
846 B

layout title date author
post Meeting Slides: 7 in 7 — Ruby 2015-05-27 21:00 Correl Roush

For those that missed the meeting, or would like to review tonight's discussion, tonight's slides introducing [Seven Languages in Seven Weeks]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/) and the first chapter on Ruby are uploaded below.


[![introduction-1]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/introduction-1.png)]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/introduction.pdf) [![introduction-14]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/introduction-14.png)]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/introduction.pdf)

[Download PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/introduction.pdf)


[![ruby-1]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/ruby-1.png)]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/ruby.pdf) [![ruby-13]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/ruby-13.png)]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/ruby.pdf)

[Download PDF]({{ site.baseurl }}/7in7/ruby.pdf)