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Recursive HTTP Requests with Elm

So I got the idea in my head that I wanted to pull data from the GitLab / GitHub APIs in my Elm app. This seemed straightforward enough; just wire up an HTTP request and a JSON decoder, and off I go. Then I remember, oh crap… like any sensible API with a potentially huge amount of data behind it, the results come back paginated. For anyone unfamiliar, this means that a single API request for a list of, say, repositories, is only going to return up to some maximum number of results. If there are more results available, there will be a reference to additional pages of results, that you can then fetch with another API request. My single request decoding only the results returned from that single request wasn't going to cut it.

I had a handful of problems to solve. I needed to:

  • Detect when additional results were available.
  • Parse out the URL to use to fetch the next page of results.
  • Continue fetching results until none remained.
  • Combine all of the results, maintaining their order.

Are there more results?

The first two bullet points can be dealt with by parsing and inspecting the response header. Both GitHub and GitLab embed pagination links in the HTTP Link header. As I'm interested in consuming pages until no further results remain, I'll be looking for a link in the header with the relationship "next". If I find one, I know I need to hit the associated URL to fetch more results. If I don't find one, I'm done!

  Link: <>; rel="next",
    <>; rel="last"
Example GitHub Link header

Parsing this stuff out went straight into a utility module.

  module Paginated.Util exposing (links)

  import Dict exposing (Dict)
  import Maybe.Extra
  import Regex

  {-| Parse an HTTP Link header into a dictionary. For example, to look
  for a link to additional results in an API response, you could do the

      Dict.get "Link" response.headers
          |> links
          |> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get "next")

  links : String -> Dict String String
  links s =
          toTuples xs =
              case xs of
                  [ Just a, Just b ] ->
                      Just ( b, a )

                  _ ->
              (Regex.regex "<(.*?)>; rel=\"(.*?)\"")
              |> .submatches
              |> toTuples
              |> Maybe.Extra.values
              |> Dict.fromList

A little bit of regular expression magic, tuples, and Maybe.Extra.values to keep the matches, and now I've got my (Maybe) URL.

Time to make some requests

Now's the time to define some types. I'll need a Request, which will be similar to a standard Http.Request, with a slight difference.

  type alias RequestOptions a =
      { method : String
      , headers : List Http.Header
      , url : String
      , body : Http.Body
      , decoder : Decoder a
      , timeout : Maybe Time.Time
      , withCredentials : Bool

  type Request a
      = Request (RequestOptions a)

What separates it from a basic Http.Request is the decoder field instead of an expect field. The expect field in an HTTP request is responsible for parsing the full response into whatever result the caller wants. For my purposes, I always intend to be hitting a JSON API returning a list of items, and I have my own designs on parsing bits of the request to pluck out the headers. Therefore, I expose only a slot for including a JSON decoder representing the type of item I'll be getting a collection of.

I'll also need a Response, which will either be Partial (containing the results from the response, plus a Request for getting the next batch), or Complete.

  type Response a
      = Partial (Request a) (List a)
      | Complete (List a)

Sending the request isn't too bad. I can just convert my request into an Http.Request, and use Http.send.

  send :
      (Result Http.Error (Response a) -> msg)
      -> Request a
      -> Cmd msg
  send resultToMessage request =
      Http.send resultToMessage <|
          httpRequest request

  httpRequest : Request a -> Http.Request (Response a)
  httpRequest (Request options) =
          { method = options.method
          , headers = options.headers
          , url = options.url
          , body = options.body
          , expect = expect options
          , timeout = options.timeout
          , withCredentials = options.withCredentials

  expect : RequestOptions a -> Http.Expect (Response a)
  expect options =
      Http.expectStringResponse (fromResponse options)

All of my special logic for handling the headers, mapping the decoder over the results, and packing them up into a Response is baked into my Http.Request via a private fromResponse translator:

  fromResponse :
      RequestOptions a
      -> Http.Response String
      -> Result String (Response a)
  fromResponse options response =
          items : Result String (List a)
          items =
                  (Json.Decode.list options.decoder)

          nextPage =
              Dict.get "Link" response.headers
                  |> Paginated.Util.links
                  |> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get "next")
          case nextPage of
              Nothing ->
         Complete items

              Just url ->
                      (Partial (request { options | url = url }))

Putting it together

Now, I can make my API request, and get back a response with potentially partial results. All that needs to be done now is to make my request, and iterate on the results I get back in my update method.

To make things a bit easier, I add a method for concatenating two responses:

  update : Response a -> Response a -> Response a
  update old new =
      case ( old, new ) of
          ( Complete items, _ ) ->
              Complete items

          ( Partial _ oldItems, Complete newItems ) ->
              Complete (oldItems ++ newItems)

          ( Partial _ oldItems, Partial request newItems ) ->
              Partial request (oldItems ++ newItems)

Putting it all together, I get a fully functional test app that fetches a paginated list of repositories from GitLab, and renders them when I've fetched them all:

  module Example exposing (..)

  import Html exposing (Html)
  import Http
  import Json.Decode exposing (field, string)
  import Paginated exposing (Response(..))

  type alias Model =
      { repositories : Maybe (Response String) }

  type Msg
      = GotRepositories (Result Http.Error (Paginated.Response String))

  main : Program Never Model Msg
  main =
          { init = init
          , update = update
          , view = view
          , subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none

  init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
  init =
      ( { repositories = Nothing }
      , getRepositories

  update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
  update msg model =
      case msg of
          GotRepositories (Ok response) ->
              ( { model
                  | repositories =
                      case model.repositories of
                          Nothing ->
                              Just response

                          Just previous ->
                              Just (Paginated.update previous response)
              , case response of
                  Partial request _ ->
                      Paginated.send GotRepositories request

                  Complete _ ->

          GotRepositories (Err _) ->
              ( { model | repositories = Nothing }
              , Cmd.none

  view : Model -> Html Msg
  view model =
      case model.repositories of
          Nothing ->
              Html.div [] [ Html.text "Loading" ]

          Just (Partial _ _) ->
              Html.div [] [ Html.text "Loading..." ]

          Just (Complete repos) ->
              Html.ul [] <|
                      (\x -> [] [ Html.text x ])

  getRepositories : Cmd Msg
  getRepositories =
      Paginated.send GotRepositories <|
              (field "name" string)

There's got to be a better way

I've got it working, and it's working well. However, it's kind of a pain to use. It's nice that I can play with the results as they come in by peeking into the Partial structure, but it's a real chore to have to stitch the results together in my application's update method. It'd be nice if I could somehow encapsulate that behavior in my request and not have to worry about the pagination at all in my app.

It just so happens that, with Tasks, I can.

Feel free to check out the full library documentation and code referenced in this post here.

Continue on with part two, Cleaner Recursive HTTP Requests with Elm Tasks.