2015-08-26 17:46:44 -04:00

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Seven Languages in Seven Weeks





Haskell   BMCOL

A committee of researchers and application programmers, including John Hughes, Simon Peyton Jones, and Philip Wadler.

Spock   BMCOL


Day 1

Day 1: Logical

Haskell is a functional programming language. Its first distinguishing characteristic is that it is a pure functional language. A function with the same arguments will always produce the same result.

  • Expressions
  • Types
  • Functions
  • Tuples and Lists
  • Function Composition
  • List Comprehensions

Expressions and Primitive Types


  4           -- 4
  4 + 1       -- 5
  4 + 1.0     -- 5.0
  4 + 2.0 * 5 -- 14.0


  "hello" ++ " world" -- "hello world"
  'a'                 -- 'a'
  ['a', 'b']          -- "ab"


  (4 + 5) == 9  -- True
  (5 + 5) /= 10 -- False
  if (5 == 5) then "true" else "false" -- "true"

Type Errors


if 1 then "true" else "false"
    No instance for (Num Bool) arising from the literal 1
    In the expression: 1
    In the expression: if 1 then "true" else "false"
    In an equation for it: it = if 1 then "true" else "false"


"one" + 1
    No instance for (Num [Char]) arising from a use of +
    In the expression: "one" + 1
    In an equation for it: it = "one" + 1



  let double x = x + x
  double 2
  :t double
double :: Num a => a -> a


  factorial :: Integer -> Integer
  factorial x
      | x > 1 = x * factorial (x - 1)
      | otherwise = 1



  module Main where
  fibTuple :: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> (Integer, Integer, Integer)
  fibTuple (x, y, 0) = (x, y, 0)
  fibTuple (x, y, index) = fibTuple (y, x + y, index - 1)

  fibResult :: (Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Integer
  fibResult (x, y, z) = x

  fib :: Integer -> Integer
  fib x = fibResult (fibTuple (0, 1, x))


  :l fib_tuple
  fib 100

Tuples and Composition

  module Main where

  fibNextPair :: (Integer, Integer) -> (Integer, Integer)
  fibNextPair (x, y) = (y, x + y)

  fibNthPair :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
  fibNthPair 1 = (1, 1)
  fibNthPair n = fibNextPair (fibNthPair (n - 1))

  fib :: Integer -> Integer
  fib = fst . fibNthPair

Traversing Lists

Pattern Matching

  let (h:t) = [1, 2, 3 4]
  -- h = 1
  -- t = [2,3,4]

Recursive Traversal

  size [] = 0
  size (h:t) = 1 + size t

  prod [] = 1
  prod (h:t) = h * prod t


  zip ["kirk", "spock"] ["enterprise", "reliant"]
  -- [("kirk","enterprise"),("spock","reliant")]

Generating Lists


  allEven :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
  allEven [] = []
  allEven (h:t) = if even h then h:allEven t else allEven t

Ranges and Composition

Ranges   BMCOL
  [1..4]       -- [1,2,3,4]
  [10..4]      -- []
  [10, 8 .. 4] -- [10,8,6,4]
Composition   BMCOL
  take 5 [1..]    -- [1,2,3,4,5]
  take 5 [0, 2..] -- [0,2,4,6,8]

List Comprehensions

  [x * 2 | x <- [1, 2, 3]] -- [2,4,6]
  [(4 - x, y) | (x, y) <- [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)]] -- [(3,2),(2,3),(1,1)]

  let crew = ["Kirk", "Spock", "McCoy"]
  [(a, b) | a <- crew, b <- crew, a < b]
  -- [("Kirk","Spock"),("Kirk","McCoy"),("McCoy","Spock")]

An Interview with Philip Wadler

The original goals were not modest: we wanted the language to be a foundation for research, suitable for teaching, and up to industrial uses.

Day 2

Day 2: Spock's Greatest Strength

Haskell's great strength is also that predictability and simplicity of logic. Many universities teach Haskell in the context of reasoning about programs. Haskell makes creating proofs for correctness far easier than imperative counterparts.

