mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 17:00:10 -09:00
Since most packages do not have `dir` or `*.info` files, this required changing the behaviour when a wildcard entry in `:file` expands to an empty file list. Previously, an error would be raised in this case; now, an error is raised only when the *entire* `:files` spec expands to an empty file list. The slight danger, then, is that certain build failures due to upstream reorganisation of files might be less obvious.
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MELPA is a growing collection of `package.el`-compatible Emacs Lisp
packages built automatically on our server from the upstream source
code using simple recipes. (Think of it as a server-side version of
[el-get](https://github.com/dimitri/el-get), or even
Packages are updated hourly.
If you just want to browse and install packages, check out the
[archive index page](http://melpa.milkbox.net/) for instructions.
Adding packages is as simple as submitting a pull request; read on for
## Table of Contents
* [Usage](#usage)
* [Contributing](#contributing-new-packages)
* [Package Format](#package-format)
* [Build Scripts](#build-scripts)
* [API](#api)
* [MELPA Package](#melpa-package)
* [About](#about)
## Usage
To use the MELPA repository, add it to `package-archives` before the
call to `package-initialize` in your `init.el` file.
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/") t)
Since `package.el` doesn't allow locking packages to certain version,
we also provide a package `melpa.el` which contains code to allow
restricting packages to specific repositories. This allows someone to
blacklist packages that come from a specific repository, or blacklist
all packages from a repository and only whitelist certain packages.
See the [MELPA Package](#melpa-package) section below or
[Installing](http://melpa.milkbox.net/#installing) section on the
MELPA homepage.
## Contributing New Packages
For submitting new packages we ask you following the following
* Upstream source must be stored in an authoritative
repository or on the Emacswiki.
* Submit one pull request per recipe. You can create multiple
branches and create a pull request for each branch.
* Recipes should try to minimize the size of the resulting package by
specifying only files relevant to the package. See the
[Package Format](#package-format) section for more information on
specifying package files.
* The package name should match the name of the feature provided. See
the `package` function for more information.
* Packages should adhere to the `package.el` format as specified by
`(info "(elisp) Packaging")`. More information on this format is
provided by the
[marmalade package manual](http://marmalade-repo.org/doc-files/package.5.html).
### Testing
Let `<NAME>` denote the name of the recipe to submit.
1. Fork the MELPA repository.
2. Add your new file under the directory specified by
`package-build-recipes-dir` (default: `recipes/` directory where
`package-build` was loaded).
3. Confirm your package build properly by running
make recipes/<NAME>
4. Install the file you built by running `package-install-file` from
within Emacs and specifying the newly built package in the directory
specified by `package-build-archive-dir` (default: `packages/`
directory where `package-build` was loaded).
### Submitting
After verifying the entry works properly please open a pull request on
Github. Consider the [hub](https://github.com/defunkt/hub)
command-line utility by [defunkt](http://chriswanstrath.com/) which
helps simplify this process.
## Package Format
Packages are specified by files in the `recipes` directory. You can
contribute a new package by adding a new file under `recipes` using
the following form (`[...]` denotes optional or conditional values),
:fetcher [git|github|bzr|hg|darcs|svn|cvs|wiki]
[:url "<repo url>"]
[:repo "github-user/repo-name"]
[:module "cvs-module"]
[:files ("<file1>" ...)])
- `package-name`
a lisp symbol that has the same name as the package being specified.
- `:fetcher`
(one of `git, github, bzr, hg, darcs, svn, cvs, wiki`) specifies the type of repository that `:url` points to. Right now
package-build supports [git][git], [github][github],
[bazaar (bzr)][bzr], [mercurial (hg)][hg],
[subversion (svn)][svn], [cvs][cvs] [darcs][darcs], and
[Emacs Wiki (wiki)][emacswiki] as possible mechanisms for checking out
the repository. With the exception of the Emacs Wiki fetcher,
package-build uses the corresponding application to update files
before building the package. The Emacs Wiki fetcher gets the latest
version of the package from
`http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/<NAME>.el` where `NAME` is
the package name. Note that the `:url` property is not needed for the
`wiki` engine unless the name of the package file on the EmacsWiki
differs from the package name being built. In the case of the `github`
fetcher, use `:repo` instead of `:url`; the git URL will then be
- `:url`
specifies the URL of the version control repository. *required for
the `git`, `bzr`, `hg`, `darcs`, `svn` and `cvs` fetchers.*
- `:repo`
specifies the github repository and is of the form `github-user/repo-name`. *required for the `github` fetcher*.
