the way stored ratings for cards has been reworked
1. each set has its own ratings file and it will be loaded dynamically
if the AI needs it
2. each ratings file for a set is normalized within itself, so the
rating systems don't need to be scaled to match eachother. essentially
cards are rated within the context of their set
3. changed the rarity rating booster to only apply to unrated cards
4. the file setsWithRatings.csv explains how to add additional ratings.
no code changes are required, but a recompilation will be required to
add the files to the jar.
these weren't being picked up as removal spells and now are:
* modal spells where one mode is a removal spell
* spells that do a dynamic amount of damage, such as fireball
* cards that reduce the toughness temporarily or permanently
* cards that keep a creature tapped down
* cards that exile a creature
* cards that damage creatures that are attacking or blocking
* enchantments that exile a creature when they etb
* fight cards, and one sided fight cards
the ai will now rate those types of cards higher as they are removal
two draft quality of life improvements for situations when real players
quit or go afk.
1. made the draftbot lean on rarity for card ratings. this helps make
the draftbots behave and not just pass bombs to the human players.
2. changed the draft autopick that happens when the timer runs out and
the player hasn't selected anything. I changed it to pick the last card
in the pack, which should be the rarest, so basically it raredrafts.
again making it so AFK players aren't just feeding real live human
players the best cards.
Check if there are actually different replacement effects and only ask then if there are. Having two Mana Reflections out makes the game unplayable atm.
This is just as the name implied, modern with no banned cards.
Why? Because I want to gear up for the SCG-CON's no banned list modern
Sure I could play in a freeform game, but modern can't compete with
vintage cards; so not really a good test case.