  • Higher Order Functions
  • Partial Application and Currying
  • Lazy Evaluation

Higher-Order Functions

Anonymous Functions

  (\x -> x ++ " captain.") "Logical, "
  -- "Logical, captain."

map and where

  squareAll list = map square list
    where square x = x * x

  squareAll [1, 2, 3] -- [1,4,9]
  map (+ 1) [1, 2, 3] -- [2,3,4]

filter, foldl, foldr

filter odd [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] -- [1,3,5]
foldl (\x carryOver -> carryOver + x) 0 [1 .. 10] -- 55
foldl (+) 0 [1 .. 3] -- 6

Partial Application and Currying

let prod x y = x * y
:t prod
prod :: Num a => a -> a -> a
let double = prod 2
let triple = prod 3

double 3 -- 6
triple 4 -- 12

So, the mystery is solved. When Haskell computes prod 2 4, it is really computing (prod 2) 4, like this:

  • First, apply prod 2. That returns the function (\y -> 2 * y).
  • Next, apply (\y -> 2 * y) 4, or 2 * 4, giving you 8.

Lazy Evaluation

let lazyFib x y = x:(lazyFib y (x + y))
let fib = lazyFib 1 1
let fibNth x = head (drop (x - 1) (take (x) fib))

take 5 (fib) -- [1,1,2,3,5]
take 5 (drop 20 (lazyFib 0 1)) -- [6765,10946,17711,28657,46368]

take 5 (map ((* 2) . (* 5)) fib) -- [10,10,20,30,50]

Composition   B_block

In Haskell, f . g x is shorthand for f(g x).

An Interview with Simon Peyton-Jones

Apart from purity, probably the most unusual and interesting feature of Haskell is its type system. Static types are by far the most widely used program verification technique available today: millions of programmers write types (which are just partial specifications) every day, and compilers check them every time they compile the program. Types are the UML of functional programming: a design language that forms an intimate and permanent part of the program.

Day 3

Day 3: The Mind Meld

  • Classes and Types
  • Monads

Basic Types

  'c'             :: Char
  "abc"           :: [Char]
  ['a', 'b', 'c'] :: [Char]
  True            :: Bool
  False           :: Bool

User-Defined Types

  data Suit = Spades | Hearts
            deriving Show
  data Rank = Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace
            deriving Show

  type Card = (Rank, Suit)
  type Hand = [Card]

  value :: Rank -> Integer
  value Ten   = 1
  value Jack  = 2
  value Queen = 3
  value King  = 4
  value Ace   = 5

  cardValue :: Card -> Integer
  cardValue (rank, suit) = value rank

Functions and Polymorphism

Generic Functions

backwards [] = []
backwards (h:t) = backwards t ++ [h]

Could be typed as

backwards :: Hand -> Hand


backwards :: [a] -> [a]

Polymorphic Data Types

data Triplet a = Trio a a a deriving (Show)

Could be used as:

Trio 'a' 'b' 'c' :: Triplet Char

Recursive Types

Defining a tree data type

  data Tree a = Children [Tree a]
              | Leaf a
              deriving (Show)

Constructing and deconstructing a tree of integers

  let tree = Children [Leaf 1, Children [Leaf 2, Leaf 3]] :: Tree Integer
  let (Children ch) = tree
  -- ch = [Leaf 1, Children [Leaf 2, Leaf 3]]
  let (fst:tail) = ch
  -- fst = Leaf 1

Calculating the depth of a tree

  depth (Leaf _) = 1
  depth (Children c) = 1 + maximum (map depth c)


  • It's not an object-oriented class, because there's no data involved.
  • A class defines which operations can work on which inputs.
  • A class provides some function signatures. A type is an instance of a class if it supports all those functions.
  class Eq a where
    (==), (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool

    -- Minimal complete definition:
    -- (==) or (/=)

    x /= y = not (x == y)
    x == y = not (x /= y)

Class Inheritance



The Problem: Drunken Pirate

  def treasure_map(v)
    v = stagger(v)
    v = stagger(v)
    v = crawl(v)

We have several functions that we call within treasure_map that sequentially transform our state, the distance traveled. The problem is that we have mutable state.

