21 KiB
Seven Languages in Seven Weeks
- Created
- 1986
- Author
- Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding, and Mike Williams
A functional language built for concurrency and reliability.
Agent Smith BMCOL
Getting Erlang/OTP
- Lightweight processes
- No shared state
- Transparently distributed message passing
- Processes as actors
Reliability B_frame
- "Let it crash" approach to error handling
- Process monitoring and restarting
- Hot code loading
The whole notion of “nondefensive” programming and “Let It Crash,” which is the mantra of Erlang programming, is completely the opposite of conventional practice, but it leads to really short and beautiful programs.
– Dr. Joe Armstrong
Day 1
Day 1: Appearing Human
Agent Smith BMCOL
Functional Concepts BMCOL
Erlang is the first of our functional languages:
- Your programs are going to be built entirely out of functions, with no objects anywhere.
- Those functions will usually return the same values, given the same inputs.
- Those functions will not usually have side effects, meaning they will not modify program state.
- You will only be able to assign any variable once.
Comments and Expressions
% This is a comment
2 + 2. % 4
2 + 2.0. % 4
"string". % "string"
[1, 2, 3]. % [1,2,3]
[72, 97, 32, 72, 97, 32, 72, 97]. % "Ha Ha Ha"
So, a
is really aList
, and Agent Smith just laughed at your mamma.
variable = 4.
%% ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4
This error message is really a reference to Erlang's pattern matching.
It's breaking because variable
is an atom. Variables must start
with an uppercase letter.
Var = 1.
%% 1
Var = 2.
%% ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 2
As you can see, variables begin with a capital letter, and they are immutable. You can assign each value only once.
Atoms, Lists, and Tuples
Atoms B_example
%% red
Pill = blue.
%% blue
%% blue
Lists B_example
[1, 2, 3].
%% [1,2,3]
[1, 2, "three"].
%% [1,2,"three"]
List = [1, 2, 3].
%% [1,2,3]
Tuples B_example
{one, two, three}.
%% {one,two,three}
Origin = {0, 0}.
%% {0,0}
Tuples as hashes B_example
{name, "Calvin and Hobbes"},
{character, "Spaceman Spiff"}}.
Day 1 Interlude: Data Structures
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=red} \setbeamercolor{sidebar}{fg=darkred} \setbeamercolor{title in head/foot}{fg=red}
Data Structures
\fontspec{Antonio-Bold}\color{red} \fontsize{80}{80}\selectfont ADDENDUM
\huge \color{darkred} Data Structures
Records and Maps
- Records
- Provide structure and syntax around named tuples (tuples
where the first element is an atom describing the
contents of the tuple, e.g.
{alias, "Thomas A. Anderson", "Neo"}
). - Maps
- A new mapping type with its own syntax, added in Erlang/OTP 17.0. Allows keys of any type.
Record and Map Examples
Record B_example BMCOL
{name, character}).
Strip = #comic_strip{
name = "Calvin and Hobbes",
character = "Spaceman Spiff"}.
%% {comic_strip, "Calvin and Hobbes",
%% "Spaceman Spiff"}
%% "Calvin and Hobbes"
Map B_example BMCOL
Strip = #{name => "Calvin and Hobbes",
character => "Spaceman Spiff"}.
%% #{name => "Calvin and Hobbes",
%% character => "Spaceman Spiff"}.
maps:get(name, Strip).
%% "Calvin and Hobbes"
Property Lists and Dictionaries
- Property Lists
- Ordinary lists containing entries in the form of
either tuples, whose first elements are keys used
for lookup and insertion, or atoms, which work as
shorthand for tuples
{Atom, true}
. Property lists are useful for representing inherited properties, such as options passed to a function where a user may specify options overriding the default settings, object properties, annotations, etc. - Dictionaries
- Implements a
Key - Value
dictionary. The representation of a dictionary is not defined.
Proplist and Dict Examples
Proplist B_example BMCOL
Strip = [{name, "Calvin and Hobbes"},
{character, "Spaceman Spiff"}].
%% [{name, "Calvin and Hobbes"},
%% {character, "Spaceman Spiff"}]
proplists:get_value(name, Strip).
%% "Calvin and Hobbes"
Dict B_example BMCOL
Strip = dict:from_list(
[{name, "Calvin and Hobbes"},
{character, "Spaceman Spiff"}]).
%% ...
dict:fetch(name, Strip).
%% "Calvin and Hobbes"
Day 1: Continued
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=trek@lightorange} \setbeamercolor{sidebar}{fg=trek@darkorange} \setbeamercolor{title in head/foot}{fg=trek@lightorange}
Pattern Matching
Person = {person,
{name, "Agent Smith"},
{profession, "Killing Programs"}}.
