys Only

The date and time portions of the event timestamp will be separated to allow for scanning all events within a day, filterable by time. This should support our polling job, which should run multiple times per day. We'll have to be careful around date boundaries when looking up events (e.g. by including a query for events from the previous day during the first run of the current day).

Stripe Account index (GSI)
Partition Key
Sort Key
Include type, subscription

The account index provides for rapid lookup of events for a particular stripe account, filterable by timestamp.

Subscription index (GSI)
Partition Key
Sort Key
Include type, stripe_account

The account index provides for rapid lookup of events for a particular subscription, filterable by timestamp.

IAM Policy

Put together by referencing DynamoDB IAM Policies.

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": "dynamodb:ListTables",
              "Resource": "*"
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": [
              "Resource": [
Stripe Payments DynamoDB IAM Policy


  • How does the poller use these stored events?

    • To identify events retrieved from Stripe which do not need to be replayed
  • How do we replay events?

    • Send it to the webhook endpoint? An internal webhook endpoint that shares code with the public one?

      • The same webhook endpoint would be preferable, requires signing the payload
  • Do we expose the processed events as an internal endpoint in the stripe-payments service, or give the polling app a database connection?

    • API seems preferable

Following some discussion, the Events table should be sufficient for now.