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#+TITLE: Recursive HTTP Requests with Elm
#+AUTHOR: Correl Roush
#+STARTUP: indent showall inlineimages
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil
#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports code :eval never
#+KEYWORDS: elm programming
So I got the idea in my head that I wanted to pull data from the
GitLab / GitHub APIs in my Elm app. This seemed straightforward
enough; just wire up an HTTP request and a JSON decoder, and off I go.
Then I remember, oh crap... like any sensible API with a potentially
huge amount of data behind it, the results come back /paginated/. For
anyone unfamiliar, this means that a single API request for a list of,
say, repositories, is only going to return up to some maximum number
of results. If there are more results available, there will be a
reference to additional /pages/ of results, that you can then fetch
with /another/ API request. My single request decoding only the
results returned /from/ that single request wasn't going to cut it.
I had a handful of problems to solve. I needed to:
- Detect when additional results were available.
- Parse out the URL to use to fetch the next page of results.
- Continue fetching results until none remained.
- Combine all of the results, maintaining their order.
* Are there more results?
The first two bullet points can be dealt with by parsing and
inspecting the response header. Both GitHub and GitLab embed
pagination links in the [[][HTTP Link header]]. As I'm interested in
consuming pages until no further results remain, I'll be looking for a
link in the header with the relationship "next". If I find one, I know
I need to hit the associated URL to fetch more results. If I don't
find one, I'm done!
#+CAPTION: Example GitHub Link header
#+BEGIN_SRC http
Link: <>; rel="next",
<>; rel="last"
Parsing this stuff out went straight into a utility module.
module Paginated.Util exposing (links)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Maybe.Extra
import Regex
{-| Parse an HTTP Link header into a dictionary. For example, to look
for a link to additional results in an API response, you could do the
Dict.get "Link" response.headers
|> links
|> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get "next")
links : String -> Dict String String
links s =
toTuples xs =
case xs of
[ Just a, Just b ] ->
Just ( b, a )
_ ->
(Regex.regex "<(.*?)>; rel=\"(.*?)\"")
|> .submatches
|> toTuples
|> Maybe.Extra.values
|> Dict.fromList
A little bit of regular expression magic, tuples, and
=Maybe.Extra.values= to keep the matches, and now I've got my
(=Maybe=) URL.
* Time to make some requests
Now's the time to define some types. I'll need a =Request=, which will
be similar to a standard =Http.Request=, with a /slight/ difference.
type alias RequestOptions a =
{ method : String
, headers : List Http.Header
, url : String
, body : Http.Body
, decoder : Decoder a
, timeout : Maybe Time.Time
, withCredentials : Bool
type Request a
= Request (RequestOptions a)
What separates it from a basic =Http.Request= is the =decoder= field
instead of an =expect= field. The =expect= field in an HTTP request is
responsible for parsing the full response into whatever result the
caller wants. For my purposes, I always intend to be hitting a JSON
API returning a list of items, and I have my own designs on parsing
bits of the request to pluck out the headers. Therefore, I expose only
a slot for including a JSON decoder representing the type of item I'll
be getting a collection of.
I'll also need a =Response=, which will either be =Partial=
(containing the results from the response, plus a =Request= for
getting the next batch), or =Complete=.
type Response a
= Partial (Request a) (List a)
| Complete (List a)
Sending the request isn't too bad. I can just convert my request into
an =Http.Request=, and use =Http.send=.
send :
(Result Http.Error (Response a) -> msg)
-> Request a
-> Cmd msg
send resultToMessage request =
Http.send resultToMessage <|
httpRequest request
httpRequest : Request a -> Http.Request (Response a)
httpRequest (Request options) =
{ method = options.method
, headers = options.headers
, url = options.url
, body = options.body
, expect = expect options
, timeout = options.timeout
, withCredentials = options.withCredentials
expect : RequestOptions a -> Http.Expect (Response a)
expect options =
Http.expectStringResponse (fromResponse options)
All of my special logic for handling the headers, mapping the decoder
over the results, and packing them up into a =Response= is baked into
my =Http.Request= via a private =fromResponse= translator:
fromResponse :
RequestOptions a
-> Http.Response String
-> Result String (Response a)
fromResponse options response =
items : Result String (List a)
items =
(Json.Decode.list options.decoder)
nextPage =
Dict.get "Link" response.headers
|> Paginated.Util.links
|> Maybe.andThen (Dict.get "next")
case nextPage of
Nothing -> Complete items
Just url ->
(Partial (request { options | url = url }))
* Putting it together
Now, I can make my API request, and get back a response with
potentially partial results. All that needs to be done now is to make
my request, and iterate on the results I get back in my =update=
To make things a bit easier, I add a method for concatenating two
update : Response a -> Response a -> Response a
update old new =
case ( old, new ) of
( Complete items, _ ) ->
Complete items
( Partial _ oldItems, Complete newItems ) ->
Complete (oldItems ++ newItems)
( Partial _ oldItems, Partial request newItems ) ->
Partial request (oldItems ++ newItems)
Putting it all together, I get a fully functional test app that
fetches a paginated list of repositories from GitLab, and renders them
when I've fetched them all:
module Example exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Http
import Json.Decode exposing (field, string)
import Paginated exposing (Response(..))
type alias Model =
{ repositories : Maybe (Response String) }
type Msg
= GotRepositories (Result Http.Error (Paginated.Response String))
main : Program Never Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
( { repositories = Nothing }
, getRepositories
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
GotRepositories (Ok response) ->
( { model
| repositories =
case model.repositories of
Nothing ->
Just response
Just previous ->
Just (Paginated.update previous response)
, case response of
Partial request _ ->
Paginated.send GotRepositories request
Complete _ ->
GotRepositories (Err _) ->
( { model | repositories = Nothing }
, Cmd.none
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
case model.repositories of
Nothing ->
Html.div [] [ Html.text "Loading" ]
Just (Partial _ _) ->
Html.div [] [ Html.text "Loading..." ]
Just (Complete repos) ->
Html.ul [] <|
(\x -> [] [ Html.text x ])
getRepositories : Cmd Msg
getRepositories =
Paginated.send GotRepositories <|
(field "name" string)
* There's got to be a better way
I've got it working, and it's working well. However, it's kind of a
pain to use. It's nice that I can play with the results as they come
in by peeking into the =Partial= structure, but it's a real chore to
have to stitch the results together in my application's =update=
method. It'd be nice if I could somehow encapsulate that behavior in
my request and not have to worry about the pagination at all in my
It just so happens that, with Tasks, I can.
/Feel free to check out the full library documentation and code
referenced in this post [[][here]]./
/Continue on with part two, [[][Cleaner Recursive HTTP Requests with Elm