The Problem: Drunken Pirate

  module Main where

      stagger :: (Num t) => t -> t
      stagger d = d + 2
      crawl d = d + 1

      treasureMap d = 
          crawl (
          stagger (
          stagger d))

      letTreasureMap (v, d) = let d1 = stagger d
                                  d2 = stagger d1
                                  d3 = crawl d2
                              in d3

The inputs and outputs are the same, so it should be easier to compose these kinds of functions. We would like to translate stagger(crawl(x)) into stagger(x) · crawl(x), where · is function composition. That's a monad.

Components of a Monad

At its basic level, a monad has three basic things:

  • A type constructor that's based on some type of container. The container could be a simple variable, a list, or anything that can hold a value. We will use the container to hold a function. The container you choose will vary based on what you want your monad to do.
  • A function called return that wraps up a function and puts it in the container. The name will make sense later, when we move into do notation. Just remember that return wraps up a function into a monad.
  • A bind function called >>= that unwraps a function. We'll use bind to chain functions together.

Monadic Laws

All monads will need to satisfy three rules. I'll mention them briefly here. For some monad m, some function f, and some value x:

  • You should be able to use a type constructor to create a monad that will work with some type that can hold a value.
  • You should be able to unwrap and wrap values without loss of information. (monad >> return = monad=)
  • Nesting bind functions should be the same as calling them sequentially. ((m >> f) >>= g = m >>= (\x -> f x >>=

Building a Monad from Scratch

  module Main where
      data Position t = Position t deriving (Show)

      stagger (Position d) = Position (d + 2)
      crawl (Position d) = Position (d + 1)

      rtn x = x
      x >>== f = f x

      treasureMap pos = pos >>== 
                        stagger >>== 
                        stagger >>== 
                        crawl >>== 

Monads and do Notation

  module Main where
      tryIo = do  putStr "Enter your name: " ;
                  line <- getLine ;
                  let { backwards = reverse line } ;
                  return ("Hello. Your name backwards is " ++ backwards)

List Monad

instance Monad [] where
    m >>= f = concatMap f m
    return x = [x]
  let cartesian (xs,ys) = do x <- xs; y <- ys; return (x,y)
  cartesian ([1..2], [3..4])
  -- [(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)]

Password Cracker   B_example

  module Main where
      crack = do x <- ['a'..'c'] ; y <- ['a'..'c'] ; z <- ['a'..'c'] ; 
                 let { password = [x, y, z] } ;
                 if attempt password
                      then return (password, True)
                      else return (password, False)
      attempt pw = if pw == "cab" then True else False

Maybe Monad

In this section, we'll look at the Maybe monad. We'll use this one to handle a common programming problem: some functions might fail.

  data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

  instance Monad Maybe where
      return         = Just
      Nothing  >>= f = Nothing
      (Just x) >>= f = f x

Using the Maybe Monad

Without a monad

  case (html doc) of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just x -> case body x of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just y -> paragraph 2 y

With the Maybe monad

  Just someWebpage >>= html >>= body >>= paragraph >>= return

Railway-Oriented Programming   B_note

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up Haskell: Strengths

  • Type System
  • Expressiveness
  • Purity of Programming Model
  • Lazy Semantics
  • Academic Support

Wrapping Up Haskell: Weaknesses

  • Inflexibility of Programming Model
  • Community
  • Learning Curve

Final Thoughts

Of the functional languages in the book, Haskell was the most difficult to learn. The emphasis on monads and the type system made the learning curve steep. Once I mastered some of the key concepts, things got easier, and it became the most rewarding language I learned. Based on the type system and the elegance of the application of monads, one day well look back at this language as one of the most important in this book.

Haskell plays another role, too. The purity of the approach and the academic focus will both improve our understanding of programming. The best of the next generation of functional programmers in many places will cut their teeth on Haskell.