{person, {name, Name}, {profession, Profession}} = Person.
%% "Agent Smith"
%% "Killing Programs"
Erlang will match up the data structures, assigning variables to the values in the tuples.
Pattern Matching (Lists)
[Head | Tail] = [1, 2, 3].
%% Head = 1
%% Tail = [2,3]
[One, Two|Rest] = [1, 2, 3].
%% One = 1
%% Two = 2
%% Rest = [3]
[X|Rest] = [].
%% ** exception error: no match of right hand side value []
Binary Pattern Matching
Packing B_example BMCOL
W = 1.
X = 2.
Y = 3.
Z = 4.
All = <<W:3, X: 3, Y:5, Z:5>>.
%% <<"(d">>
Unpacking B_example BMCOL
<<A:3, B:3, C:5, D:5>> = All.
%% A = 1
%% B = 2
%% C = 3
%% D = 4
Simple BMCOL
mirror(Anything) -> Anything.
number(one) -> 1;
number(two) -> 2;
number(three) -> 3.
Factorial BMCOL
another_factorial(0) ->
another_factorial(N) ->
N * another_factorial(N - 1).
another_fib(0) ->
another_fib(1) ->
another_fib(N) ->
another_fib(N - 1) + another_fib(N - 2).
Day 2
Day 2: Changing Forms
You’re going to learn to apply functions to lists that can quickly shape the list into exactly what you need. Do you want to turn a shopping list into a list of prices? What about turning a list of URLs into tuples containing content and URLs? These are the problems that functional languages simply devour.
Control Structures: Case
Animal = "dog".
case Animal of
"dog" -> underdog;
"cat" -> thundercat
%% underdog
case Animal of
"elephant" -> dumbo;
_ -> something_else
%% something_else
Control Structures: If
X = 0.
X > 0 -> positive;
X < 0 -> negative
%% ** exception error: no true branch found when evaluating an if expression
X > 0 -> positive;
X < 0 -> negative;
true -> zero
%% zero
Anonymous Functions
Negate = fun(I) -> -I end.
%% #Fun<erl_eval.6.13229925>
%% -1
%% 1
Lists and Higher-Order Functions
Numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4].
Print = fun(X) -> io:format("~p~n", [X]).
lists:foreach(Print, Numbers).
%% 1
%% 2
%% 3
%% 4
%% ok
lists:map(fun(X) -> X + 1 end, Numbers).
%% [2,3,4,5]
Small = fun(X) -> X < 3 end.
lists:filter(Small, Numbers).
%% [1,2]
lists:all(Small, [0, 1, 2]).
%% true
lists:all(Small, [0, 1, 2, 3]).
%% false
lists:any(Small, [0, 1, 2, 3]).
%% true
lists:any(Small, [3, 4, 5]).
%% false
lists:any(Small, []).
%% false
lists:all(Small, []).
%% true
lists:takewhile(Small, Numbers).
%% [1,2]
lists:dropwhile(Small, Numbers).
%% [3,4]
lists:takewhile(Small, [1, 2, 1, 4, 1]).
%% [1,2,1]
lists:dropwhile(Small, [1, 2, 1, 4, 1]).
%% [4,1]
%% [1,2,3,4]
Adder = fun(ListItem, SumSoFar) -> ListItem + SumSoFar end.
InitialSum = 0.
lists:foldl(Adder, InitialSum, Numbers).
%% 10
List Construction
double_all([]) -> [];
double_all([First|Rest]) -> [First + First|double_all(Rest)].
Examples B_ignoreheading
Erlang B_example BMCOL
[1 | [2, 3]].
%% [1,2,3]
[[2, 3] | 1].
%% [[2,3]|1]
[[] | [2, 3]].
%% [[],2,3]
[1 | []].
%% [1]
Box-and-pointer Diagrams B_example BMCOL
[1 | [2, 3]]
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
| |cAAA | | |cAAA | | |cBLK |
| 1 | +--> | 2 | +--> | 3 | |
| | | | | | | | |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
[[2, 3] | 1]
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
|cAAA |cAAA | | |cBLK |
| | +--> | 1 | |
| | | | | |
+--+--+-----+ +-----+-----+
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
| |cAAA | | |cBLK |
| 2 | +--> | 3 | |
| | | | | |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
[[] | [2, 3]]
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
|cBLK |cAAA | |cAAA |cBLK |
| | +--> | | |
| | | | | |
+-----+-----+ +--+--+-----+
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
| |cAAA | | |cBLK |
| 2 | +--> | 3 | |
| | | | | |
+-----+-----+ +-----+-----+
[1 | []]
| |cBLK |
| 1 | |
| | |
List Comprehensions
List comprehensions provide a succinct syntax combining mapping, filtering, and pattern matching.
