2016-01-08 23:40:55 -05:00

145 lines
3.2 KiB

[RFC-3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986) URI Library for Erlang.
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Example Usage
URI = urilib:parse_uri("http://foo:bar@www.google.com/search?baz=qux#corgie"),
io:format("Parsed URI: ~p~n", [URI]).
URL = urllib:build(#url{scheme=http, host="www.google.com", path="/search", query=[{"foo", "bar"}], fragment="baz"}),
io:format("Built URL: ~s~n", [URL]).
#### authority ####
#{host :: string(), port :: integer()}).
#### userinfo ####
#{username :: string(), password :: string()}).
#### uri ####
#{scheme :: atom(),
userinfo :: #userinfo{},
authority :: #authority{},
path :: string(),
query :: list(),
fragment :: string()}).
#### url ####
#{scheme :: atom(),
username :: string(),
password :: string(),
host :: string(),
port :: integer(),
path :: string(),
query :: list(),
fragment :: string()}).
<a name="build-1"></a>
### build/1 ###
build(Uri::Value) -> URI
<ul class="definitions"><li><code>Value = #uri{} | #url{}</code></li><li><code>URI = string()</code></li></ul>
Returns a URI from the record passed in.
<a name="decode-1"></a>
### decode/1 ###
decode(Value) -> DecodedValue
<ul class="definitions"><li><code>Value = string()</code></li><li><code>DecodeValue = string()</code></li></ul>
Decode a percent encoded string value.
<a name="decode_plus-1"></a>
### decode_plus/1 ###
decode_plus(Value) -> DecodedValue
<ul class="definitions"><li><code>Value = string()</code></li><li><code>DecodeValue = string()</code></li></ul>
Decode a percent encoded string value that uses pluses for spaces.
Note: The use of plus for space is defined in RFC-1630 but does not appear
in RFC-3986.
<a name="encode-1"></a>
### encode/1 ###
encode(Value) -> EncodedValue
<ul class="definitions"><li><code>Value = string()</code></li><li><code>EncodedValue = string()</code></li></ul>
Percent encode a string value.
<a name="encode_plus-1"></a>
### encode_plus/1 ###
encode_plus(Value) -> EncodedValue
<ul class="definitions"><li><code>Value = string()</code></li><li><code>EncodedValue = string()</code></li></ul>
Percent encode a string value similar to encode/1, but encodes spaces with a
plus (+) instead of %20. This function can be used for encoding query arguments.
Note: The use of plus for space is defined in RFC-1630 but does not appear
in RFC-3986.
<a name="parse_uri-1"></a>
### parse_uri/1 ###
parse_uri(URI) -> ParsedURI
<ul class="definitions"><li><code>URI = string()</code></li><li><code>ParsedURI = #uri{}</code></li></ul>
Parse a URI string returning the parsed data as a record
<a name="parse_url-1"></a>
### parse_url/1 ###
parse_url(URL) -> ParsedURL
<ul class="definitions"><li><code>URI = string()</code></li><li><code>ParsedURL = #url{}</code></li></ul>
Parse a URL string returning the parsed data as a record