- `:module`
specifies the module of a CVS repository to check out. Defaults to to
`package-name`. Only used with `:fetcher cvs`, and otherwise ignored.
- `:files`
optional property specifying the elisp and info files used to build the
package. Automatically populated by matching all `.el`, `.info` and `dir` files in the
root of the repository. This option necessary when there are multiple
`.el` files in the repository but the package should only be built
from a subset. For example, elisp test files should not normally be packaged.
*Any file specifed at any path in the repository is
copied to the root of the package.* More complex options are
available, submit an
[Issue](https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/issues) if the specified
package requires more complex file specification.
[git]: http://git-scm.com/
[github]: https://github.com/
[bzr]: http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/
[hg]: http://mercurial.selenic.com/
[svn]: http://subversion.apache.org/
[cvs]: http://www.nongnu.org/cvs/
[darcs]: http://darcs.net/
[emacswiki]: http://www.emacswiki.org/
### Single File Repository
[ido-ubiquitous](https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/ido-ubiquitous) is a repository that contains two files:
* `README.md`
* `ido-ubiquitous.el`
Since there is only one `.el` file, this package only needs the `:url` and `:fetcher` specified,
:url "https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/ido-ubiquitous.git"
:fetcher git)
### Multiple Packages in one Repository
contains the *starter-kit* package along with extra packages in the
`modules` directory; *starter-kit-bindings*, *starter-kit-lisp*, etc.
:url "https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit.git"
:fetcher git)
:url "https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit.git"
:fetcher git
:files ("modules/starter-kit-bindings.el"))
Notice that `:files` is not specified for `starter-kit` since
package-build will automatically add all `.el` files in the root
directory of the repository. The `starter-kit-bindings` repository is
contained in the `modules/` subdirectory and thus needs the packages
files specified explicitly.
### Multiple Files in Multiple Directories
There are special cases when we need
There are special cases where creation of the package comes from many
different sub-directories in the repository and the destination
sub-directories need to be explicitly set.
Consider the `flymake-perlcritic` recipe,
(flymake-perlcritic :repo "illusori/emacs-flymake-perlcritic"
:fetcher github
:files ("*.el" ("bin" "bin/flymake_perlcritic")))
which will result in a package structure of,
|-- bin
| `-- flymake_perlcritic
|-- flymake-perlcritic-pkg.el
`-- flymake-perlcritic.el
Notice that specifying an entry in `:files` that is a list takes the
first element to be the destination directory. These can be embedded
further, such as the following---hypothetical---entry for `:files`,
("*.el" ("snippets"
("html-mode" "snippets/html-mode/*")
("python-mode" "snippets/python-mode/*")))
which would result in a package with `*.el` in something like,
|-- snippets
| |-- html-mode
| | |-- div
| | `-- html
| `-- python-mode
| |-- for
| `-- main
`-- package.el
But a better solution, given that we probably want to copy the
*entire* `snippets` directory to the root of the package, we could
just specify that directory. Consider the `pony-mode` recipe,
:repo "davidmiller/pony-mode"
:fetcher github
:files ("src/*.el" "snippets"))
which generates the package,
|-- pony-mode-pkg.el
|-- pony-mode.el
|-- pony-tpl.el
`-- snippets
|-- html-mode
| |-- bl
| |-- ex
| |-- for
| |-- if
| |-- loa
| |-- sup
| |-- testc
| `-- {{
`-- python-mode
|-- auth-view
|-- bn
|-- model
|-- modelform
|-- render-to
|-- testc
`-- view
## Build Scripts
Building MELPA is all based around using the `Makefile` included in
the root repository directory. Described below are the actions that
accepted by the `Makefile`.