- Take the form
[Expression || Clause1, Clause2, ..., ClauseN]
. - List comprehensions can have an arbitrary number of clauses.
The clauses can be generators or filters.
- A filter can be a boolean expression or a function returning a boolean.
- A generator, of the form
Match <- List
, matches a pattern on the left to the elements on the right.
List Comprehension Examples
Fibs = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5].
Double = fun(X) -> X * 2 end.
[Double(X) || X <- Fibs].
%% [2,2,4,6,10]
Cart = [{pencil, 4, 0.25}, {pen, 1, 1.20}, {paper, 2, 0.20}].
WithTax = [{Product, Quantity, Price, Price * Quantity * 0.08} ||
{Product, Quantity, Price} <- Cart].
%% [{pencil,4,0.25,0.08},{pen,1,1.2,0.096},{paper,2,0.2,0.032}]
Cat = [{Product, Price} || {Product, _, Price} <- Cart].
%% [{pencil,0.25},{pen,1.2},{paper,0.2}]
[X || X <- [1, 2, 3, 4], X < 4, X > 1].
%% [2,3]
[{X, Y} || X <- [1, 2, 3, 4], X < 3, Y <- [5, 6]].
%% [{1,5},{1,6},{2,5},{2,6}]
Day 3
Day 3: The Red Pill
I didn't say that it would be easy. I just said that it would be the truth. You have to let it all go. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind.
Basic Concurrency Primitives
- Spawning a process with
- Sending a message with
- Receiving a message with
Code B_example BMCOL
loop() ->
"casa" ->
"blanca" ->
_ ->
io:format("I don't understand.~n"),
Usage B_example BMCOL
Pid = spawn(fun translate:loop/0).
Pid ! "casa".
%% "house"
%% "casa"
Synchronous Messaging
-export([loop/0, translate/2]).
loop() ->
{From, "casa"} ->
From ! "house",
{From, "blanca"} ->
From ! "white",
{From, _} ->
From ! "I don't understand.",
translate(To, Word) ->
To ! {self(), Word},
Translation -> Translation
Usage B_example BMCOL
Translator = spawn(fun translate_service:loop/0).
%% <0.38.0>>
translate_service:translate(Translator, "blanca").
%% "white"
translate_service:translate(Translator, "casa").
%% "house"
Linking a Process for Reliability
Linking B_example BMCOL
skinparam sequenceArrowFontColor white
Console -> Roulette : spawn()
activate Roulette
Console -> Roulette : 1
Roulette -> Roulette : "click"
Console -> Roulette : 3
Roulette -> Roulette: "bang"
destroy Roulette
Coroner B_example BMCOL
skinparam sequenceArrowFontColor white
Console -> Roulette : spawn()
activate Roulette
Coroner -> Roulette : link()
Console -> Roulette : 1
Roulette -> Roulette : "click"
Console -> Roulette : 3
Roulette -> Roulette : "bang"
Roulette -> Coroner : {'EXIT', self(), Reason}
destroy Roulette
Doctor B_example BMCOL
skinparam sequenceArrowFontColor white
Console -> Doctor : spawn()
Console -> Doctor : new
Doctor -> Roulette : spawn_link()
Console -> Roulette : 1
Roulette -> Roulette : "click"
Console -> Roulette : 3
Roulette -> Roulette : "bang"
Roulette -> Doctor : {'EXIT', self(), Reason}
destroy Roulette
Doctor -> Doctor : new
Doctor -> Roulette : spawn_link()
Console -> Roulette : 2
Roulette -> Roulette : "click"
Day ∞
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=red} \setbeamercolor{sidebar}{fg=darkred} \setbeamercolor{title in head/foot}{fg=red}
Day ∞: OTP
\fontspec{Antonio-Bold}\color{red} \fontsize{120}{120}\selectfont OTP
\huge \color{darkred} The Open Telecom Platform
There's way too much information to decode in the Matrix. You get used to it, though. OTP does the translating. I don't even see the code. All I see is supervisor, gen_server, release…
Wrapping Up
\setbeamercolor{frametitle}{fg=trek@lightorange} \setbeamercolor{sidebar}{fg=trek@darkorange} \setbeamercolor{title in head/foot}{fg=trek@lightorange}
Wrapping up Erlang/OTP: Strengths
- Reliable
- Lightweight, share-nothing processes
- OTP, the enterprise libraries
- Let It Crash
Wrapping up Erlang/OTP: Weaknesses
- Niche
- Syntax
- Integration
Final Thoughts
Erlang does seem to be gathering momentum because it solves the right problems in the right way at the right time.