Correl Roush
git-subtree-dir: elite_engineering/data/fdevids git-subtree-split: 9ca62008e93a98dd146bf37cb1e94f2f6c5d2fbf
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1 | id | symbol | category | name |
2 | 128049152 | Platinum | Metals | Platinum |
3 | 128049153 | Palladium | Metals | Palladium |
4 | 128049154 | Gold | Metals | Gold |
5 | 128049155 | Silver | Metals | Silver |
6 | 128049156 | Bertrandite | Minerals | Bertrandite |
7 | 128049157 | Indite | Minerals | Indite |
8 | 128049158 | Gallite | Minerals | Gallite |
9 | 128049159 | Coltan | Minerals | Coltan |
10 | 128049160 | Uraninite | Minerals | Uraninite |
11 | 128049161 | Lepidolite | Minerals | Lepidolite |
12 | 128049162 | Cobalt | Metals | Cobalt |
13 | 128049163 | Rutile | Minerals | Rutile |
14 | 128049165 | Bauxite | Minerals | Bauxite |
15 | 128049166 | Water | Chemicals | Water |
16 | 128049168 | Beryllium | Metals | Beryllium |
17 | 128049169 | Indium | Metals | Indium |
18 | 128049170 | Gallium | Metals | Gallium |
19 | 128049171 | Tantalum | Metals | Tantalum |
20 | 128049172 | Uranium | Metals | Uranium |
21 | 128049173 | Lithium | Metals | Lithium |
22 | 128049174 | Titanium | Metals | Titanium |
23 | 128049175 | Copper | Metals | Copper |
24 | 128049176 | Aluminium | Metals | Aluminium |
25 | 128049177 | Algae | Foods | Algae |
26 | 128049178 | FruitAndVegetables | Foods | Fruit and Vegetables |
27 | 128049180 | Grain | Foods | Grain |
28 | 128049182 | Animalmeat | Foods | Animal Meat |
29 | 128049183 | Fish | Foods | Fish |
30 | 128049184 | FoodCartridges | Foods | Food Cartridges |
31 | 128049185 | SyntheticMeat | Foods | Synthetic Meat |
32 | 128049188 | Tea | Foods | Tea |
33 | 128049189 | Coffee | Foods | Coffee |
34 | 128049190 | Leather | Textiles | Leather |
35 | 128049191 | NaturalFabrics | Textiles | Natural Fabrics |
36 | 128049193 | SyntheticFabrics | Textiles | Synthetic Fabrics |
37 | 128049197 | Polymers | Industrial Materials | Polymers |
38 | 128049199 | Semiconductors | Industrial Materials | Semiconductors |
39 | 128049200 | Superconductors | Industrial Materials | Superconductors |
40 | 128049202 | HydrogenFuel | Chemicals | Hydrogen Fuel |
41 | 128049203 | MineralOil | Chemicals | Mineral Oil |
42 | 128049204 | Explosives | Chemicals | Explosives |
43 | 128049205 | Pesticides | Chemicals | Pesticides |
44 | 128049208 | AgriculturalMedicines | Medicines | Agri-Medicines |
45 | 128049209 | PerformanceEnhancers | Medicines | Performance Enhancers |
46 | 128049210 | BasicMedicines | Medicines | Basic Medicines |
47 | 128049212 | BasicNarcotics | Legal Drugs | Narcotics |
48 | 128049213 | Tobacco | Legal Drugs | Tobacco |
49 | 128049214 | Beer | Legal Drugs | Beer |
50 | 128049215 | Wine | Legal Drugs | Wine |
51 | 128049216 | Liquor | Legal Drugs | Liquor |
52 | 128049217 | PowerGenerators | Machinery | Power Generators |
53 | 128049218 | WaterPurifiers | Machinery | Water Purifiers |
54 | 128049220 | HeliostaticFurnaces | Machinery | Microbial Furnaces |
55 | 128049221 | MineralExtractors | Machinery | Mineral Extractors |
56 | 128049222 | CropHarvesters | Machinery | Crop Harvesters |
57 | 128049223 | MarineSupplies | Machinery | Marine Equipment |
58 | 128049225 | ComputerComponents | Technology | Computer Components |
59 | 128049226 | HazardousEnvironmentSuits | Technology | H.E. Suits |
60 | 128049227 | Robotics | Technology | Robotics |
61 | 128049228 | AutoFabricators | Technology | Auto-Fabricators |
62 | 128049229 | AnimalMonitors | Technology | Animal Monitors |
63 | 128049230 | AquaponicSystems | Technology | Aquaponic Systems |
64 | 128049231 | AdvancedCatalysers | Technology | Advanced Catalysers |
65 | 128049232 | TerrainEnrichmentSystems | Technology | Land Enrichment Systems |
