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synced 2024-12-18 19:21:37 +00:00
* Update exercises to elm-test 2.0 * Update docs to mention `elm-test` again * Update .travis.yml to the correct version of elm-test * Conform to the `<| \() ->` convention
77 lines
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77 lines
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port module Main exposing (..)
import Test.Runner.Node exposing (run)
import Json.Encode exposing (Value)
import Test exposing (..)
import Expect
import ListOps exposing (..)
tests : Test
tests =
describe "List Ops"
[ describe "length"
[ test "empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal 0 (ListOps.length [])
, test "non-empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal 4 (ListOps.length [1..4])
, describe "reverse"
[ test "empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [] (ListOps.reverse [])
, test "non-empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ] (ListOps.reverse [1..4])
, describe "map"
[ test "empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [] (ListOps.map ((+) 1) [])
, test "non-empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [2..5] (ListOps.map ((+) 1) [1..4])
, describe "filter"
[ test "empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [] (ListOps.filter (\_ -> True) [])
, test "non-empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [ 2, 4 ] (ListOps.filter (\x -> x % 2 == 0) [1..4])
, describe "foldl"
[ test "empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal 0 (ListOps.foldl (+) 0 [])
, test "non-empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal 10 (ListOps.foldl (+) 0 [1..4])
, test "direction" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [ 4, 3, 2, 1 ] (ListOps.foldl (::) [] [1..4])
, describe "foldr"
[ test "empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal 0 (ListOps.foldr (+) 0 [])
, test "non-empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal 10 (ListOps.foldr (+) 0 [1..4])
, test "direction" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [1..4] (ListOps.foldr (::) [] [1..4])
, describe "append"
[ test "empty lists" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [] (ListOps.append [] [])
, test "empty and non-empty lists" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [1..4] (ListOps.append [] [1..4])
, test "non-empty and empty lists" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [1..4] (ListOps.append [1..4] [])
, test "non-empty lists" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [1..8] (ListOps.append [1..4] [5..8])
, describe "concat"
[ test "empty list" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [] (ListOps.concat [])
, test "list of lists" <|
\() -> Expect.equal [1..10] (ListOps.concat [ [1..3], [], [4..7], [8..10] ])
main : Program Never
main =
run emit tests
port emit : ( String, Value ) -> Cmd msg