* `all` -- Builds all packages under the `recipes/` directory and compiles the `index.html` file for the [melpa] website.
* `recipes/<NAME>` -- Build individual recipe `<NAME>`. Built packages
are put in the `packages/` folder with version corresponding to the
newest HEAD revision available; given according to the `%Y%m%d`
* `json` -- build all JSON files.
* `archive.json` -- construct the `archive.json` file that will contain a JSON object of all compiled packages.
* `recipes.json` -- construct the `recipes.json` file containing a JSON object of all packages available for building.
* `clean` -- clean everything.
* `html` -- build `index.html`.
* `clean-working` -- remove all repositories that have been checked out to the `working/` directory.
* `clean-packages` -- remove all compiled packages from the `packages` directory.
* `clean-json` -- remove all JSON files.
Note that these scripts require an Emacs with `package.el` installed,
such as Emacs 24. If you have an older version of Emacs, you can get a
suitable `package.el` [here](http://bit.ly/pkg-el23).
[melpa]: http://melpa.milkbox.net
## API
All repository code is contained in the `package-build.el`.
### Functions
- `(package-build-all)` : build packages for all recipes in the
directory specified by `package-build-recipes-dir`.
- `(package-build-archive NAME)` : interactive elisp function to build
a single archive. NAME is a symbol for the package to be built.
Packages are staged in the directory specified by
`package-build-working-dir` and built packages are placed in the
directory specified by `package-build-archive-dir`. Packages are
versioned based on the most recent commit date to package files based
on commits to upstream package repository. For multi-file packages,
the file `<NAME>-pkg.el` is automatically generated and contains
*description*, *version*, and *requires* information determined by
searching `<NAME>-pkg.el`, `<NAME>.el`, and `<NAME>-pkg.el.in`, if
they exist in the repository.
### Variables
- `package-build-working-dir` : Staging area containing package
repositories and package directories being built.
- `package-build-archive-dir` : Location to store `archive-contents` and
any built packages.
- `package-build-recipes-dir` : Directory containing MELPA compatible
recipes. See [Package Format](#package-format) section for more details.
## Configuration
Packages end up in the `packages/` directory by default.
This can be configured using the `package-build-archive-dir` variable.
Repositories are checked out to the `working/` directory by default.
This can be configured using the `package-build-working-dir` variable.
## MELPA Package
The `melpa.el` package---available in MELPA--allows creating a
whitelist or blacklist of packages for a specific repository. This
allows for disabling all packages from a specific repository and only
enabling certain packages, or simply blacklist a certain subset of packages.
### Configuring
By default there are two variables that can be customized to specify
which packages will be enabled (whitelist packages only) or excluded
(blacklist of packages)
- `package-archive-enable-alist` : Optional Alist of enabled packages
used by `package-filter`. The format is (ARCHIVE . PACKAGE ...),
where ARCHIVE is a string matching an archive name in
`package-archives`, PACKAGE is a symbol of a package in ARCHIVE to
enable. If no ARCHIVE exists in the alist, all packages are
If no ARCHIVE exists in the alist, all packages are enabled.
<!-- extra padding??? -->
- `package-archive-exclude-alist` : Alist of packages excluded by
`package-filter`. The format is (ARCHIVE . PACKAGE ...), where
ARCHIVE is a string matching an archive name in
`package-archives`, PACKAGE is a symbol of a package in that
archive to exclude. Any specified package is excluded regardless
of the value of `package-archive-enable-alist`
If a particular ARCHIVE has an entry in
`package-archive-enable-alist` then only packages
### Manual Installation
You can install the package manually by pasting this into yoru `*scratch*` buffer and evaluating it.
(package-install-from-buffer (package-buffer-info) 'single))
## About
*MELPA* is *Milkypostman's ELPA* or *Milkypostman's Experimental Lisp
Package Archive* if you're not into the whole brevity thing.