66 | 128049233 | PersonalWeapons | Weapons | Personal Weapons |
67 | 128049234 | BattleWeapons | Weapons | Battle Weapons |
68 | 128049235 | ReactiveArmour | Weapons | Reactive Armour |
69 | 128049236 | NonLethalWeapons | Weapons | Non-Lethal Weapons |
70 | 128049238 | DomesticAppliances | Consumer Items | Domestic Appliances |
71 | 128049240 | ConsumerTechnology | Consumer Items | Consumer Technology |
72 | 128049241 | Clothing | Consumer Items | Clothing |
73 | 128049243 | Slaves | Slavery | Slaves |
74 | 128049244 | Biowaste | Waste | Biowaste |
75 | 128049245 | ToxicWaste | Waste | Toxic Waste |
76 | 128049246 | ChemicalWaste | Waste | Chemical Waste |
77 | 128049248 | Scrap | Waste | Scrap |
78 | 128049669 | ProgenitorCells | Medicines | Progenitor Cells |
79 | 128049670 | CombatStabilisers | Medicines | Combat Stabilisers |
80 | 128049671 | ResonatingSeparators | Technology | Resonating Separators |
81 | 128049672 | BioReducingLichen | Technology | Bioreducing Lichen |
82 | 128064028 | AtmosphericExtractors | Machinery | Atmospheric Processors |
83 | 128066403 | Drones | NonMarketable | Limpets |
84 | 128666752 | USSCargoBlackBox | Salvage | Black Box |
85 | 128666754 | USSCargoTradeData | Salvage | Trade Data |
86 | 128666755 | USSCargoMilitaryPlans | Salvage | Military Plans |
87 | 128666756 | USSCargoAncientArtefact | Salvage | Ancient Artefact |
88 | 128666757 | USSCargoRareArtwork | Salvage | Rare Artwork |
89 | 128666758 | USSCargoExperimentalChemicals | Salvage | Experimental Chemicals |
90 | 128666759 | USSCargoRebelTransmissions | Salvage | Rebel Transmissions |
91 | 128666760 | USSCargoPrototypeTech | Salvage | Prototype Tech |
92 | 128666761 | USSCargoTechnicalBlueprints | Salvage | Technical Blueprints |
93 | 128667728 | ImperialSlaves | Slavery | Imperial Slaves |
94 | 128668547 | UnknownArtifact | Salvage | Thargoid Sensor |
95 | 128668548 | AiRelics | Salvage | AI Relics |
96 | 128668549 | Hafnium178 | Metals | Hafnium 178 |
97 | 128668550 | Painite | Minerals | Painite |
98 | 128668551 | Antiquities | Salvage | Antiquities |
99 | 128668552 | MilitaryIntelligence | Salvage | Military Intelligence |
100 | 128671118 | Osmium | Metals | Osmium |
101 | 128671443 | SAP8CoreContainer | Salvage | SAP 8 Core Container |
102 | 128671444 | TrinketsOfFortune | Consumer Items | Trinkets of Hidden Fortune |
103 | 128672123 | WreckageComponents | Salvage | Wreckage Components |
104 | 128672124 | EncriptedDataStorage | Salvage | Encrypted Data Storage |
105 | 128672125 | OccupiedCryoPod | Salvage | Occupied Escape Pod |
106 | 128672126 | PersonalEffects | Salvage | Personal Effects |
107 | 128672127 | ComercialSamples | Salvage | Commercial Samples |
108 | 128672128 | TacticalData | Salvage | Tactical Data |
109 | 128672129 | AssaultPlans | Salvage | Assault Plans |
110 | 128672130 | EncryptedCorrespondence | Salvage | Encrypted Correspondence |
111 | 128672131 | DiplomaticBag | Salvage | Diplomatic Bag |
112 | 128672132 | ScientificResearch | Salvage | Scientific Research |
113 | 128672133 | ScientificSamples | Salvage | Scientific Samples |
114 | 128672134 | PoliticalPrisoner | Salvage | Political Prisoners |
115 | 128672135 | Hostage | Salvage | Hostages |
116 | 128672136 | LargeExplorationDataCash | Salvage | Large Survey Data Cache |
117 | 128672137 | SmallExplorationDataCash | Salvage | Small Survey Data Cache |
118 | 128672159 | AntiqueJewellery | Salvage | Antique Jewellery |
119 | 128672160 | PreciousGems | Salvage | Precious Gems |
120 | 128672161 | EarthRelics | Salvage | Earth Relics |
121 | 128672162 | GeneBank | Salvage | Gene Bank |
122 | 128672163 | TimeCapsule | Salvage | Time Capsule |
123 | 128672294 | Cryolite | Minerals | Cryolite |
124 | 128672295 | Goslarite | Minerals | Goslarite |
125 | 128672296 | Moissanite | Minerals | Moissanite |
126 | 128672297 | Pyrophyllite | Minerals | Pyrophyllite |
127 | 128672298 | Lanthanum | Metals | Lanthanum |
128 | 128672299 | Thallium | Metals | Thallium |
129 | 128672300 | Bismuth | Metals | Bismuth |
130 | 128672301 | Thorium | Metals | Thorium |
131 | 128672302 | CeramicComposites | Industrial Materials | Ceramic Composites |
132 | 128672303 | SyntheticReagents | Chemicals | Synthetic Reagents |
133 | 128672304 | NerveAgents | Chemicals | Nerve Agents |
134 | 128672305 | SurfaceStabilisers | Chemicals | Surface Stabilisers |
135 | 128672306 | BootlegLiquor | Legal Drugs | Bootleg Liquor |
136 | 128672307 | GeologicalEquipment | Machinery | Geological Equipment |
137 | 128672308 | ThermalCoolingUnits | Machinery | Thermal Cooling Units |
138 | 128672309 | BuildingFabricators | Machinery | Building Fabricators |
139 | 128672310 | MuTomImager | Technology | Muon Imager |
140 | 128672311 | StructuralRegulators | Technology | Structural Regulators |
141 | 128672312 | Landmines | Weapons | Landmines |
142 | 128672313 | SkimerComponents | Machinery | Skimmer Components |
143 | 128672314 | EvacuationShelter | Consumer Items | Evacuation Shelter |
144 | 128672315 | GeologicalSamples | Salvage | Geological Samples |
145 | 128672701 | MetaAlloys | Industrial Materials | Meta-Alloys |
146 | 128672775 | Taaffeite | Minerals | Taaffeite |
147 | 128672776 | Jadeite | Minerals | Jadeite |
148 | 128672810 | UnstableDataCore | Salvage | Unstable Data Core |
149 | 128672811 | DamagedEscapePod | Salvage | Damaged Escape Pod |
150 | 128673845 | Praseodymium | Metals | Praseodymium |
151 | 128673846 | Bromellite | Minerals | Bromellite |
152 | 128673847 | Samarium | Metals | Samarium |
153 | 128673848 | LowTemperatureDiamond | Minerals | Low Temperature Diamonds |
154 | 128673850 | HydrogenPeroxide | Chemicals | Hydrogen Peroxide |
155 | 128673851 | LiquidOxygen | Chemicals | Liquid oxygen |
156 | 128673852 | MethanolMonohydrateCrystals | Minerals | Methanol Monohydrate Crystals |
157 | 128673853 | LithiumHydroxide | Minerals | Lithium Hydroxide |
158 | 128673854 | MethaneClathrate | Minerals | Methane Clathrate |
159 | 128673855 | InsulatingMembrane | Industrial Materials | Insulating Membrane |
160 | 128673856 | CMMComposite | Industrial Materials | CMM Composite |
161 | 128673857 | CoolingHoses | Industrial Materials | Micro-weave Cooling Hoses |
162 | 128673858 | NeofabricInsulation | Industrial Materials | Neofabric Insulation |
163 | 128673859 | ArticulationMotors | Machinery | Articulation Motors |
164 | 128673860 | HNShockMount | Machinery | HN Shock Mount |
165 | 128673861 | EmergencyPowerCells | Machinery | Emergency Power Cells |
166 | 128673862 | PowerConverter | Machinery | Power Converter |
167 | 128673863 | PowerGridAssembly | Machinery | Energy Grid Assembly |
168 | 128673864 | PowerTransferConduits | Machinery | Power Transfer Bus |
169 | 128673865 | RadiationBaffle | Machinery | Radiation Baffle |
170 | 128673866 | ExhaustManifold | Machinery | Exhaust Manifold |
171 | 128673867 | ReinforcedMountingPlate | Machinery | Reinforced Mounting Plate |
172 | 128673868 | HeatsinkInterlink | Machinery | Heatsink Interlink |
173 | 128673869 | MagneticEmitterCoil | Machinery | Magnetic Emitter Coil |
174 | 128673870 | ModularTerminals | Machinery | Modular Terminals |
175 | 128673871 | Nanobreakers | Technology | Nanobreakers |
176 | 128673872 | TelemetrySuite | Technology | Telemetry Suite |
177 | 128673873 | MicroControllers | Technology | Micro Controllers |
178 | 128673874 | IonDistributor | Machinery | Ion Distributor |
179 | 128673875 | DiagnosticSensor | Technology | Hardware Diagnostic Sensor |
180 | 128673876 | UnknownArtifact2 | Salvage | Thargoid Probe |
181 | 128682044 | ConductiveFabrics | Textiles | Conductive Fabrics |
182 | 128682045 | MilitaryGradeFabrics | Textiles | Military Grade Fabrics |
183 | 128682046 | AdvancedMedicines | Medicines | Advanced Medicines |
184 | 128682047 | MedicalDiagnosticEquipment | Technology | Medical Diagnostic Equipment |
185 | 128682048 | SurvivalEquipment | Consumer Items | Survival Equipment |
186 | 128682049 | DataCore | Salvage | Data Core |
187 | 128682051 | MysteriousIdol | Salvage | Mysterious Idol |
188 | 128682052 | ProhibitedResearchMaterials | Salvage | Prohibited Research Materials |
189 | 128682053 | AntimatterContainmentUnit | Salvage | Antimatter Containment Unit |
190 | 128682054 | SpacePioneerRelics | Salvage | Space Pioneer Relics |
191 | 128682055 | FossilRemnants | Salvage | Fossil Remnants |
192 | 128732183 | AncientRelic | Salvage | Guardian Relic |
193 | 128732184 | AncientOrb | Salvage | Guardian Orb |
194 | 128732185 | AncientCasket | Salvage | Guardian Casket |
195 | 128732186 | AncientTablet | Salvage | Guardian Tablet |
196 | 128732187 | AncientUrn | Salvage | Guardian Urn |
197 | 128732188 | AncientTotem | Salvage | Guardian Totem |
198 | 128737287 | UnknownResin | Salvage | Thargoid Resin |
199 | 128737288 | UnknownBiologicalMatter | Salvage | Thargoid Biological Matter |
200 | 128737289 | UnknownTechnologySamples | Salvage | Thargoid Technology Samples |
201 | 128740752 | UnknownArtifact3 | Salvage | Thargoid Link |
202 | 128793127 | ThargoidHeart | Salvage | Thargoid Heart |
203 | 128793128 | ThargoidTissueSampleType1 | Salvage | Thargoid Cyclops Tissue Sample |
204 | 128793129 | ThargoidTissueSampleType2 | Salvage | Thargoid Basilisk Tissue Sample |
205 | 128793130 | ThargoidTissueSampleType3 | Salvage | Thargoid Medusa Tissue Sample |
206 | 128824468 | ThargoidScoutTissueSample | Salvage | Thargoid Scout Tissue Sample |
207 | 128888499 | AncientKey | Salvage | Ancient Key |
208 | 128902652 | ThargoidTissueSampleType4 | Salvage | Thargoid Hydra Tissue Sample |
209 | 128922517 | M_TissueSample_Fluid | Salvage | Mollusc Fluid |
210 | 128922518 | M_TissueSample_Soft | Salvage | Mollusc Soft Tissue |
211 | 128922519 | M_TissueSample_Nerves | Salvage | Mollusc Brain Tissue |
212 | 128922520 | S_TissueSample_Cells | Salvage | Pod Core Tissue |
213 | 128922521 | S_TissueSample_Surface | Salvage | Pod Dead Tissue |
214 | 128922522 | S_TissueSample_Core | Salvage | Pod Surface Tissue |
215 | 128922523 | P_ParticulateSample | Salvage | Anomaly Particles |
216 | 128922781 | S9_TissueSample_Shell | Salvage | Pod Tissue |
217 | 128922782 | M3_TissueSample_Membrane | Salvage | Mollusc Membrane |
218 | 128922783 | M3_TissueSample_Mycelium | Salvage | Mollusc Mycelium |
219 | 128922784 | M3_TissueSample_Spores | Salvage | Mollusc Spores |
220 | 128922785 | S6_TissueSample_Mesoglea | Salvage | Pod Mesoglea |
221 | 128922786 | S6_TissueSample_Cells | Salvage | Pod Outer Tissue |
222 | 128922787 | S6_TissueSample_Coenosarc | Salvage | Pod Shell Tissue |
223 | 128924325 | Rhodplumsite | Minerals | Rhodplumsite |
224 | 128924326 | Serendibite | Minerals | Serendibite |
225 | 128924327 | Monazite | Minerals | Monazite |
226 | 128924328 | Musgravite | Minerals | Musgravite |
227 | 128924329 | Benitoite | Minerals | Benitoite |
228 | 128924330 | Grandidierite | Minerals | Grandidierite |
229 | 128924331 | Alexandrite | Minerals | Alexandrite |
230 | 128924332 | Opal | Minerals | Void Opal |
231 | 128924333 | RockforthFertiliser | Chemicals | Rockforth Fertiliser |
232 | 128924334 | AgronomicTreatment | Chemicals | Agronomic Treatment |
233 | 128961249 | Tritium | Chemicals | Tritium |
234 | 128983059 | OnionHeadC | Legal Drugs | Onionhead Gamma Strain |